Unit 3 Biochemistry
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- A matter is anything that has (2 things)
- mass and volume
- mass is? and is measured in ?
- the amount of matter in an object, grams
- volume is? and is measured in>?
- the amoung of space an objet takes up, ml
- Elements are (3 things)
the purest, simplest form of matter
not combined with anything else
at least 109 diff. elements - 6 major elements?
- carbon, nitrogen, hyrdrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur
- Atoms are?
- the basic building blocks of matter
- the smallest portion of an element that still retains the characteristics of that element is an?
- atom
- each element is made up of?
- only one type of atom
this is how many atoms of carbon? - 1
- H2 has how many atoms?
- 2
- atoms cannot be?
- broken down into simpler substances by natural processes
- What was the atomic theory and who created it?
- All matter is composed of atoms, the smallest component of an element which retains the characteristics of that element, Dalton
- the nucleus is the?
- central core of an atom
- the protons have a ?
- positive charge
- the nuetrons have a ?
- nuetral charge
- where are the protons and neutrons located?
- in the nucleus
- electrons have a ?
- negative charge
- electrons determine
- the activity of an atom
- electrons are located in?
- the electron cloud
- the protons and neutrons determine?
- mass
- What is an isotope?
a form of an element with a number of neutrons that is different than usual
ex: C-12, C-14 - Atomic mass=
- the number of protons plus the number of neutrons
- What is an ion?
- a form of an element with a number of electrons that is different than usual
- usually the number of electrons equals
- the number of protons
- when an electron is lost?
- the number of protons is greater than the number of electrons leaving a positively charged ion
- what is a positively charged ion called?
- cation
- When an electron is gained?
- the number of protons is less than the number of electrons, leaving a negatively charged ion
- what is a negatively charged ion called?
- anion
- If a cation is close to an anion, ?
- they will be drawn toward eachother
- the process where a cation and anion are drawn toward eachother is called a?
- ionic bond
- A chemical reaction is ?
- the making and breaking of chemical bonds
- a chemical bond is what holds?
- compounds and molecules together
- bonding is determined by?
- electron activity
- Chemical reactions involve changing? and turns ____ into ____
- the properties of matter, and turns reactants into products
- Activation energy is?
- initial amount of energy to get a chemical reaction started.
- the line between the reactants and the products is read as?
- yields
- a balanced chemical reaction has?
- the same number of reactants on both sides
- Dehydration Synthesis?
- a chemical reaction which combines molecules by the removal of water
- recognizing dehydration synthesis (2 things)
1. two or more smaller molecules are combined to form a larger molecule (respiration)
2. water is always leftover as an extra product - Hyrdolysis?
- a chemical reaction which splits molecules by the addition of water
- recognizing hydrolysis (2 things)
1. a large molecules is broken down into two or more smaller molecules
2. water is used to break up the larger molecules - What are ions?
- an atom with a charge due to the gain or loss of electrons
- electrons are gained or lost from the ? to acheive ?
- outermost energy level to acheive stable state
- Ionic bonds are when?
- opposites attract
- the strong attraction of a cationtoward an?
- anion
- What is a covalent bond?
- the sharing of electrons between atoms ina compound or molecule
- What is the purpose of a covalent bond?
- because sometimes atoms dont have enough energy to gain or lose electrons (to become stable) so they have to share
- what is polarity?
- the uneven distribution of shared electrons, resulting in partial charging at either end
- water is poloar because the electrons are not shared equally so?
- each end has a slight charge
- water is polar because it is attracted to other polar molecules thus
- able to dissolve them
- a hydrogen bond is a weak?
- attractions between polar molecules
- What is a compound?
- a substance that is formed when atoms of DIFFERNT elements combine
- A compound has different ?
- properties than the elements that formed it
- ex: 2 atoms of hydrogen one atom of oxygen
- hydrogen and oxygen are gasses, water is a liquid
- What is a molecule?
- a particle in which atoms are held together by a connection called a covalent bond
- Covalent bonds occur when ?
- two or more atoms share electrons rather than trading them
- an example of a molecule
Oxygen gas
- 2 atoms of oxygen with two pairs of electrons shared between them - What are isomers?
- compounds with the same molecular formula but differet structural arrangment
- ex of isomer
- C6H1206= glucose, fructose, galactose
- What is a mixture?
- a combination in which the individual components retain their own properties, the substance does not form bonds and cannot be separated
- What is a solution?
- a mixture in which one or more substances is distributed evenly in another
- ex: of solution
- sugar dissolved in water
- What is a suspension?
- a mixture in which the particles of materials are temporarily mixed together
- example of suspension:
- sand in water will eventually settle out
- What is a colloid?
- a mixture in which the particles are permanently suspended as gel
- example of a colloid
- jello