Oceanography Chapter 5 2
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Marine sediment (by source)
-from land
-from water
-from life
-from volcanoes
-from extraterrestrial -
Cosmogenous -
sediment by delivery
-glacier -
glacial -
sediment by location
-Neritic -
from the deep ocean
from the continental margin - what is the most important rule in this chapter?
- Larger particles require MORE energy to move.
- because of this rule, what size sediment do you expect out at sea.
- finer sand (clay-like)
- the sediment on the continental margin is mostly ___________ but also includes __________.
- Lithogenous; biogenous
- the mississippi deltas have what sediment.
- Sediment from the higher energy river flow into the low energy gulf and deposit all the sediment. ALOT of sediment at the mouth of the river.
- Pelagic sediment consists of
- Aeolian and volcanic sediments.
- biogenic sediment is found everywhere but which is found where?
- Coarser sediment is found on shore. While finer sediment is found at sea.
- Any sediment that is made up of more than 30% biogenic material is called
- ooze
- What are the two types of ooze?
- Calcerous and siliceous
silicaceous calcerous
Zooplankton -
Diatoms Cocolithophores
Radiolarians Foraminifera - diatoms
like cold water
life cycle of a day - radiolarians
life cycle 7 days - Cocolithophores
- most abundant fossilized orgnaism on Earth.
- Foraminifera
pretty large
segmented chambers - hydrogenous sediments
metalifferous nodules
grow in concentric circles
found where there is low sedimentation - What is our example of hydrogenous sediment
- Evaporites- such as NaCl from seawater.
- Cosmogenic sediments
- Found in small amounts but ubiquitous around the world.
- What is one comogenic sedimet that has gotten lots of attention.
The sediment of the asteroid that caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
High levels of iridium were found.