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Abraham Maslow-chapter15


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approach to psych that emphasizes the experiencing person, creativity, the study of socially and personally significant problems, and the dignity and enhancement of people
Humanistic psychology
strategy of studying an object of interest as a totality rather than attempting to reduce it to its component parts
Holistic-analytic approach to science *Maslow believed in this approach
any process that distorts human nature and depicts it as less marvelous and dignified than it is
humanistic psychology, which was viewed by Maslow and others as an alternative to psychoanalysis and behaviorism
Third-force psychology
arrangement of the needs from lowest to highest in terms of their potency
Hierarchy of human needs
most basic cluster of needs in the hierarchy, includes: the needs for water, food, oxygen, sleep, elimination and sex
Physiological needs (first cluster of hierarchy, at bottom)
the needs for structure, order, security, and predictability. Goal is to reduce uncertainty in his/ her life.
Safety needs *2nd cluster up from the bottom in the hierarchy *usually seen in children b/c they typically show great fear when faced w/ unpredicatable events
the needs for friends and companions, a supportive family, identification w/ a group and an intimate relationship (3rd cluster)
Belongingness and Love needs
group of needs that requires both recognition from other people that results in feelings of prestige, acceptance, status, and self-esteem that results in feelings of adequacy, competence, and confidence
Esteem needs (4th cluster) *lack of satisfaction of these needs results in discouragement and feelings of inferiority
highest level in the hierarchy of needs, can only be reached if the preceding need levels have been adequately satsfied .
Self-Actualization *The self-actualizing individual operates at full capacity and is B-motivated rather than D-motivated
innate curiousity that Maslow believed was functionally related to the ability to satisfy all human needs
Desire to know and understand
need for order, symmetry, closure, structure, and completion. Believed by Maslow to be instinctoid and are fully expressed in self-actualizing individuals
Aesthetic needs
The self-actualizing person\'s life is governed by these
Being values/ B-values (also called metamotives)
affects personal inner growth. Examples are beauty, truth, and justice
being motivation (also called growth motivation)
The non-actualizing person\'s life is governed by these and are influenced by the absence of such things as food, love, or esteem.
Deficiency motives (D-motives)
perception motivated by a search for objects or events that will satisfy a basic need; hungry person ---> food
need-directed perception (also called D-perception/ cognition)
thinking or perceiving that is governed by B-values rather than by D-motives. Such cognition is richer and fuller than D-cognition
Being cognition
results when there is a failure to satisfy a metaneed (B-value)
moments of intense B-cognition cause feelings of ecstast or rapture. (mystic, oceanic feelings)
peak experiences
1) Perceive relaity accurately and fully 2)display greater accepatance of themselves, others, and of nature 3)exhibit spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness 4)tend to be concerned w/ problems rather than themselves 5)quality of detachment and a nee
The 15 characteristics of Self-Actualizing people
1) its at the top of the hierarchy and is the weakest of the needs, therefore it is easily impeded 2)people fear the kind of knowledge about themselves that self-actualization requires(Jonah Complex- fear of one\'s own greatness, evasion of one\'s destin
Why Self-Actualization is Not Universal
Maslow\'s name for the Utopia that he believed a community of healthy adults could create (complete synergy)
Eupsychia Eu=good psych=mind ia=country
complete cooperation or working together
synergy syn=together ergy=working
industrial or societal management that attempts to consider the basic human needs as Maslow viewed them
Eupsychian management
retreat to escape anxiety (India)
the spiritual teacher of an ashram
western version of an Indian ashram
growth center
psychology that examines the human relationship to the cosmos or to something \"bigger than we are\" and the mystical, spiritual, or peak experiences that the realization of such a relationship produces
Transpersonal psychology (4th force psychology)

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