Group Dynamics 2
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- Kurt Lewin
- father of group dyanmics
- group dynamics
- involves theories and studies of group discussion, leadership and decision making.
- social psychology
- where group dynamics falls. combination of sociology and psychology
- norms
- standards of behaviors or rules that groups impose upon their members, groups common belief regarding appropriate behavior for members.
- denotative
- dictionary meaning of a word
- connotation
- subjective meaining of a word
- perception
- the process of becoming aware of stimuli that impinges on the 5 senses
- frame of reference
- everything within your personal history that causes you to percieve the world the way you do. religion, ethnicity, etc
- dissonance
- the uncomfortable feeling that you have to choose between opposites. body is responding
- empathy
- experiencing what another person expeeriences, feeling what another person feels.
- trust
- confidence in another person. belife that the behavior of anohter person can be predicted
- self disclosure
- revealing one's self to another to develop a healthy relationship
- defensive behaviors
- the natural response a person exhibits when feelings threatened, frustrated, or embarrassed. may giggle, pull away
- noise
- anything in the situation that tends to damage the fidelity of the message exchange
- physical noise
- external noise that which exits in a situation outside the participants. loud, sneezing, etc
- internal noise
- that which exists in a person physically or psychologically. the tape one reapeats in their heads (sick, daydreaming)
- semantic noise
- occurs as a result of pecularities in the use of language. (using words people aren't too familiar with)
- systemic noise
- occurs as a failure in the total communication system. (system fails, not person)
- theories of leadership
-Trait:inborn,natural tendency
a)charismatic:looking to do good for other people
b)machivellian: just care about being famous, etc
a)autocratic:leader directed, most effective with a hevy sched and need a decision made quickly.
b)democratic:leader-group interaction, raises group morale
c)laissez faire:group directed, mature group thathas most of its resources
-functional:group management
a)task:gets the job done
b)procedural:helps group operate by its own bilaws
c)socail:cares about morale of group
-situational:variable, leadershi of group shoudl change based on needs of group - leader
- person who is either appointed to lead the group or emerges within the group
- leadership
- is an influential process that is directed towards group goal completion
- characteristics of an effective leader
-well informed and have more experience and skill with the task
- provide direction and structure to the group
-is a skillful communicator
-able to adopt leadership style to meet the needs of the group
-inspire a clear mutual vision and empower members through cooperative teamwork. - role
- behaviors that an individual member displays in relation to the expectations of the group
- informal role
- characterized by behaviors that fulfill a function for the group
- formal role
- one assigned by the group and usually involves a title. a role that defines the authority hierarchy
- role conflict
- occurs when a person tries to play two or more roles that are contradictory
- role strain
- comes from not being able to fulfill a role
- Discussion techniques
-brainstorming (list of ideas)
-nominal group technique (member's work silently but in eachother's presence)
-buzz groups (large group slits into smaller groups, appoints a spokesperson)
-quality circles (group from similiar area or who perform similiar tasks)
-focus groups (unstructered interaction, no decision making authority)
-teleconferencing (electronically mediated meeting) - delphi method
- same process done by mail
- TQM-total quality management
- quality circles are often resferred to as part of a TQM approach
- steps of problem solving
-formulating alternatives
-deciding and implementing
-evluating success - feedback
- a specific response to the transaction of speaking/listening which serves the purpose of clarifying, correcting or controlling behavior or communication errors
- Feedback should focus on:
-description rather than evaluation or judgement
-specific rather than general and on behaviors rather than the person
-behavior which the reciever can do something about
-being solicited, rahter than imposed
-being well timed
-focus on what is said rather than why it was said
-description of behaviors which are in terms of "more or less" rahter than "either or" - four parts of "I" messages
-a description of what I have seen and heard (observation)
-share what you thought or assumed you had about the decribed behavior
-share the feelings experienced as a result of the observation and assumption
-share what you wanted to do about the feeling or what behavior you contemplated - paraphrase
- listener puts into their own words what they heard
- nonverbal communication
- transmission of messages through means other than words. "silent message"
- modes of transmission of nonverbal commnication
-environment (room color, temp, lighting, furniture)
-interpersonal distance - how to improve nonverbal communication
-obtain feedback on your body language by asking others to comment upon the gestures and facial expressions that you use in conversations.
-learn to relax when communicating with others
-use facial, hand, and body gestures to supplement your speech, but don't overdo it
-avoid using the same nonverbal gesture indiscriminately
-use role playing to practice various forms of nonverbal communication - body lagnuage symbols of job problems
-lack of comprehension
-fraud and deception - communication
- transfer of information through verbal and nonverbal messages
- meta communication
- communication within the communication (guilt messages)
- message
- idea or combination of ideas expressed to a reciever
- channel
- medium through which the message is sent. use of multiple channels is sometimes confusing
- effective message sending
-phrase message so it can be comprehended
-have credibility as a sender
-ask for feedback on how message is actually recieved - message receiving skills
-communicate intention of wanting to understand the ideas and feelings of sender without evaluating it
-understanding and interpreting sender's ideas and feelings by giving feedback - specific receiving skills
-checking one's perception of sender's feelings
-negotiating for meaning - active listening
-remembering - listening problems
-sensing:external noise, impairment of sensing
-attending:selective perception,poor attending habits
understanding:inability to empathize, mental sets, prejudice etc
-remembering:immediate loss of 25%to 50%. 75% to 80% loss after 24 hours - corrections
-use time more effectively
-think ahead of the speaker
-summarize what the speaker is saying
-identify speaker's evidence
-listen between the lines
-be aware that listening is effected by emotions
-try to avoid being distracted - major barrier of all communication
- to judge or critically evaluate the message they are recieving. this will cause the sender to become cautious and defensive
- other inhibitors of communication
-noise is any source of distortion in message-sending and receiving, semantic, physical and systemic
-sending messages that try to control others
-if sender is seen as being engaged in a stategy involving ambigous motives - effectors of inhibitors
-defensive behaviors
-ego becomes involved
-less objectivity - cooperative orientation
- increases communication; includes descriptive messages, problem orientatino, spontaneity, empathy, equality
- patterns of communicating among group members
-relative frequency and length of communicating acts
-some people speak to those who they are trying to impress, want support from, expect opposition from
-observe who triggers whom and in what ways - components of a group
-3 or more people
-face to face interaction
-mutual goals
-awareness of interdependence
-awareness of yours and others membership in groups - stage of a group
-entry,contacting, introduction, orientation
-honeymoon, committing
-conflict,doubting, evaluating
-disengaging, renegotiating, re entry, termination - things to observe in a group
-style of communication: active listening, level of participation
-level of comfort: physical, emotional, trust and openess
-style of leadership
-style of decision making - abraham maslow
- sum total of an individual's needs are arranged in a hierarchy with physical needs and the need for security at the base
- motivation
- peak experiences that help achieve self actualization
- johari window
helpful model for looking at what kind of information we mean when we talk about feedback.
-free area:known to both ourselves and others
-hidden area:known to us but we keep away from others
-blind area:contains what is known and observed by others
-unknown area: unconscious motivations - disclosure
- free decision on our part to share part of our hidden and intimate self with others
- task functions
- illustrate behaviors that are concerned with getting the job done,or accomplishing the task that the group has before them
- maintenance functions
- important to morale of group