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History Final


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Rocky Mountains
What is the first mountain range west of the Great Plains?
Church Members
In Massachusetts, only ______ _______ could vote
Thomas Hooker
Man who had a government plan called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Ohio, West Virginia
Where did the Adena settle?
No Work-No Eat
By January 1608, Only 38 had survived in Jamestown because of 2 things: Poorly chosen men, and wasted time looking for Gold. Several hundred colonists arrived and along came John Smith, someone who finally could take charge. He set up a rule __ ____-__ ___.
Fort Niagra, Fort Oswego, and Fort Frontenac
Which forts in French territory were located on Lake Ontario?
Broken Down
Foods must be ______ ____ into simpler substances that are useable for materials and energy
Covered the northern half of the world during the ice age
Scientists most often use this indicator
Chemical Digestion is made possible with the help of _______, catalysts in the body that help speed up the "Reactions of Life"
Treaty of Paris
British-American agreement signed on September 3, 1783
Englishmen felt ______ to Africans
Big House
A plantation often consisted of a family mansion. It was called the ___ _____.
After the French and Indian War, Britian turned to its ________ to solve its money problems.
The Inca capital
Channel for flowing water
Breaks down proteins into amino acids
Social and Geographical Mobility in Virginia. Result:_______
John Carver
Person who arranged financial backing and found a seaworthy ship for the Pilgrims
Great Basin
Location: Dry desert between Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rocky Mountains
Olive Branch Petition
In July 1775, the Americans sent this to the King, saying they were still loyal but wanted their own government
Years of the English Civil War (Roundheads Versus Cavaliers)
Headright System
In 1619, discipline is relaxed in Jamestown. A _________ ______ was started, Women were Imported, and there was House of Burgesses
To describe a region, geographers look at ________ characteristics such as people's language, religion, government, and history.
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay
3 Men present at the signing of the Treaty of Paris
George Washington
The governor of Virginia sent ______ __________ to tell the French to leave
Unlocked and Applied
The secrets of nature (natural law) can be ________ and _______.
When you mix an acid and a base, they ______ each other out.
Year that Lord Baltimore issued the Toleration Act
Missouri River
What is the name of the river that forms a border between Iowa and Nebraska?
Townshend Acts
Taxes on imports (glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea)
Taste Bitter, Are Slippery, and Conduct Electricity
3 Properties of Bases
Acidic or Basic
Litmus strips indicate whether something is ______ or _____.
Ohio Valley
Where the English and French were competing for the control of land
St. Lawrence River
What river runs east from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean?
Richard Henry Lee
This man read a resolution for Independence
Northwest Plateau
Environment: Open treeless plains, cool wet climate, rich in salmon, trout, sturgeon, cottontail rabbits, ground squirrels, elderberry, huckleberry
Relating to that within a city
Because the English pushed the ______ in Connecticut from their land, violence arose
Year of the Battle of Saratoga
By 1740, Boston was the _______ city in the colonies
English Reformation
Examples of this English Force for Migration include Henry VIII's Excommunication, and the Act of Supremacy
General Howe was given permission to capture this city
Constant force from wind or water
Lydia Darragh
Woman Spy
Confess or be Executed
People who were accused of Witchcraft could do 2 things:
Came up with the theory of a heliocentric universe
Massachusetts Government Act
Act in which Massachusetts became a Royal Colony and appointed General Gage the new governor
Who were more successful at forming good relations with the Native Americans- The English or French?
The ____ of Mercantilism was: Make Mama Rich!!!! (Get Gold and Silver)
Another name for the first important grain: (Corn)
According to the Navigation Acts, What was the only country in which the colonists could sell some of their goods to?
King James
The colonists in Virginia named their settlement and the river that led to it after ____ _____.
Huge pieces of slowly moving ice
What name is given to the first Americans who both hunted and gathered food?
Includes parents/children, grandparents, in-laws, unmarried aunts/uncles
Battle of Long Island
Washington tried to defend New York, but his troops failed in this battle
When acids react with metals and disappear, and produce hydrogen gas, the metals appear to _________.
