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Political Science Studying


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The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the "free exercise" of religion, but it may ______
bind religious institutions to laws that bind all others.
Characteristics positively associated with voting and political efficacy include all of the following EXCEPT ______
Greater youth
2 Years
Term length for a member of the House
NSC (National Security Council)
Group made of Cabinet members that advises the President on issues of foreign and defense policy
Pro-Affirmative Action
Past wrongs against colored peoples should be made right.
House of Representatives
Where Tax bills originate.
Redrawing district lines for partisan advantage is called ______
The Framers hoped that executive and judicial branch officials would slow the action of Congress. They understood that their purpose in doing this as helping to ensure that ______
The efficiency of governmental programs, so that America would run like a profitable business.
Office of Management and Budget
The executive agency that advises the President on the Federal budget
The most influential source of opinions is ______
The family
Leadership carries more power in the House than the Senate because ______
due to its size, House rules closely regulate debate, amendments, and the scheduling of business.
Since Wickard v. Filburn, the interstate commerce that the federal government can regulate is interpreted to include ______
Almost any kind of economic activity
Media Fishbowl
The amount of press over the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.
The supremacy clause in Article VI of the Constitution includes the following rule ______
All laws must be in agreement with the Constitution.
The collection of interest groups, think tanks, policy experts, news reporters, and congressional committees that try to influence agencies are called ______
Issue networks
Dividing power between the states and the national government is today referred to as ______
Fact/Value Hope of Science
Change in beliefs from Faith to Science based answers.
War Powers Act
resolution of Congress that the President can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if American troops are already under attack or serious threat.
Exhibition Season
Period of time before elections when politicians make public appearances.
The test the Supreme Court has applied to laws making distinctions between the sexes is called ______
The reasonableness standard
The source of bureaucratic "pathologies" is usually ______
individuals or interest groups in the citizenry.
The redrawing of the boundaries of voting districts
In Locke's origin of government, if they cease to act for the common good, _______
People may invoke the "right of revolution."
Components of Political Culture
Liberty, Individual Responsibility, Equality of Opportunity, Democracy, and Civic Duty
Montesquieu believed that the most essential requirement for popular participation in ruling was _______
An active, dedicated, educated citizenry who put the country first.
Judicial Powers
Powers that the President uses when appointing Supreme Court Justices
Three Types of Litigation
Suing, Providing Counsel, and Amicus Curiae (being a friend of the court)
Political authority over the bureaucracy is ______
shared between the president and congress.
Representation, which Madison called the republican principle, could be used to ______
Moderate conflict by forcing candidates for office to satisfy a wide range of different interests.
According to Locke, when we sign the social contract, ________
We entrust our executive power to the government in exchange for security
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Supreme Court case that said that racial segregation was legal. "Separate but Equal"
A supporter of equality of results as a way of redressing past civil-rights inequities would be most likely to advocate _______
Affirmative Action enrollment and hiring plans
Race has become a suspect classification. This means that ______
Any law making a racial distinction is subject to strict scrutiny
The possibility that the Bill of Rights might restrict some state actions came about with the adoption of ______
The 14th Amendment
A person treating the American flag contemptuously is ______
protected by the right to exercise free speech.
Source of Pathologies
The citizenry
General Election
Day on which all states participate in elections.
Reapportionment is ______
The allocation of House seats to each state, after each census.
Meetings of party members within a legislative body to select leaders
Truth changes over time; things aren't absolutely good or bad.
Executive agreements are ______
Agreements made between the president and another country that do not have the be approved by the Senate
What was the general failure of the Articles of Confederation?
The weak central government could not effectively coordinate the states.
Brown vs. Board of Education
Supreme Court case that overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson and desegregated schools.
Single Member District
Only the residents of a district can vote for their representative.
There is only one Truth; things are either good or bad.
Americans believe that the government should be forced to follow rigid rules in how they do their business. In general, this is because we believe that ______
Rigid rules deter tyranny
Single member districts make it difficult for third parties to succeed because ______
Under this winner-take-all system, losers get nothing.
