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OT Cognitive Perceptual & Psychosocial Approaches


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An assessment that can be administered to people 3 years of age or older regardless of diagnosis that examines functional competence with BADLS or IADLs and scores a person from 1 (deficit)-4 (competent)is known as what assessment?
AMPS (Assessment of Motor and Process Skills)
A test that is used for people with psychiatric disorders, brain injury, or dementia where a person has to perform 3 leather lacing stitches is known as what?
Allen Cognitive Level Test
This assessment is used for persons who have experienced a stroke, TBI, or tumor and measures basic cog. functions that are prerequisites for managing everyday task.
LOTCA--Lowenstein Occupational Therapyy COgnitive Assessment
What model focuses on adaptive approaches and strengthening residual abilities through routine tasks?
Cognitive Disabilities Model
Increasing teh environment stimuli, using gross motor activities, and increasing sensory stimuli would be appropriate interventions for what deficit?
Impaired altertness/arousal
Using general verabl cues, decreasing manipulation demands, providing hand over hand tactile-kinesthetic input, and using visual cues are appropriate interventions for what deficit?
Motor/Ideamotor apraxia
Providing step-by-step instructions, using hand over hand guiding techniques and providing opportunities for motor planning and motor execution are good interventions for what deficit?
Ideational apraxia
Should you bring perseveration to a person's conscious level?
If a person has aphasia you should DECREASE what?
External auditory stimuli
What FOR focuses on looking at the match between the environment and the individual's needs?
Life-Style Performance Model
Claudia Allen developed the ________ FOR that states cognitive performance is placed on a continuum divided into 6 levels.
Cognitive Disabilities
What Cog. Disabilities Level is characterized by automatic actions?
Level I
What Cog. Disabilities Level is characterized by postural actions where the persona may assist the caregiver with simple task?
Level II
What Cog. Disabilities level is characterized by repetitive training to do a certain task?
Level III-Manual Actions
What Cog. Disabilities level is characterized by goal directed actions where the individual relies heavily on VISUAL cues?
Level IV
What Cog. Disabilities level is characterized by overt trial and error problem solving?
Level V--Exploratory Actions
What Cog. Disabilities level is characterized by the ABSENCE of disability?
Level VI--Planned Actions
What does a schizophrenic posture look like?
"S" curvature of the spine, shuffling gait
The focus of this approach is the identification and resolution of unconscious conflict...
Pscyhodynamic/Psychoanalytic FOR
A person who feels stuck in an unhappy marriage and develops low back pain is an ex. of what type of defense mechanism?
An adult child has no memory of being mistreated by a beloved parent is an ex. or what type of defense mechanism?
Hugging someone you would like to hit is what type of defense mechanism?
Reaction formation
Cleaning your house while waiting for results of a medical test would be an ex. of what defense mechanism?
If a person is unable to imitate the running stitch, he is a level...
If a person is unable to imitate a running stitch, three stitches, he is a level...
IF a person is unable to imitate teh whip stitch, three stitches, he is a level..
If a person is unable to imitate the single cordovan stitch using overt (physical) trial-and-error methods, three stitches, he is a level...
If a person is unable to imitate the single cordovan stitch using covert (mental) trial and error methods, three stitches, he is a level..
The purpose of this group is to assist members to acquire and develop group interaction skills.
Developmental groups
Developmental groups offer 5 levels of interaction...what are they?
Parallel, Project, Egocentric Cooperative, Cooperative, Mature groups
What type of groups are good for people learning specific skills?
Thematic groups
What type of groups are good for people who need to discuss activities adn issues outside of the group that are current are anticipated?
Topical groups
What groups are used for people who want to meet health needs and maintain function?
Instrumental groups
This type of group is designed for low functioning pts. who need assistance in developing basic skills--these groups are HIGHLY structured.
Directive groups
What type of group rotates in a way that an individual can join the group at anytime and still cover each topic?
Modular group
When a person is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, what should a therapist do?
REDIRECT the thoughts to reality-based thinking and actions
Should you allow the person to move around as neede with akathisia?
Yes, if it can be done so without causing disruption
Should a person with akathisia do GM or FM activities?
Shock-anxiety-denial-depression-internalized anger-externalized anger-acknowledgement-adjustment: This is the order of the phases of what?
What are the stages of adjusting to death and dying?

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