HDF 200
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- Child development
- scientific study of processess of change and stability from conception through adolescence.
- Baby Biography
- kept by parents. Similar to scrapbooking.
- Development Aspects
- Charels Darwin said ppl were better understood if their background was known
- John Locke (1632-1704)
- Viewed infant as a blank slate on whom parents and teachers can write to create the kind of person they want.
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- noble savages. people are born good and become warped only by repressive envirnments
- Charles Darwin
- Theory of evolution. natural selection. horses->girafes.
- Alfred Binet
- developed the first individual intelligence test. standardized testing
- John Dewey
- Educator. viewed developmental psychology as a tool for fostering socially desirable values. study of children in their social setting.
- Maria Montessori
- childhood education based on self-chosen activities. simple to complex tasks. no social interaction
- Prenatal development
- conception-40 wks
- Infancy
- 1 yrs-3 yrs
- Early childhood
- 3 yrs- 6yrs
- Middle childhood
- 6 yrs- puberty
- General influences on development
1. indivdual differences
2. Heredity
3. Environment
4. Maturation - Major contextual influences on development
1. nuclear family
2. extended family
3. socioeconomic status
4. Risk factors.
5. culture and ethnicity. - nonnormative influence
- go through a usual influence at a wrong time.
- cohort
- a group of people with a shared experience
- critical period and sensitive period
- time of dev. where something should happen for development to move on.
- plasticity
- molding brain through experiences. children have more of this than adults.
- theory
- things we know to be true that can help predict
- hypothesis
- educated guess. possible explanation that must be tested.
- Locke regarding development
- continuous, mechanistic, ramp. earlier behavior predicts later behavior. crawl, walk, crawl a little
- Rousseau regarding development
- stages, organismic, stairs. finish a certain peice of dev. you get to the next stair when prev. stair is done and never go back.
- psychoanalytic
- behavior is based on subconscious.
- Freud- stages of dev.
- oral, anal, phallic, latency
- Freud's parts of personality
- id, ego, superego
- id
- infantile part of personality. pleasure seeking. must have needs met instantly
- ego
- helps id to be patient. not the only one in the world
- superego
- mediator between id and ego
- Four stages of Erikson important to this class
- trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority
- trust vs. mistrust
- (0-1 1/2 yrs)dependence on caretaker for consistent care and affection. The virtue of hope leading to trust in the world.
- autonomy vs. shame
- (18mnts- 3 yrs) Child develops a balance of independence over self-doubt and shame. Need to adjust to the demands of toilet trainging and other societal demands while retaining a sense of autonomy. Danger of long lasting sense of shame or doubt. Virtue of will.
- initiative vs. guilt
- developing a sense of right and wrong which controls behaviors but without going tooo far and becoming guilt-ridden by failures. Virtue of purpose
- industry vs. inferiority
- developing a sense of work ethic. virtue of skill.
- Behaviorism
- your dev. is shaped from cognitive abilities. Change comes from how you learn about your envirnoment. behavior is shaped by envirnment
- classical conditioning-watson
- albert-mouse, shocked kid when touched mouse
- possitive reinforcement
- give something to reinforce behavior
- negative reinforcement
- take soemthing away to reinforce behavior
- punishment
- stop or change a behavior
- Social learning
- Bandura. learning based on people around you. immitation
- social cognitive learning
- a way you act on environment to learn from. a child jumps on the couch to see how adult will react.
- observational learning
- stay or leave. learn from observing
- assimilation
- how a child incoorporates new information. see cat say dog
- accomodation
- faced with something that doesnt fit- what do they change to understand. change some idea to understand cat.
- information processing
- what goes on in brain. structures of brain. how accomodate new info.
- cognitive neuroscience
- new technology used to understand brain activity. which part of hte brain is used at certain times.
- Ethological
- Bolby. approach to learning combining biology and evolution. survival of the fitest.
- contextual idea
- how society/environment helps shape learning.
- Bioecological approah
- bronfenbrenner. we are not in our own world in learning. we are in the middle surrounded by many systems.
- sociocultural learning
- vigotsky. zone of proximal development.
- zone of proximal development
- learning zone. needs help from others to be brought there. not too hard...not too easy.
- scaffolding
- children don't learn by themselves. they need parents, teachers, siblings, to help with learning
- scientific method
- identify problem, hypothesis, collect dat, analyze data, publish findings
- data collection: self reports
- journals, interviews, questionnaires
- behavioral and performance measures
- valid, reliable, standardized
- types of observations
- naturalistic(playground) laboratory
- Longitudinal Research design
- one child or group. long term situation. very expensive. need guarantee the family will cooporate for a number of years.
- cross-sectional study
- pices of groups. 2 kids from grade 2 and 2 kids from grade 5. much quicker than longitudinal. con- 2 kids cannot accuratly portray entired 2 and5 grade population.