Job that was the Local Political Arm of the King
In the Renaissance, the ideas led to a growing ________ about man's future and a desire to improve society
Mayflower Compact
This document let Pilgrim Leaders establish a law and discipline
Who did the Iroquois support? France or Britain
Tobacco Depression in Virginia. Result:_______
Battle of Cowpens
Battle in which Daniel Morgan defeated the British in South Carolina
Sons of Liberty
Main people who took place in the Boston Tea Party
Hydrogen Ions
Acid strength is determined by the amount of ________ ____ that break apart in water
Economic system in which production and distribution of goods/services are privately owned
Only elected ____________ can tax directly (Internally within the colonies) (America's belief)
Mary I
In 1553-1558, Pro-Catholic ____ _ ruled England
Housing and Feeding British Soldiers
Properties of _____: Taste sour, Dissolve Metals, and Conduct electricity
The religion of Middle Colonies
Townshend Acts
Acts in which import taxes were placed on goods coming into America, and allowed officials to obtain blank search warrants
Years of the Turning point for the 7 Years War
Start of the Great Migration
We use this to identify an acid or base
Charles is tried and beheaded, and England became a republic (What's the name of this?)
Craft Worker
Our surroundings
0 to 14
The pH scale ranges in value from _ to __.
In America, _______ needed care.
Iriquois League
The ________ ______ was a powerful group in the northeast woodlands made up of various tribes
John Paul Jones
"Father of the American Navy"
William Pitt sent money to this state, and troops to America
During the 7 Years War, in this direction, Louisburg fell
Absolute Location
________ ________ describes the exact position of a place on Earth in degrees north or south of the Equator and east and west of the Prime Meridian.
When George Washington aimed cannons at this city, the British fled
Virginia Company of Plymouth and Virginia Company of London
What were the two companies English Merchants in Virginia formed?
Compounds that release hydroxide ions
Washington launched a successful surprise attack on the British camp at _______, New Jersey.
Confirmed the Copernican theory and discovered the laws of motion
In 1590, John White finally returned to Roanoke. No one was there! The only word he found was ________.
In this phase of digestion, saliva helps to mix and mash the food
Henry VII
Made 3 new jobs that all gave a new vitality to the local government that was later taken to America
The major industry of England
Climate of a ________ is cool even when it's close to the Equator
William Pitt became cheif minister in this year.
Nation with organized religions and laws
Some Separatists withdrew from the Anglican Church, and were __________.
Roman Catholicism
Lord Baltimore wanted to establish a colony where people could freely practice this religion.
When you mix an acid and a base, a ______________ reaction occurs.
American Reaction against the Proclamation of 1763 included rising resentment against _______.
Year of the repeal of the Townshend Acts
Common Sense
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, saying England was taking advantage of the colonies
Distance North of the Equator, measured in degrees and minutes
Dutch owner of a large estate
New Jersey
The Duke of York gave away land between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers. It became ___ ______.
Year of the Glorious Revolution
Representatives to a lawmaking body
Children in the Middle Colonies were educated by private tutors, or at _______ schools or charity schools.
American Expansion
Ohio Valley was a natural area for ________ _________.
Colorado River
What is the major river that flows through the Grand Canyon?
Examples of a ______ taste: Chocolates, Figs, Potatoes
The Robinson projection gives a _________ view at the northern-southern edges of the map.
Social Mobility
Unlike England, Virginia had ______ ________.
Spirit World
Shamans were thought to be able to communicate with the ______ _____.
Renewed interest in religion
Social Mobility
The ability to change class
The Tea Act gave the East India Company a ________ on the American tea trade.
Highest American social class
Item (In general) created by people a long time ago
Plymouth Bay
The Mayflower barely missed Virginia. (Haha, yeah right..) It landed in New England at this bay...
Years of the War of Roses
Thinly settled area on the outer edges of the colonies
The French needed the Ohio Valley to link ______ with the Mississippi Valley.
Mary and William of Orange
Who came to power during the Glorious Revolution?
Crop that made the economy of Jamestown successful
The Enlightenment
Causes of the Great Awakening include a reaction against ___ _____________
Since natural law is orderly and logical, _______ with natural law was now the ideal in the Enlightenment
Breaks down proteins into amino acids
Mississippi River and Tributaries
What is the largest river, by volume, in the US?
Religious Freedom
William Penn set up his government based on ________ ______.
In 1677, Massachusetts bought _____.
1473-1543 were the years of what scientist?
Labor Shortage
Abundant Land and Few Colonists =...
Way of life: Of the 2, Iroquois were more powerful, Iroquois league formed by Hiawatha (1500), Both groups hunted and farmed, Algonquin built roundhouses for shelter, Iroquois built longhouses for shelter, both groups extremely warlike, women had a powerful position in society
In the Old World, people were aware of _____.
