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I/O study questions


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Define lower-level needs in Herzberg's two factor theory
have little effect on job satisfaction/motivation, but produce dissatisfaction when unfufilled
Define higher level needs in Herzberg's two factor theory
increase job satisfaction and motivation when fulfilled but do not produce dissatisfaction if unfulfilled
opportunities for advancement, responsibility, recognition, and achievement are example of:

lower or higher level needs
higher level needs
pay, benefits, co-worker relationships, supervision, job security, and physical conditions are examples of:

lower or higher level needs
lower level needs
a method of job redesign that involves combining several jobs into a larger job resulting in greater responsibility, freedom, autonomy, and control
job enrichment
increasing the number and variety of tasks
job enlargement
employees with a high need for achievement usually choose tasks of _______ difficulty:

this term refers to an individual's career decisions and motives, and involves job change, direction, and type of change
career concept
a person's ability to cope with the developmental tasks of his/her life stage
career maturity
this theory of career counseling emphasized the importance of matching someone's personality to their job environment
Holland's RIASEC theory
these theorists considered career identity development to be an aspect of ego identity development
Tiedeman and O'Hara
this theorist considered career decision making to involve continual learning and self-development
a picture of the self in some situation, doing some set of duties, or in relationship with certain people
the various social roles that we adopt at different times in our life span
life space
theory of career development that links our career choices to our personality and needs
Roe's career theory

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