GAO (General Accounting Office)
Independent, non-political agency in the legislative branch. Serves as the investigating agency for Congress, carries out legal, accounting and auditing functions, makes recommendations for more effective government operations.
The Great Compromise finally allocated representation among the states on the basis of ______
Population in the House and Equality in the Senate
True or False: "Culture War" refers to the confrontation between new and established immigrants to the United States
Congress exercises supervision over agencies through all of the following EXCEPT:
appointments of agency heads.
Public interest groups tend to have less money than corporate interest groups. What political strategies work to their advantage?
Litigation and Advertising
At National Party Conventions, parties do everything except ______
Seek group endorsements
The USA always has two strong parties. This is because _______
Americans have middle class attitudes
Electoral College
The group of people from each state who formally vote for president.
Suspect Categories
Classifications of people that are illegal to discriminate against. They include race, nationality, and religion.
The term "intergovernmental lobby" refers to lobbying activities by:
State and local officials at the national government.
The purpose of most caucuses in Congress is to ______
Advocate a political ideology or to advance a regional interest.
A filibuster is ______
An attempt to prevent the passage of a bill by halting action through unlimited debate.
The redrawing of congressional districts following a census.
The 1973 Supreme Court definition of obscenity denies free-speech protection to materials or activities that ______
lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Spoils System
the system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power
Fearing oppression through the majority rule, the Framers designed the Constitution especially to check the power of ______
In principle, a civil servant is supposed to be ______
politically neutral.
6 Years
Term length for a Senator
According to Locke, the ultimate source of government authority is ______
The consent of the governed.
National Party Convention
Event where delegates vote for President/VP and the official party platform is decided upon.
Locke and Madison viewed that _____________ are used as fuel to achieve a common good.
Passions like greed and ambition
Chief Legislator
Presidential title that powers such as the Veto and State of the Union address falls under.
What is not a consistently important feature of Americans' shared political culture?
Equality of Income
The Bill of Rights to the Constitution was initially intended to limit the power of ______
the federal government
Which of today's political parties is most associated with liberal or progressive political attitudes?
The Congressional Research Service is an example of ______
A staff agency employed to help congress do its work.
The key to structuring the judicial and executive offices was to satisfy the interests of the individuals who would fill them, in a way that worked for the common good. This was done by:
channeling their desire for fame so that they would consider the national interest, in the long term.
The argument that tainted evidence cannot be used in court if citizens' rights are to be maintained leads to ______
the exclusionary rule
Which one of the following sorts of speech is protected by the Constitution?
publication of material many consider indecent.
Madison's idea for an extended republic, expounded in Federalist #10, says that:
In a large country, the greater number of factions will make it more difficult for any one or combination of them to monopolize power.
Red Tape
Needlessly time consuming procedures of bureaucracy
PAC (Political Action Committee)
The part of an interest group that makes campaign donations
CBO (Congressional Budget Office)
Non-partisan office that provides the House and Senate with budget-related information and analyses of alternative fiscal policies.
A group of people seeking to influence government and sharing a common interest different from the interest of the whole nation is called a ____
Why are there two political parties?
Everyone sees themselves as moderates, leaving room only at the lunatic fringes, and nobody wants to elect someone from the lunatic fringe.
In Locke's state of nature, passions ______
Employ force without right, bringing about a state of war.
Which of the following is NOT a goal that the separation of powers was designed to achieve?
Preventing the ambitious from getting into office
form of redistricting in which electoral district or constituency boundaries are manipulated for an electoral advantage.
In Brown vs. Board of Education, a unanimous court overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson. Their justification was that ______
Our cultural history of slavery made separation of races inherently unequal
Anti-Affirmative Action
The law should be completely color blind
According to Federalist #10, "...pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens who assemble and administer the government in person _______"
Can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction
In the common view, before 1787, a confederal form of government seemed to combine the advantages of ______
small republics for internal rule, and a large nation for defense.
The distinction of governmental functions in the Constitution is:
Mixed. Each branch holds part of the other branch's functions.
Equal Protection Clause
Part of the 14th Amendment that states that all laws shall apply equally to everyone
Usually, if a candidate wins the most votes in a state, how many electoral votes does he or she get?
All of the electoral votes.
