undefined, object
copy deck
- el supermercado
- supermarket
- el club campestre
- country club
- el parque
- park
- el almacen
- department store
- el centro commercial
- mall
- el templo
- temple
- el cine
- cinema
- la oficina de correos
- post office
- el cafe
- cafe
- el mercado
- market
- el banco
- bank
- el cajero automatica
- la cuenta
- bill/check/tab
- las compras
- shopping
- (estar) de acuerdo
- to agree
- el/la mejor
- the best
- el/la peor
- the worst
- buscar
- to look for
- mandar una carta
- to mail a letter
- enfrente (de)
- in front of
- detras (de)
- behind
- al lado (de)
- next to
- encima (de)
- touching
- debajo (de)
- under
- arriba (de)
- above
- cerca (de)
- in front; center; middle; close
- lejos (de)
- far away
- a la derecha (de)
- to the right of
- a la izqueirda (de)
- to the left of
- apoyar a un/a candidito/1
- support a candidate
- la artesania
- arts and crafts
- el campamento de ninos
- summer camp
- la campana politica
- political campaign
- la canoa
- canoe
- circular una peticion
- circulate a petition
- el/la consejero/a
- counselor
- deber
- ought to; should
- hacer una caminata
- to take a walk
- la hoguera
- campfire
- ir de excursion
- to take a short trip
- llevar a alquien al medico
- take someone to the doctor
- trabajar como voluntario
- to volunteer
- orginazar
- to organize
- las personas mayores, los mayores
- elderly peopl
- repartir comidas
- to hand out/deliver food
- la residencia de ancianos
- nursing home
- la carpa
- tent
- almorzar
- to have lunch (ue)
- cerrar
- to close (ie)
- comenzar
- to begin (ie)
- costar
- to cost (ue)
- demostrar
- to demonstrate (ue)
- devolver
- to return an object (ue)
- dormir
- to sleep (ue)
- empezar
- to begin (ie)
- encerrar
- to enclose (ie)
- encontrar
- to find (ue)
- entender
- to understand (ie)
- jugar
- to play (ue)
- mentir
- to lie (ie)
- morir
- to die (ue)
- mostrar
- to show (ue)
- pensar
- to think (ie)
- perder
- to lose; to waste (ie)
- preferir
- to prefer (ie)
- recomendar
- to recommend (ie)
- recordar
- to remember (ue)
- repetir
- to repeat (i)
- seguir
- to follow; to continue doing something (i)
- servir
- to serve (i)
- volver
- to return (ue)
- el deber
- obligation; duty
- el voluntariado
- volunteerism
- alguien
opposite of nadie(no one; nobody) - algun
some; any
opposite of ningun(none) - alguno/a/os/as
some; any
opposite of ninguno/a/os/as(none) - siempre
opposite of nunca(never) - o... o
either... or
opposite of ni... ni(neither... nor) - Estar is used to describe
-physical or personality traits that can change.
-The location of people or places
-Anything that can change. - Conocer is used when expressing...
- being familiar with or acquainted with people, places, or things.
- Hay+que+infinitive
One must do... (general)
do not conjugate. - Tener+que+infinitive
One must do... (specific)
conjugate - Estar+ verb with -iendo or -ando
You are.
