undefined, object
copy deck
- antagonism
- hostility, active opposition
- antithesis
- direct opposites
- apocryphal
- of doubful authenticity; counterfeit
- articulate
able to put one's thoughts into words easily and clearly
v. to speak distinctly - assuage
- to calm or soothe; to satisfy
- augment
- to increase or enlarge; to becom egreater in size
- authoritarian
- a person who supports the principle of subjection to authority instead of individual freedom
- autonomy
- independence, self-govt
- aversion
- strong or fixed dislike; antipahty
- belittle
- to make sth seem less important
- bequeath
- to leave money or property by a will; to pass along
- bizarre
- strikingly odd in appearance or style; grotesque
- blithe
- happy and cheeful; gay
- bombastic
- high sounding; marked by use of language w/ous much real meaning
- buffoon
- a clown; someone who amuses with tricks and jokes
- cache
- hiding place; sth hidden in a hiding place
- obtuse
- intsensitive; block-headed, slow in comprehension
- scrutinize
- to look very carefully; to examine
- congenial
- pleasant to be around; social, agreeable
- fjord
- a long narrow inlet from the sea between steep cliffs or hills
- aspire
- sth on ehopes to achieve; goal
- martyr
- someone willing to sacrifice and even give his/her life for a cause; also one who pretends to suffering to gain sympathy
- consensus
- general agreement
- blather
- to talk nonsensically
- cajole
- to persuade by pleasant words or false promises
- callous
- unfeeling; insensitive
- capitulate
- to surrender; to cease resisting
- capricious
- changeable; fickle
- carping
- complaining
- catalyst
- someone or sth that brings about a change
- catharsis
- an emotional purification or relief
- caustic
- sting, biting, acidic
- celestial
- hving to do with the heavens; divine
- censure
- to blame; to citicize adversely
- chastise
- to criticize severely
- chimerical
- absurd; wildy fanciful
- circumspect
- careful
- clairvoyant
- hving exceptional insight
- clandestine
- secret
- clemency
- mercy; mildness
- coalesce
- to grow together; to combine
- colloguial
- informal speech/writing
- commiserate
- to sympathize with; to fell sorrow for another's suffering