7 Years War
War which the French and Indian War was a part of (It was a larger conflict)
Jonathan Edwards
Preacher who started the Great Awakening: He wanted to rekindle the Puritan flame
Long _____ were built by Incas
Southeast groups hunted and fished. Most heavily relied on _______.
Condition of the Earth's atmosphere over a short period of time
Starving Time
The winter of 1609-1610 was called the ________ ____ because the supplies were shipwrecked in Bermuda. The Indians also stopped trading. The population went from
Another name for the Apache
Group with common territory, language, culture, value, religion, social structure
Worst American Loss of the War
The American Revolution is unique in all of history because it was a ____________ revolution.
pH of hydrochloric acid
White Plains
It was here that General Howe came after Washington, who retreated into New Jersey, then Pennsylvania
Benedict Arnold
Great Britain
The Olive Branch Petition assured the king that most colonists were still loyal both to him and to _____ _______.
The Maya developed 2 _________ to keep track of time
This is mostly made up of Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats
Same Rights as Englishmen
In 1606, the Virginia Company's charter was granted. It guaranteed that the colonists would have the...
Adam Smith
Man That Stated: Economy operates without control (Laissez Faire)
Tax Stamp
This was made in the Stamp act: This had to be on certain paper goods
The Great Awakening increased ____-_______ feelings
Roger Williams
Man who was banned from Massachusetts and fled to Rhode Island
This forced people together, and everyone having the same experience in the same situation led to equality
Act of Supremacy
Why was the ___ __ _______ successful? Good Question. The Church of England was still Catholic, just not Roman Catholic. The Protestant Reformation had made some people unhappy with the Roman Catholic Church. Nationalism: England was now self-contained both politically and religiously. Confiscated church land bought support.
Scientist who searches for traces of people from the past
Great Basin
Way of Life: Diggers-Dug for food, main diet-seeds, berries, roots, snakes, lizards, insects, rodents
The British hired professional soldiers called ________.
Plant that produces a blue dye
Success of ________: It opened America to English Settlement, it showed the Economic Possibilities of America, and it started a heritage of Law and Self-Government
Henry Tudor
Won the War of the Roses
Environment: Vast, treeless grassland, cold winters, hot dry summers, moderate rainfall, buffalo, antelopes, mule deer, coyotes, prairie dogs, quail, pheasant
Where were the Separatists given permission to set up a colony?
Year that Henry VIII and Anne Bolyne married
pH of hydrochloric acid
Sides of canyons
Where the Anasazi of the Southwest built their homes
Great Awakening
Movement marked by renewed religious interest
In 1608, a group of Separatists fled to this country
Virginia Company of London
Who first granted colonists a voice in running Jamestown's government?
Lower layers of the tundra (Hint: Permanently frozen)
Second Continental Congress
Second meeting of all colonies to appoint a military leader and to raise an army
Where were Russia's Fur-Trading Posts?
Why did Ben Franklin value a unified government?
The Mayan's writing symbols
Government that's chartered
The Maya were master ________. At the center of there cities were pyramids
pH of cola
In this phase of digestion, the chemical digestion of proteins begins
Edmund Burke
As tensions rose, this English writer called for compromise
Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and the Navy (In other words, __________)
The New England Confederation
Because England is in a civil war, four colonies band together for defense and to address intercolonial problems. Each member had two votes, and colonists gained experience in delegating votes to representatives. This is a first experience with colonial unity.
When you mix an acid and a base, a ______________ reaction occurs.
Before America, Englishmen felt ________ to others.
Cash Crop
Food crop grown to be sold
_________ causes a man to fail, to follow natural law
Dutch landowner
Cash Crop In America
First Continental Congress
Formed by an American Reaction against the Coercive Acts
The condition of the Earth's atmosphere over a short period of time
Gulf of Mexico
What is the large body of water west of Florida that is an extension of the Atlantic Ocean?
By the 1700's, religious leaders believed that colonists were becoming more interested in wealth and success than in ________.
Salts are _____ compounds
Mayflower Compact
Agreement made by pilgrim settlers that ensured self government
The religion of the Fronteir
Manufacturing of _______: Practically None
Cascade Range
What is the tallest mountain range in Oregon and Washington?
Only place to find a Mediterranean climate in North America
When Braddock's army lost, it was mostly because they fought the ________ way. After their win, the Indians went wild.
Payment for military service
As a result of American smuggling, British Troops were sent to ______.