conjugate. -
yo - se
tu - sabes
el/ella/Ud. - sabe
Nosotros - Sabemos
ellos/ellas/Uds. - Saben
yo - Conozco
Tu - Conoces
El/ella/Ud. - Conoce
nosotros - Conecemos
ellos/ellas/Uds. - Conocen
yo - voy
Tu - vas
El/ella/Ud. - Va
nosotros - vamos
ellos/ellas/Uds. - van
Yo - Tengo
Tu - Tienes
El/ella/Ud. - Tienes
Nosotros - Tenemos
Ellos/ellas/Uds. - Tienen
Yo - Soy
Tu - eres
El/ella/Ud. - es
Nosotro - somos
Ellos/ellas/Uds. - son
Yo - Estoy
Tu - estas
El/ella/Ud. - esta
Nosotros - Estamos
Ellos/ellas/Uds. - Estan
- Saber
- To know(facts)
- Conocer
- To know(things you are familiar with)
- Ir
- To go
- Tener
- To have
- Ser
- to be(unchangable things)
- Estar
- To be(changing or fleeting things)
- el/la artista
- artist
- la bateria
- drums
- el/la baterista
- drummer
- el/la cantante
- singer
- el concierto
- concert
- el conjunto
- group; band
- el/la empresario/a
- agent/manager
- la gira
- tour
- las grabaciones
- recordings
- la guitarra
- guitar
- el/la guitarrista
- guitarist
- el/la musico/a
- musician
- la musica
- music
- la orquestra
- orchestra
- el/la pianista
- pianista
- el piano
- piano
- el tambor
- drum
- el/la tamborista
- drummer
- la trompeta
- trumpet
- el/la trompetista
- trumpet player
- el jazz
- jazz
- la musica clasica
- classical music
- la musica popular
- pop music
- la opera
- opera
- el rock
- rock music
- la salsa
- salsa music
- apasionado/a
- passionate
- cuidadoso
- careful
- fino/a
- fine/delicate
- lento/a
- slow
- suave
- smooth
- el/la aficianado
- fan
- la fama
- fame
- el genero
- genre
- la habilidad
- ability; skill
- le letra
- the lyrics
- el ritmo
- rythym
- el sabor
- flavor
- la voz
- voice
- Dar un concierto
To give or to perform a concert
conjugate. - ensayer
- to practice/rehearse
- grabar
- record
- hacer una gira
to tour
conjugate - sacar un CD
to release a CD.
conjugate. - tocar
- to play(a musical instrument)
- el actor
- actor
- la actriz
- actress
- la entrada
- ticket
- la estrella
- star
- la pantalla
- screen
- una pelicula
- a film; movie
- de accion
- action
- de ciencia ficcion
- science fiction
- documental
- documentary
- dramatica
- drama
- de guerra
- war
- de humor
- comedy
- de misterio
- mystery
- musical
- musical
- romantica
- romantic
- de terror
- horror
- segundo/a
- second
- tercer, tercero/a
If tercer is used as a pronoun there is no a or o ending. - cuarto/a
- fourth
- quinto/a
- fifth
- sexto/a
- sixth
- septimo/a
- seventh
- octavo/a
- eightht
- noveno/a
- ninth
- decimo/a
- tenth
- el estreno
- opening
- aburrida
- boring
- animada
- animated
- commovedora
- moving
- creativa
- creative
- emocionante
- moving/emotional
- entretenida
- entertaining
- epica
- epic
- espantosa
- scary
- estupenda
- stupendous
- imaginativa
- imaginative
- impresionante
- impressive
- sorprendente
- surprising
- tragica
- tragic
- estrenar una pelicula
- to release a film
- presentar una pelicula
- to show a film
- el idioma. la lengua
- language
- la paz
- peace
- respetar
- to respect
Demonstrative adjectives
Este, Esta, Estos, Estas - refers to this or these when it is something nearby.
Demonstrative adjectives
ese, esa, esos, esas -
that, those over there.
refers to that or those that are farther away but now too far. -
Demonstrative adjectives.
Aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas -
that, those way over yonder.
refers to something far away. Yonder. - Adverbs...
Describe verb and usually answer the question, how.
If adjective ends in o, drop the o and add -amente.
If adj ends in consonant or e ad -emente.
- Present Progressive
action is occuring in the moment.
If the verb ends in -ar your drop the -r and add -ndo.
If verb ends in -er or -ir you drop it and change the ending to -iendo. - Personal pronouns...
take the place of the noun.
me- me
te- you
lo,la-him, her, it, or you
nos- us
los, las- them, you all