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Oceanography Study Guide

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ocean basin
low area on earth in which an ocean formed when the area filled with water from rain
continental shelf
gradually sloping end of a continent that extends beneath the ocean and provides a home for most marine organisms
Marine organisms that drift with the current
animals that actively swim rather then drift in the current
feed on phytoplankton
continental slope
ocean basin feature that dips steeply down from the continental shelf
food web
Complex feeding system of overlapping food chains
biological amplification
When really big fish eat small fish and become very unhealthy
long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the seafloor formed where one crustal plate sinks beneath another
subduction zone
where one crustal plate sinks beneath another
an underwater inactive volcano peak
abyssal plain
flat seafloor area, formed by the deposition of sediments
mid-ocean ridge
area where new ocean floor is formed when lava erupts through cracks in earth's crust
placer deposits
energy of ocean waves and currents can cause denser mineral grains that have been brought by rivers to one place
plants and animals living on or in the seafloor

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