Articles of Confederation
These were adopted as the plan of government in November 1777, and were sent to the states for ratification
Natural Resources
Examples: Minerals, waterways, fish, wildlife, timber
Help with heartburn: They neurtalize the acids that have left the stomach, and lower excessively high acid levels that result from certain foods
Pine Forests
People settling on Carolina made a profit on their ____ _______.
Philadelphia and New York City
The two key port cities in the Middle Colonies
Neglect to Control
After the French and Indian War, England changes their policy toward the American colonies from _______ to _______.
William Pitt
Man who sent the military to america because he thought the battle was either won or lost in America
Machine, Supernatural
Some people in the Enlightenment saw the universe as a _______ with no need for the ____________.
Individual who received legal and exclusive right to a company
Skilled Workers
Some enslaved Africans became _______ _______ such as carpenters or seamstresses.
Francis Marion
Swamp Fox
Salt and Water
A Neutralization reaction forms ____ and _____.
Mauna Loa
What volcano dominates the southern portion of the island of Hawaii?
Joint-Stock Company
Form of business organization
Fort William Henry and Fort Ticonderoga
Which forts were located near the Hudson River?
The ______ offered enslaved persons their freedom in return for military service.
Bootstrap Englishmen
During the 1630's was the Rise of Local Virginia Leadership. ("_________ __________")
Degrees of latitude and longitude providing a grid address
Year of the Tea Act
Central Valley
What flatlands in California lie between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range?
Climate grew warmer
What change caused the hunter-gatherers to settle down to live in one place for long periods of time?
Coercive Acts
Acts in which Boston Harbor was closed until the tea was paid for
1st college in the colonies
Substances that release Hydrogen in water
Lowest and Hottest place on Earth
What makes Death Valley one of the outstanding features of the Intermountain Region?
Contributions of the ________: They strengthen Capitalism in America, they helped the development of Democracy, they stressed Education, they stressed Morality and Virtue, the urge to Reform thins, and a sense of Superiority
Year Montreal Fell
Do acids react with all metals?
Nantucket and other communities in New England became centers of the _______ industry.
Iroquois League
Native American Confederation
50 to 75
Percent of people coming to Virginia that were indentured servants
Molly Pitcher
Woman who carried water pitchers to soldiers
Bill Of Rights
Document listing essential rights or liberties
Thomas Jefferson
Writer of the Declaration of Independence
pH of cola
The religion of New England
Year that the British set out to capture Fort Duquense
Indian Raids
Bacon's Rebellion was caused by tension, and sparked by the...
France and England
2 Countries that claimed land west of the 13 Colonies
England began colonizing in the __th Century
Climate region--Least rainfall possible
Proclamation of 1763
Official announcement that ended settlement west of the Appalachians
If ignorance is the problem, then _________ is the cure.
Samoset sent this Indian to see the Pilgrims
pH of detergent
In may of this year, 104 men arrived in Virginia. They sailed into Chesapeake Bay and up the James River. They called their settlement Jamestown.
Louis XVI
This King signed the Treaty of Alliance after the Battle of Saratoga
Hawaiian Islands
Islands that grew out of volcanoes
Treaty of Paris
Official document that ended the 7 Years War
Benedict Arnold
Compounds that release hydroxide ions
The Puritans weren't against ___________
1730's and 1740's
Dates of the Great Awakening
Canada, Mississippi River
New France contained the eastern 1/2 of ______ and the watershed of the ___________ _____.
Northwest Coast
Environment: Many lakes/bays, mild, moist climate, frequent rainfall, rich in fish, whales, otter, deer, moose, elk, dense evergreen forest
Henry VIII was ______________ from the Catholic Church
Number of Chests dumped into the Ocean during the Boston Tea Party
Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western
The Hemispheres' Names
Northwest Coast
Groups: Tlingit, Chinook
Of all the geographic themes, movement has affected our country's _______ the most.
European country which shares the longest borders with the British colonies
Traded widely
Tenochititlan was the capital
_________ were fighting to keep what had developed in America before 1776. Englishmen in America had become Americans
An Effect of the 7 Years War included Colonial ________.
Large Farm
Philadelphia and New York City
The two largest cities in the Middle Colonies
Man's importance in the world _________ during the Renaissance
Joint Stock Company
A corporation for private investment in which you invest money, receive stock, and get a % of profits. Advantages of this include getting more money with less risk
Lines of latitude and longitude form a grid. ___________ are used to identify addresses on this grid.
Lord Baltimore received a charter for the colony of _______.