- sequential research design
- combine both. 2 from each but follow for years and see how they change. depends on who will still with the research for that long
- ethics
- don't use real names. respece. informed consent.
- zygote
- most women don't know they're pregnant at this stage.
- dizygotic twin
- two eggs
- monozygotic twin
- one egg. identical. same genetic makeup.
- temperament.
- way we present ourselves. shy, enthusiastic. mono twins have diff temp.
- infertility
- must have tried for 12-18 months.
- reasons for infertility
- male may have low sperm count. female may have blocked phalopean tubes.
- phenotype
- what you look like physcially.
- genotype
- cannot see. why you look the way you look.
- is brown hair dominant or recessive
- dominant
- cephalocaudal principle
- we grow head to tail. heard first which is why it is so big when first born.
- proximodistal principle
- growth starts in middle and goes out.
- stages of development
- germinal, zygote, embryonic, fetal
- germinal stage
- begins at fertilization and lasts two weeks
- embryonic stage
- 2-8 wks. an embrio is growing inside. spontaneous abortion(miscarage) many women still don't know they're pregnant.
- fetal stage
- 8 wks-birth. much growth. organs forming. fetal activity. sensory development memory.
- sensory devlopment memory
- baby respons to mothers voice respond to women
- sensory development memory
- baby responds to mothers voice. respond to women rather than men. respond to native language more than othres.
- Teratogenic Influences-list 4
- drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine
- nicotine
- 115,000 deaths per yr. more chance to be born with low birth weight. child born prematurely. greater risk for cancer.
- caffeine
- no definate research
- maternal nutrition
- eating healthy. fetus will always take what it needs. eating nutritious and with more calories is best for mom and baby.
- 3 types of prenatal assessment
- ultrasound, amnicentesis, cvs
- ultrasound
- common for most women. used to measure growth, age, how many, structural abnomalities, gender.
- amnicentesis
- sample of amniofluid taken. only recommended to women over 35. occurs at 15-18 wks of pregnancy. tests for abnomalities.
- test for abnormalities. 8-13 wks. option for more women than the amniocentesis.
- paternal risks
- if he's been exposed to led, smoked marajuana, tobaco, radiation. effects sperm. can cause abnormalities.
- outside environmental hazards
- chemicals, radiation
- parturition
- woman's body getting ready to have baby. 2 wks before birth. estrogen will rise. uterus contracts. cervix gets bendy.
- 4 stages of child birth
- dialation of cervix. descent and emergence of baby. expultion of umbilical cord and placental. contraction of the uterus, recovery of the mother.
- what happens during dialtion of cervix
- painful contractions, cervix is widening.
- electronic fetal monitor checks for...
- fetal heartbeat
- 3 methods of delivery
- cesarean, natural, prepared
- cesarean
- taken from abdomen. horizontal cut. emergency or often won't do vaginal birth after cesarean has ever been done.
- prepared birth
- more social support. coach for breathing. someone to take your mind off the pain.
- what percentage of women choose hospital settings
- 99%
- nurse midwifes
- R.N. aprentus ships. attend childbirth. at home or hopsital along with doctor. if the woman is at low risk might choose midwife.
- medicated and unmedicated delivery
- rarely unconcious. epidural in spine cuts of feeling waste down. meds cross into bloodstream. mom and baby may seem wide awake or grogy.
- Neonatal period
- first month of life
- size and appearance
- 20inches. 7.5 pounds. boys longer and heavier. first borns way the least.
- what will happen to neonate in for 2-3 days
- will loose 10% weight...water weight
- what percentage of the body is the head
- 25%
- fontonels
- soft spong. skull is sparate pieces so they can shift to fit through vaginal canal. fuse after 6 mnths.
- lanugo
- fur/hair that covers body. coating of hair. lost in first few days
- vernix caseosa
- oily substance covering body. protects against infections
- anoxia
- loss of oxygen
- meconium
- fetal waste. green black tar
- neonatal jaundice
- problem with liver. happens to 50% of babies. soved by putting baby under flourecent light.
- brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment
- takes 30 min. tests that a child is behaving ok. tests reflexes. not done to all children.
- birth trauma
- injuries sustained during birht. due to oxygen...physical injury...would find during assessment
- complications of birth list 5
- low weight, preterm baby, small, postmature infant, protective factors,
- low weight
- less than 5.5 lbs. premature. low weight for age.
- preterm baby
- born before 37th wk of gestation
- small for gestational age infants
- less than 90% weight of other babies that were born at same age.
- postmature infants
- 42 wks and older. often thin babies. don't get adiquate blood supply.
- imprinting
- forms bond with first thing it sees-animal instinct
- what happens to marriage when baby is born
- marrital satisfaction declines. all love going to baby.