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Radiology 1--Introduction


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fluoroscopy, very general desc
similar to plain radiography, continuous image, often used w/ contrast agent
nuclear medicine
use gamma rays to create images, generally functional rather than anatomical info
uses x rays to make image, iodinated contrast dye injected into vessel, images before and after contrast to subtract all except vessels.
how to make a nuclear medicine image
1) chemically attach the radioactive isotope to a chemical (radiopharmaceutical) 2) the agent chosen determines where the isotope goes 3) camera is a detecter which detects incoming gamma rays from body
Positron emission tomography
1) When e+ hits e-, two photons in opposite directinos 2) images use glucose analog 18-FDG 3) PET looks at metabolic rate
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1) No ionizing radiation 2) uses magnetic fields 3) gadolinium used as contrast 4) like NMR
1) images w/ sound, 2) tissue interfaces reflect sound) 3) can use micro bubbles for contrast
Radiology modalities that use ionizing radiation
Plain films; fluoroscopy; computed tomography; angiography; nuclear medicine; positron emssion tomography
modalities using x rays
plain films; fluoroscopy; computed tomography; angiography
modalities using gama rays
nuclear medicine; positron emission tomography
modalities using magnetic properties
magnetic resonance imaging
modalities using sound waves
common contrast agents
Flouroscopy: Barium//Angiography:iodinated contrast // CT: Oral (barium) IV (iodinated) // MRI: gadolinium // Nuclear medicine: radiopharmaceuticals // ultrasound: microbubbles (not commmon)

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