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assessment 7


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obsessive-complsive disorder
disorder that is characterized as an anxiety disorder because of the anxiety symptoms that decelop when the patient tries to resist an obsession or compulsion- obsessions are defined as unwanted, intrusive, persistant, ideas, thoughts, impulses or images that cause marked anxiety or distress. Compulsions are unwanted, repetitive behaviors/ mental acts intended to reduce anxiety. clinical findings; obsessions- repeated thought about contamination, repated doubts, needs for particular order, sexual imagery/ compulsions- praying, counting, repeating words silently
chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments, the condition of experiencing abnormal anxiety over one's health, often including imaginary symptoms
is characterized by disturbance of consciousness& change in cognition that develop rapidly over a short period of time- caused by a disturbances in the cerebral functions resultiong from a variety of metabolic conditions. S?S are 1 week no more than 1 month clinical findings: attention defits, disorganized thinking, confusion, disorientation, restlessness, incoherence, anxiety, excitement, illusions.
is an anxiety disorder. there is social: have disabling fears of scutiny, embarrassment in social situations. specific: experience disabling, irational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger- animals, spiders ; Clinical : typical manifestations of phobias are, faintness, fatigue, palpations, sweat, nausea, tremors, and panic.
are persistant deviant beliefs or perceptions held by person despite evidence to the contrary. the delusion needs to persist for 1 month, Cinical findings: feel controled by external force, apathy , confusion. persection: being mistreated, harrassed ( paranoia)
alcohol withdraw syndrome
ethyl, ethanol, is CNS depression found if alcoholic drinks. ( BAL blood alcohol level) is used to measure the BAL in blood Clinical findings: early manifestations of alcohol withdraw includes: hand tremors, sweating, nauea, vomiting, anxiety, and agitation. begins 6- 24 hrs after person's last drin. 7% - hallucinations, 5-10% d4evelop seizures, delierum tremors= 5% increased b/p , respirations, profuse sweating, hallucinations/delusions.( can be reversible )
ia any one of the large groups of psychotic disorders, disturbances language/ communication, withdrawal, disorganization- fragmentation of thi=ought perception& emotion reaction Clinical findings: apathy/ confusion: delusions/ hallucinations Rambling/stylized speech patterens. withdrawn, regressive, and bizarre behavior, emotional liability
bipolar disorder
is a type of depression characterized by episodes of mania, depression, or mixed moods their moods switches dramatic/ rapid; most gradual, genes play a major role low levels of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, nonepinephrine also an increase in NA+ and Ca+ may be related to abnormalities on the cellular membrane function clinical finding: excessive emotional displays, excitement, euphria, hyperactivity, noisiness, impaired ability to concentrate, decress need for sleep, limitless energy/ depression- apathy, feeling of profound sadness, loneliness, guilt, low self esteem
aquired progressive intrllectual impiarment, compromises memory, language, visual-space skills, emotions, personality cognition primary= alzheimers ( no other organic cause) secondary+ can be related to AIDS or cerebral trama- it is usually not reversable clinical findings: initial findings not apparent, as it progresses they loss things, forgetfulness, short term memory loss: during firther progression disorientation+ psychomotor symptoms, wandering, obsessive compulsiveness, agitation/ aggression
a feeling of uneasiness or discomfort experieced in varying degrees, from mild anxiety to panic.Clinical findings: they have a broad perceptual field due to the anxiety hightening awareness to sensory stimuli, to avoid some behavior patterns: their perception memory,attention and concentration levels are off. symptoms: muscle tention, tachycardia, dyspnea, hypertention, increased respiration, and profuse perspiration.

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