Chemistry - Periodic Table
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- What does periodic law state?
- It says that the chemical properties of the elements are dependent, in a systematic way, upon their atomic numbers
- How are elements arranged?
- They are arranged in periods (rows) and groups (columns)
- How many periods are there?
- There are seven periods
- What do they represent?
- They represent the principal quantum numbers n = 1 to n = 7
- What do groups represent?
- They represent elements that have the same electronic configuration in their valence, or outermost shell
- What do things in the same group share?
- They share similar chemical properties
- What are the electrons in the outermost shell called?
- They are called valence electrons
- What are the A elements called?
- They are called the representative elements
- What do the A elements have as their outermost orbitals?
- They have either s or p sublevels
- What are the B elements called?
- They are the nonrepresentative elements
- What partly filled sublevels do the transitions elements have?
- They have partly filled d sublevels
- What partly filled sublevels do the lanthanide and actinide series have?
- They have partially filled f sublevels
- What is the ionization potential?
- It is the energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion
- What does removing an electron from an atom always require?
- It always requires an input of energy
- How does ionization energy relate to the distance from an electron to its nucleus?
- The closer and more tightly bound an electron is to the nucleus, the more difficult it will be to remove
- What is the first ionization energy?
- It is the energy required to remove one valence electron from the parent atom
- What is the second ionization energy?
- It is the energy needed to remove a second valence electron from the univalent ion to form the divalent ion, and so on
- Which ionization energy is more, the first or second energy?
- The second ionization energy is always greater than the first
- What is electron affinity?
- It is the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a gaseous atom, and it represents the ease with which the atom can accept an electron
- How does attractive pull relate to electron affinity?
- The strong the attractive pull of the nucleus for electrons, the greater the electron affinity will be
- What electron affinities do the noble gases have?
- They have electron affinities on the order of zero, since they already possess a stable octet and cannot readily accept an electron
- What is electronegativity?
- It is the measure of the attraction an atom has for electrons in a chemical bond
- What characteristics do metals have?
- They are shiny solids except for mercury at room temperature, and they have high melting points and densities
- What is malleability?
- It is the ability of a metal to be hammered into shapes
- What is ductility?
- It is the ability of a metal to be drawn into wires
- What are some other characteristic properties?
- They have a large atomic radius, low ionization energy, and low electronegativity
- What are those factors due to?
- They are due to the fact that the few electrons in the valence shell of a metal atom can easily be removed
- What does this imply about their conductivity?
- Because the valence electrons can move freely, metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
- What are the most reactive metals?
- Group IA and IIA are the most reactive metals
- What are characteristics of nonmetals?
- They are generally brittle in the solid state and show little or no metallic luster
- What about their ionization energies?
- They have high ionization energies and electronegativities
- Do the conduct?
- They are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity
- Do nonmetals gain electrons easily?
- Most nonmetals share the ability to gain electrons easily
- What are alkali metals?
- They are the elements of Group IA
- What are their densities?
- Their densities are lower than those of other metals
- How are their atomic radii?
- They have smaller atomic radii than the alkali metal
- Do they readily lose or gain electrons?
- They readily lose their valence electron to form univalent cations
- What are alkaline earths?
- They are the elements of Group IIA
- Do they gain or lose electrons?
- They have two valence electrons that are not held very tightly to the nucleus, so they can be removed to form divalent cations
- What are halogens?
- They are Group VIIA. They are highly reactive nonmetals with seven valence electrons
- What are noble gases?
- They are also called inert gases, and they are found in Group VIII
- Are they reactive?
- They are fairly nonreactive because they have a complete valence shell
- Do they have high or low boiling points?
- They have low boiling points?
- Are the transition elements metals?
- They are all considered metals
- Do they have high or low melting and boiling points?
- They have high melting and boiling points