Introduction to Earth Science
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- Goal of Science
- to understand the world around us
- theory
- the most logical explanation for the events that occur in nature.
- law
- once a theory has passed many tests and becomes generally excepted it becomes a law
- geology
- the study of rocks minerals as well as the origin and structure of the earth.
- oceanography
- the study of oceans
- astro
- of a star
- geo
- earth
- meter
- int he air or atmosphere
- logy
- science of
- graphy
- description of
- nomy
- systemized knowlege of
- name the 6 steps and 2 substeps of the scientific method
- Purpose/problem
- What are the 6 step and 2 substeps of the scientific method
- Purpose/problem, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analisis, conclusion, re-experiment, Error-Analisis
- Purpose/problem
- decide to solve an problem or figure something out
- research
- find backround information on your topic
- hypthesis
- make a prediction of what might occur on an educated guess
- experiment
- conduct a fair test
- Analysis
- record data, make graphs or other phisical adids
- conclusion
- summarize your experiment, state results; was your hypothesis right or wrong and why
- re-experiment
- run the same experiment several times to see if you get the same results.
- Error Analysis
- possible errors,list any potential errors that could have occured during the experiment
- variable
- the condition being tested in the experiment
- control
- an experiment run under ideal conditions; no variable is being tested
- fair test
- to test only one variable at a time
- What are the 6 steps & definitions
1. Purpose/Problem: decide to solve a problem or figure something out; a goal.
2. Research: find background in information on your topic.
3. Hypothesis: make a prediction of what might occur on an educated guess.
4. Experiment: conduct a fair test
5. Analysis: record data, make graphs or other visual aides.
6. conclusion: summarize your experiment, state results;was your - meterology
- the study of weather, climate, and phenomina in the atmosphere