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Psychiatric Nursing - Townsend Notes


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What are the 2 major responses to stress?
Anxiety & Grief
What are the 6 need in Maslow's hierarchy?
Body, Security, Social, Ego, Self Actualization, Spiritual
What are Jahoda's 6 indicators of mental health?
1.Positive attitude toward self
2.Growth, development and the ability of achieve self actualization
5.Perception of reality
6.Environmental mastery
What is “Successful adaptation to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are age-appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms.”
Definition of Mental Health
What are Peplau’s four levels of anxiety?
In which level of anxiety is a person most likely to be aware of distress and need for help?
Covering up real or perceived weakness by emphasizing a trait one considers more desirable.
Refusing to acknowledge the existence of a real situation or the feelings associated with it.
The transfer of feelings from one target to another that is considered less threatening or that is neutral
An attempt to increase self-worth by acquiring certain attributes and characteristics of an individual one admires.
An attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation by using the intellectual processes of logic, reasoning, and analysis
Integrating the beliefs and values of another individual into one’s own ego structure
Separating a thought or memory from the feeling, tone or emotion associated with it.
Attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to one’s self to another person.
Attempting to make excuses or formulate logical reasons to justify unacceptable feelings or behaviors
Reaction formation
Preventing unacceptable or undesirable thoughts or behaviors from being expressed by exaggerating opposite thoughts or types of behaviors.
Retreating in response to stress to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of functioning.
Involuntarily blocking unpleasant feelings and experiences from one’s awareness
Rechanneling of drives or impulses that are personally or socially unacceptable into activities that are constructive.
The voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experienced from one’s awareness.
Symbolically negating or canceling out an experience that one finds intolerable.
What characteristics are seen in Anxiety Disorders?
Characterized by symptoms of anxiety and avoidance behavior – phobias, OCD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD
What characteristics are seen in Somatoform Disorders?
Characterized by physical symptoms – hypochondriasis, conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorder
What characteristics are seen in Dissociative disorders?
Disruption of integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception of environment – dissociative amnesia, dissociative fuge, dissociative identity disorder, depersonalization disorder.
What are the 5 stages of grief?
Define the DSM-IV Axis 1 - 4
- Axis I – Clinical Disorders and other conditions – all mental disorders except Personality Disorder & Mental Retardation
- Axis II - Personality Disorder & Mental Retardation
- Axis III – General medical conditions – all that are potentially relevant to mental disorder
- Axis IV – Psychosocial & Environmental problems – may affect Axis I & II – Support, education, economic status, etc
- Axis IV – Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) – Single measurement of individual’s psychological, social & occupational functioning
Define Personality
Enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about environment & oneself
Influences manner of reacting to environment
Investment of energy to external object (such as alcohol) for gratification
What are Freud's 5 periods of Psychosexual Development?
1. Oral (Birth to 1 year) – Pleasure comes orally
2. Anal (1 to 3 years) – Body function control
3. Phallic (3 to 6 years) – Working out relationship with parents
4. Latency (6 to 12 years) – Sexual energy is at rest
5. Genital (12 to Adulthood) – Sexuality is achieved. Relationships with others.
What are Sullivans 6 stages of Personality Development?
Infancy (0-18mos) – developmental task is gratification of needs
Childhood (18mos – 6yrs) – learns about delayed gratification
Juvenile (6-9yrs) – satisfactory relations with peers
Pre-adolescence (9-12yrs) – Relationships with same sex
Early Adolescence (12-14yrs) – Opposite sex
Late Adolescence (14-21yrs) – Interdependence with society & lasting relationships
List the 8 stages of Erikson's psychosocial development theory
1.Trust vs. mistrust (0-1 yrs)
2.Autonomy vs. shame/doubt (1-3 yrs)
3.Initiative vs. guilt (3-5 yrs)
4.Industry vs. inferiority (5-12 yrs)
5.Identity vs. identity confusion (adolescence)
6.Intimacy vs. isolation (young adulthood)
7.Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood)
8.Integrity vs. despair (late adulthood)
What are the 6 stages of Kohlberg's Moral Development theory?
Level I: Preconventional/Premoral
Stage 1: Obedience and punishment orientation
Stage 2: Naively egoistic orientation
Level II: Conventional/Role Conformity
Stage 3: Good-boy/good-girl orientation
Stage 4: Authority and social-order-maintaining orientation
Level III: Postconventional/Self-Stage 5: Contractual/legalistic orientation
Stage 6: The morality of individual principles of conscience
According to Peplau, what are the phases of the nurse-client relationship?
According to Peplau,what are the personality development stages that the nurse can help patients complete?
1. Learning to count on others
2. Learning to delay satisfaction
3. Identifying oneself
4. Developing skills in participation (problem solving)

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