edpy442 ch12
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- 6. emergence of group counseling
- group settings showed the powerful of groups on individuals
leveling - teching members to own persoan feelings and express them clearly
- linear causality
- one action is seen as the cause of another
when working with families uses absurdity: - a stmt that is half true and even silly if followed out to its conclusion
- 8. multicultural changes
-importance of cultural background in treating families
-inherited culture-ex.ethnicity, nationality
-acquired culture-learned habits - 5. growth of child guidence movt
- child guidance clinics concentrate on the treamtment & prevention of emotional disorders in children through an interdisciplinary approach
5 main approaches to marriage & couple counseling
1.psychoanalytic -
-based on theory of object relations-addresses how relationships are developed across the generations
-objects are the significant others in one's environment
-counselor uses transference
-catharsis-(expression of pent up emotion) is a must
-goal-gain new insights into their lives and change their behaviors - strategic(brief) family counseling
-strive to resolve presenting problems and pay little attention to instilling insight
-major aspect-homework tasks -
structural family counseling
2 techniques:
1.family interaction
2.reframing-helping the family see its problem from a different and more positive perspective -
strategic family counseling
prescribe the problem: - place target behaviors(family fights) under the control of the counselor by making a behavior voluntary if family members comply & eliminating a behavior if family members resist the counselor's instructions
- interlocking pathologies
- unconscious and dysfunctional way of acting
- cutoff
- physical or psychological avoidance
- 2. social cognitive theory
-stresses learning through modeling and imitation
-also called social learning
-focus-skill building in present - b)pseudomutuality
- a facade of family harmony that covers underlying tension between family members
- 3. schizophrenia & families
- studies conducted in the area of family dynamics & the otiology of schizophrenia
concepts to emerge were
a)double blind - a person receives 2 contradictory messages at the same time and is unable to follow both
- 4.emergence of marriage counseling
- focus on the marriage relationship rather that just the individuals involved
- c)marital schism
- overt marital conflict
- 3. Bowen Family Systems Theory
- -focus-differentiation-distinguishing one's thoughts from one's emotions and oneself from others
- fusion
- undifferentiated emotional togetherness
- d)marital skewness
- pathological marriage in which one partner dominated the other
- narrative reasoning
- characterized by stories, meaningfulness and liveliness
- 2.paradoxing
- insisting on just the opposite of what one wants
- 4. Structural Strategic Theory
-belief that when dysfunctional symptoms occur in a marriage, they are an attempt to help couples adapt
-goal-get couples to try new behaviors because their old behaviors aren't working -
Structural strategic theory uses:
1.relabeling - giving a new perspective to a behavior
- 5. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
- -based on: couples often become disturbed because of what they think rather than because of specific actions that occur in the relationship
- Aspect of REBT
-irrational thinking-what leads to neurosis and relationship disturbance
- 3.prescribing the symptom
- having the couple display voluntarily what they had previously manifested involuntarily, such as fighting
- triangulate
- focus on third party
- 7.postwar changes
- increase in divorce, women's employment outside the home & expansion of the life span...those affected by these changes brought researchers, & theorists together
all families deal with:
1.family cohesion
- emotional bonding
- experiential family counseling
-concern for individual & family
-belief that dysfunctional families are made up of people who are incapable of autonomy or real intimacy -
structural family counseling
structure - the informal way in which a family organizes itself and interacts
- family life cycle
- stages a family goes through as it evolves over the years
solution focused family counseling (milton erickson)
utilization principle - whatever the client present sin counseling is a basis and means for client solutions and change
2 ways to describe family dysfunstionality are:
- family environments in which members are overly dependent on each other or are undifferentiated
- 4. family rules
-redundency principle-small set of predictable rules that most families operate on
-counselors help them define or expand the rules under which they operate -
behavioral family counseling
work is concentrated in 3 main areas: -
1.behavioral parent training
2.behavioral marriage counseling
3.treamtment of sexual dysfunctions -
Satir-nonproductive roles
(experiential) -
1.placater:agrees & tries to please
2.blamer:dominates and finds fault
3.responsible analyzer:remains emotionally detached & intellectual
4.distractor:interrupts and constantly chatters about irrelevent topics - 2.family adaptability
- ability to be flexible and change
- 5. Morphogenesis
-ability of a family to modify its functioning to meet challenging demands of internal and external factors
a)second order change-ability to make an entirely new response
b)first order change-continuing to do more of the same things that have worked previously - psychodynamic family counseling
-individual rather than social systems such as families
-goal-change the personality of family members so they can work with one another in a healthy and productive way - focus of REBT
- help individuals first and marriages second
- Family Counseling-usually there is a identified patient:
- an individual who is seen as the cause of trouble within the family structure
- structural family counseling
-counselor joins in the family in a position of leadership
-aim to get the family to change the way it operates - 2. equifinality
-same origin may lead to different outcomes, same outcomes may result from different origin.
-treamtment focus-interactional family patterns rather than particular events - scapegoating
- one person is singled out as the cause of the family's problems
solution focused therapy
miracle question - let's suppose that tonight when you were sleeping a miracle happened that solved all the problems that brought you here. How would you know it? What would be different?
family counseling emphasizes the following 6 concepts:
1.nonsummativity - The family is greater than the sum of its parts
- behavioral family counseling
-stress the importance of learning
-importance of family rules & skill training
-behaviors determined by consequences rather than antecendants -
solution focused therapy
-belief small change will lead to big change
-enpowers client families
-flexible and good research to proove effectiveness - Narrative family counseling
-newest approach to family counseling
-based on narrative reasoning
-families encouraged to externalize problems to colve them - similarities in marriage or family counseling and individual or group counseling center on
- theories
- circular causality
- events are related through a series of interacting feedback loops
- 3. communication
-content-factual info
-relationship-how the message is to be understood - 2.triangulation
- family fusion situation in which one person in pulled in two different directions by the other members of the triangle
- 6. homeostasis
- -families tend to stay in a steady, stable state of equilibrium unless otherwise forced to change
- 2.general systems theory
-how interaction of the parts influences the operation of the system as a whole
ex.mom with problem, family effected -
8 events influenced marriage & family counseling since ww2
1.dev. of psychoanalysis - -psychoanalysis extended approach to include family's in the late 1940's