Knowledge of Astronomy
Columbia River
What river forms part of the border between two northwestern states and flows into the Pacific Ocean?
Armed private ship on which the colonists relied to protect their ports
Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold failed to capture ______ during Trenton
The name of the group of Separatists who moved for the sake of religious tolerance
Administration of Justice Act
Act in which if the governor thought a fair trial was not possible in Massachusetts, be could have the trial transferred to England
Groups: Sious, Pawnee, Crow, Cheyenne, Comanche
In what world (Old or New) was this social structure? Nobility, Gentry, Yeomanry, Peasent
Army of _______: All volunteer forces-willing to fight but poorly equipped: State militia, and the Continental Army
New England
Where the Great Awakening Started
The ______ crop became an important second crop for Carolina Planters.
In which ocean is the only island state located?
In 1766, the _____ Act was repealed.
French Strongholds
War was avoided by France until 1689, the three wars were fought between 1689 and 1748. The French and their Indian allies raided frontier towns; British and American Colonists raided ______ ___________.
After 1640, There is evidence of ______________ of Blacks in America.
Most colonial governments had an appointed governor. What other government body did they have?
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for taking Arms
In May 1775, this Declaration was written to influence the Americans to fight Britain
Using the Potomac, James and York Rivers, _______ farmers shipped their crop downstream to the coast directly to England. For this reason, Southern Colonies had fewer port cities than New England and the Middle Colonies had.
Sir Walter Raleigh
In 1584, this man got a charter to colonize Virginia. He sent an expedition of 107 people to roanoke. When Sir Francis Drake stopped by, everyone went home with him.
The British had the world's most powerful ____.
Peter Stuyvesant
Dutch governor who seized the colony of New Sweden
Roger Williams
Man who believed in separation of church ands state, which became a basic principle of the American government
Food isn't _______ in your body, until they are broken down
Manpower Pool
A collection of workers that can be used for some task
By 1670, _______ was on the statue books of Virginia
Middle Passage
Route between Africa and America
Increase in Sheep Production
English Event that Led to 2 events: People making Money and Farms becoming Pastures (Enclosure Movement)
James Wolfe
Man who captured Quebec
Bloody Mary
Another name for Mary I
The purpose of the Tea Act was to help the company which was going ________.
Plains and Plateaus
Two landforms that have flat and/or rolling land
The ______ of Mercantilism was: A Nation should regulate its economy to strengthen itself.
Cone shaped tent made from buffalo hides
Olive Branch Petition
Letter that assured the King of the colonists' loyalty
Environment: Open treeless plains, flat-topped mesas, canyons, dry desert, little rainfall, jackrabbits, kangaroo rats, pocket mice, sparse vegetation
National Debt
After the French and Indian War, England had a large ________ ____.
Hawaii, Pacific Coast, Intermountain Region, Rocky Mountains, Interior Plains, Canadian Shield, Appalachian Mountains, Coastal Plains
The eight major physical regions of the US
Canadian Shield
Region with bad farming and lots of mines
Francois de Grasse
Admiral who was commander of the French fleet
Naval Stores
Products used in shipbuilding
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
1st American Constitutional Plans
Empire expanded by peace and WAR!!!
A narrow strip of land between two bodies of water
Loyalists who concentrated on preparing on the fight that was sure to come
Committees of Correspondence
Network for passing along news from England to the colonies
Lexington and Concord
2 First Battles of the American Revolution
Hydroxide Ions
Base strength is determined by the amount of _________ ____ that break off in water
Forces led by Richard Montgomery captured Montreal, but Benedict Arnold failed to capture this city
Aleuts and the Inuit
Two Arctic Native American groups were the ______ and the _____.
Olive Branch Petition
The Second Continental Congress sent this to the King
Indian who asked the Puritans if they had any beer
The Maya were extremely skilled _______
Celebration of bountiful harvest shared by Pilgrims and Native Americans
George Washington
Who built Fort Necessity?
Francis Drake
From 1577 to 1580, this explorer sailed to the Pacific to raid Spanish ships. He also explored the coast of California, then continued on to be the 2nd man to sail around the world
Church Members
The first General Court, which made the laws, included only Puritans who were investors, but later all adult freemen were included if they were ______ _______.
Daniel Morgan
Won the Battle of Cowpens
The Great Awakening provided a _______ (Renewed Interest) in religion.
pH of oven cleaner
Leveled-off strip of land for farming
After the War, Florida was returned to _____.
