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Risk Factors Quiz

A quiz to correctly awnser the definitions of these risks.


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Incorrect Technique - Extrinsic
Performing a skill in a way that may cause injury that was taught to you by somebody else e.g coach, parent or peers.
Postural Defects - Intrinsic
A birth defect which cannot be changed and will effect their performance e.g one arm being longer than the other.
Other Player's - Extrinsic
A risk of injury from the opposition competing in the match e.g a two footed takle which could lead to serious leg injuries.
Overuse - Intrinsic
A risk of injury which is caused due to an athlete not taking sufficient time to rest after sport or activities e.g a footballer who trains every day and plays a game on the final day and not having a resting day before training and competing again.
Inadequate Warm Up - Intrinsic
A common cause of sports injuries from an athlete failing to correctly prepare both the mind and body e.g not stretching for correct period of time before the game.
Enviromental Conditions - Extrinsic
An extrinsic risk which could effect the safety of playing a game or competition e.g weather, playing surface or other people not involved in the game.
Age - Intrinsic
Can effect what types of injuries the athlete is likely to be prone to or to sustain and also how severe a certain type of injury could be depending on the person individually e.g older athletes may be more prone to injuries
Equipment, Clothing & Footwear - Extrinsic
A risk of injury by not correctly dressing for the game e.g wearing trainers insteas of football boots in a game situation.
Poor Technique - Intrinsic
Performing a skill or move in a way that you've learnt which is more likely to have you injure yourself or make you prone to injuries e.g a tennis player who performs a forehand shot poorly may casue themselves a shoulder injury.
Muscle Imbalance - Intrinsic
An athlete who is stronger or more efficiant on one side opposed to the other e.g left bicep being stronger and more defined then the right.
Poor Preparation - Intrinsic
Injury from an athlete not getting ready for the match in a correct manor e.g eating to uch or the wrong foods before a game.
Inappropriate Coaching - Extrinsic
Teaching athletes or allowing them to play in unaceptable conditions or manor which could cause them injury or leave them prone to injury e.g Allowing them to play on a hazardous surface which has ice or glass on it.

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