CRS (Congressional Research Service)
works exclusively for the Congress of the United States , conducting research, analyzing legislation, and providing information at the request of committees, Members, and their staffs.
In recent decades, those who favor a free market are usually ______
An example of a good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule would be if police ______
use a defective search warrant they believed to be valid.
Logrolling refers to a process of ______
vote trading among members of Congress.
Standing Committee
A permanent committee in Congress.
Executive Office of the Presidency
name for the group of agencies, councils, and staff members which advise the president and help run the federal bureaucracy.
Sources of Opinion
Family, Religion, Education, Media
Imperial Presidency
Concerns first that the US Presidency was out of control and second that the Presidency had exceeded the Constitutional limits.
Part of Congress that confirms presidential appointments
Attempts at perfect unity with other people will likely ________
Be challenged by the selfishness of the body
One problem the president has in controlling large federal agencies is teh tendency of their secretaries to "go native." This expression refers to ______
The tendency of new members and administrators to begin to see the world according to agency norms.
The limit of private property set by the law of nature is _______
No one may take more than he or she can eat before it spoils
Head of State
Presidential title that diplomatic powers such as executive agreements fall under.
A federal grant designed for a specific purpose defined by a federal law is called ______
a categorical grant
Part of Congress that ratifies treaties.
According to Rousseau, the inner division and conflict people feel is caused by ______
Social institutions
Super Tuesday
Day on which many primary elections are held.
The writ of habeus corpus ______
guarantees access to the judicial system to the accused.
Interest Group strategies
Electioneering, Lobbying, Ad Campaigns, Direct Action, and Litigation
The purpose of guaranteeing an alleged criminal a speedy trial is to more quickly ______
release the innocent.
The most important qualification for appointment to the White House is ______
personal and political loyalty.
Strict Scrutiny
The standard for how the Supreme Court makes judgements.There must be a compelling government interest, specific, and the law must be the law must be the least restrictive method of enforcement.
According to Locke, the equal freedom of individuals by nature was based upon ______
The inability of external forces to destroy our freedom to choose.
Which of the following is true about a bill in Congress?
A bill not passed during the life of one Congress is dead
Nixon is associated with the _________
imperial presidency.
The Bill of Rights has been extended to restrict many state actions using the equal protection clause of _________
The 14th Amendment
Someone who believes in an eternal unchanging standard of right and wrong is often called _____
Chief Executive
Presidential title that includes powers such as running the bureaucracy and using the executive order fall under.
The Enumerated, Explicit, or Express, Powers are to be found in ______
Article I, section 8 of the Constitution
Executive Privilege refers to the president's claim to ______
Require the most candid advice from people in the know.
According to the War Powers Act:
President must report within 48 hours, and Congress has 60 days to decide.
Mop-Up Stage
The period of time when the final primaries are held before the National Party Convention.
Functions of a Political Party
Win elections, Preserve order by moderating factions, Reflect the separation of powers and federalism, organize like-minded people.
Executive Privilege
The theoretical right of a President and other top officials of the executive branch to withhold information from Congress and the courts.
Select Committee
Committee established for a limited amount of time, delegated to a specific task.
The primary purpose of political parties is to ______
win elections
Flux Realignment
Dramatic changes in the political system, usually when the opposite party takes control.
In Locke's account of nature, legitimate private property was acquired by means of ______
Mixing one's labor with things held in common.
The State of the Union message ______
gives a broad view of what the president wishes the legislature to accomplish during the session.
Reasonableness Test
A method of looking at a law to decide if it is arbitrary or capricious.
act of exchanging favors for mutual gain; especially trading of influence or votes among legislators to gain passage of certain projects
A liberal today may not favor ______
Minimal governmental regulation of business
The kind of punishment not allowed by the 8th Amendment is _______
cruel and unusual.
What is an example of Congress's implied powers?
Establishing a national bank
A small part of a committee which focuses on very specific legislation, and reports recommendations after markup to the full committee.
Citizens' trust and faith in government and their own belief that they can understand and influence political affairs.This likelihood to vote increases with age, education, and wealth.
Commander in Chief
Presidential title that relates to being in charge of the military

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