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psychoanalytic psychotherapy


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Issue of countertransference-how has it changed since freud?
In freud's days it was felt to be negative, having to do with your issues as and problems. But P. Hyman's paper & the more contemporary view sees it as an aid for the therapist to gain insight. From interference to currently: very helpful.
Termination issues during this phase of treatment
separation anxiety, separation and loss.
early infantile development according to freud
stages and experiences of the new baby under 6 months are dominated by the pleasure principle, a sensuous experience vs. the reality principle.
what is the psychoanalytical oriented view when looking at family dysfucntion?
family dysfucntion is similar to individual dysfunction: look at intra-psychic conflicts of each of the individual family members
what is the process or are the steps of psychoanalytic psychotherapy?
clarification (listening & thinking), confrontation, interpretation, and working phase (giving interpretation over and over)
what is the dynamic and defense of being paranoid and frightened?
projection-if we don't contain anger and aggression in ourselves we project it into someone else, we split off or project the unwanted aspect of oneself onto someone else
A psychoanalytic family therapist sees a mother and her 6 y.o. boy. He has mild symptoms and is withdrawn. What stage of development is he in accoring to Freud?
4-6 y.o. is the phallic or genital stage of development.
what is the transference principle?
patient responds to the therapist in a similar way as she responded to a significant person from the past.
what is projective identification?
the patient splits off and projects into the therapist some of their own experience. The therapist can use this to understand the patient better. Ex. Therapist may become angry. It is an unconscious mechanism used to communicate feelings.
What was Kohut's main contribution?
Role of empathy
What should the therapist learn to develop (what state of mind should she be in) to help the client and what should the therapist guard against?
live with: doubt & uncertainity, unsaturated time & space, abandon memory & desire (according to Bion).
Guard against: omnipotence & omniscience. It is central in the therapist's training to learn to be able to tolerate not understanding and not knowing!
What psychological factors facilitate psychic change?
insight and understanding, adherence to reality principle vs. pleasure principle, allowing to experience ones healthy guilt (you are more likely to change if you are able to feel guilty about damaging someone else)
What psychological factors interfere with psychic change?
being omnipotent (think you know), envy (envious patient, bite the hand that feeds you), feeling persecuted (persecutory ego) or attacked, idealize safety
The shadow is the personification of that part of human, psychi poss. that we deny ourselves & project onto others. It is the negative or inferior (underdeveloped)side of the pers. The more unaware of the shadow we are, the blacker and denser it is. The shadow is a step further towards self-realization when one recognizes and integrates it.
Anima is the male name for soul. Animus is the female name for soul. It is our inner opposite.
is said to represent the feminine in men and come from 3 sources: individual man's exp. w/ women, man's own femininity, the inherited collective image that has been formed from man's collective exp. of women
it is said to be the womans image of a man. Comparable counterpart in the female psyche.
The use of treating personality disorders with medication is...
It is most dangerous to combine alcohol with what?
what defense mechanism do alcoholics use?
the defense mechanism addicts use is?
Largest part. Freud believes most of what drives us is in the unconscious however, it continues to impact us.
everything we are aware of. This makes up a very small part of who we are. Most of what we are is buried and inaccessible.
preconscious or subconscious
This is the part of us that we can access if prompted, but it is not in our active conscious. It is right below the surface, still buried, but we can access it.
born with Id. As newborns it allows us to get our basic needs met. Based on the pleasure principle. Wants whatever feels good at the time. The id doesn't care about reality, only its own satisfaction
Within the next 3 years the second part of the pers. develops. Based on the reality principle. It's the ego's job to meet the needs of the id, while taking into consideration the reality of the situation.
age 5. Moral and ethical part of us. many equate the superego with the conscience as it dictates right and wrong. If this gets too strong a person would be driven by rigid morals
the unconscious defense against awareness of repressed experiences in order to avoid the resulting anxiety. Resistances suggest the client is nearing something in his free associations
repetition compulsion
what we know is safe and what is unknown produces anxiety, so we stay in a rut.
taking into your own pers. characteristics of someone else, because doing so solves some emotional difficulty. Ex. child telling his dolls not to be afraid.
reaction formation
defense mechanism: believing the opposite. Ex. a child angry at mom may become overly affectionate.
defense mechanism: the redirection of an impulse onto a substitute target.
defense mechanism: transforming an unacceptable impulse, into a socially acceptable or even productive form. Ex. someone w/ powerful sexual desires may become an artist.
when we are stressed we retreat to a time in life where we felt safe
reality principle
immediate gratification
pleasure principle
the desire for immediate gratification. Drives one to seek pleasure and to avoid pain.

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