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Radiography Physics Ch. 3

Physics quizlets.


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william shockley, materials can act as conductors OR insulators, generally composed of silicon and germanium, transistors
potential difference
what makes electrons go forward & back, electric potential, force (strength) with wich electrons travel, also called EMF, measured in volts (V)
only negative charges move along SOLID conductors
electron flow with no resistance, no electric potential required, must be very cold
electric power
measured in watts (W), one watt= one amp of current flowing through an electric potential of one volt for one second, power loss is proportional to the square of the amperage in a circuit
the process of electron chargers being added to or subtracted from an object
are electrons infinately moveable
sources of electrical circuit
batteries, generators, solar converters, atomic reactors
study of the distribution of fixed charges
negative electrification
electrons have been added to an object, giving it a net negative charge
rubbing one object against another, especially during times of low humidity
the study of electric charges in motions: electricity
series cicuit
all circuit elements are connected in a line along the same conductor, electric circuit with the components arranged to provide a single conducting path for current, adding current using devices will cause voltage to drop, any devices in a series circuit that does not work causes the entire circuit to fail
What conditions cause electrification
friction, contact, induction
ohm's law
voltage across the total circuit or any portion of the circuit is equal to the current times the resistance (V=iR)
uncharged particles
exert no force, and are not acted on by charged particles
current flow
electrons move from the highest concentration to the lowest
electrification b
when an object is made to have a insufficiency or excess off electrons
solid conductors have the excess electrons spread over thier outer surface
are voltage and amperage inversly proportional
electrical circuit
require a close path (if open consider non-working), potential difference must exist for electrons to flow
positive electrification
electrons have been removed from an object, leaving it with a net positive charge
electric resistance
the amount of opposition to the flow of electrons
circuit breaker
too much amperage will cause pop
potentiometer, variable control of amperage, increased resistance allows less current to go to device
equalization of charges, static discharge
parallel circuit
total resistance is always lower than lowest resistor, circuit elements will bridge the conductor, 2 or more components are connected across 2 common points (bridge) in the circuit to provide seperate conducting paths for current, adding resistors increases amperage & heat
electric resistance influcenced by
cross-sectional area of the conductor, temperature of the conductor (higher tem=high resistance), length of the wire (longer=higer resistance), increasing resistance decreases electric current
example of induction
balloon vs. wall, high electron balloon causes electrons in wall to disperse in that area
electrical fields acting on one another without contact
laws of elecrostatic force
force, colomb's law, distribution, concentration, movement
substances that inhibit the flow of electrons, insulators will confine the electron flow to the conductor
is the earth an electric ground
alternating current
when electrons first move in one direction and then reverse and move in the opposite direction
any substance along which electrons flow easily, good heat conductors are generally good electrical conductors
too much amperage will melt
electric charges will be concentrated along the sharpest curvature of the conductor
unlike charges attract
types of circuit devices
circuit breakers, fuses, rheostat (potentiometer)
qualities of electric resistance
may be called impedance, measured in ohms.
electric resistance material
elements with one electron in the valence shell conduct electricity well, the further the valence shell is from the nucleus (higher shell #) the more efficiently it conducts electricity, conduction band (higher conductivity=less resistance)
the fundamental unit of electric charge
the quantity of electrons flowing, measured in amps (I) (A), may indicate the presence of electron flow
like charges repel
direct current
when all electrons move in the same direction or pulsating
coulomb's law
inverse square law
ionic solutions
neutral atoms with complimentary valences (+1 and -1) are placed in a solution, charged atoms move toward oppositely charged poles

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