Chemical Digestion is made possible with the help of _______, catalysts in the body that help speed up the "Reactions of Life"
Appalachian Mountains
In the 1600's, the frontier of the Middle Colonies was the eastern foothills of these mountains
Way of life: Lived along streams/rivers and farmed the banks, followed bison herds in the summer, acquired horses (1500), became nomadic, war was for showing bravery without killing
Mechanical Digestion
Type of digestion: The process through which your food is physical broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces. The result is a physical change.
Ohio Valley
Critical area of the French and Indian War
Wealth flowed to the Aztecs from _________ peoples
Plymouth Harbor
Where did the Pilgrims settle?
People who immigrated to America and lived in the Frontier. They had no love for the British Government
Mechanical Digestion
Type of digestion: The process through which your food is physical broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces. The result is a physical change.
Toleration Act
Maryland Law guaranteeing all Christians the right to worship as they pleased
Discovered elliptical orbit of the planets
Years of weathering
Why are the Appalachians lower than the Rockies?
New Amsterdam
The center of the Dutch Colony in America
Huge forests remain in subarctic ______
Worshipped many gods
pH of detergent
New England
The triangular trade system of this colony: Fish, Lumber->Sugar->Manufactured Goods (Eng)
Physical maps show these features
Fort Ticonderoga
With the capture of this fort, the Americans gained plenty of "ammo."
Sons of Liberty
These people formed the Stamp Act Congress
The Highest, most rugged landforms on earth
A subject of the cartoon included "Join and ____."
Moist and rainy climate commonly found near a coast
Another word for a pH indicator
Navigation Acts
The First of these acts said that colonists must use English-built ships
The people of _______ resented the Proclamation of 1763 because they had fought and won the war so Americans should be able to settle the land.
James Wolfe
Won the Battle in Quebec
New France
This claim was north and west of English colonies
Religious community that made its home in Pennsylvania
Rhode Island
Roger Williams' community of Providence was a success. He accepted everyone into his community. Nearby towns eventually joined, and started the colony of _____ ______.
Coercive Acts
Known as the Intolerable Acts in the colonies
Richard Henry Lee
Supporters of this man formed a committee to form a Declaration of Independence
3rd Largest city in the Middle Colonies
Anne Hutchinson
Freakishly smart woman who was banished from Massachusetts
Payment in goods or services from conquered peoples
Different Nationalities
The effect of _________ _____________ in America: Weakened the control of England had over the colonies, and increased toleration and equality
Hudson River
What river empties into NY Harbor?
May 1775
The First Continental Congress agreed to meet again in this month of this year.
A subject of the cartoon included America's ______.
French and Indian War
Struggle in which French lost North American Landholdings
The first corn
Treaty of Paris
Official Document ending the American Revolution
Battle of Saratoga
Battle in which the Americans drove back British General John Burgoyne
Writs of Assistance
The Townshend Acts included _____ of __________ and trials in Vice Admiralty Courts
Ohio River
What is the river west of the Appalachians that forms a border between Indiana and Kentucky?
Used hieroglyphs
European country who's claim did not border British colonies
Quartering Act
Act in which lodging British troops became a responsibility
Map Projection
A way of showing the round earth on a flat map
Mercator Projection
In the mid-1500's, the ________ ___________ was developed to solve the problem of drawing the curved surface of the earth on a flat map.
Reason of the Boston Tea Party: Americans felt the cheap tea was ____ to get colonists to pay the tea tax
Past and Present
Geographers use the 5 themes to make connections between the ____ and _______ and to study how the earth has changed over time.
Gulf Coastal Plain
What flatlands circle the northern and western coastline of the Gulf of Mexico?
As of 1740, the largest city in the colonies was ______.
The Incas captured their enemies by ________ means
King George
Georgia was named after ____ ______.
Year of the Stamp Act
True or False: The Daughters of Liberty was formed by colonial women.
What country's land claim was most likely not to fight with another land claim?
Distances and Direction
Globes show true _________ and _________ between places.
Boston Tea Party
When people dumped tea into Boston Harbor
Years of relative quiet
Stamp Act
Law that taxed people on legal documents
Groups: Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole
Agreement acceptable to both parties
Government controlled by the King
Approximate Population of England (Some were sympathetic to America)
Great Migration
During this time, 20,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts
Developed an accurate calendar
In this battle, General Cornwallis chased Washington. Washington went around the British flank and attacked another British garrison.
Stamp Act Congress
This was America's reaction against the Stamp Act (The _____ ___ ________)
New Boundary of the United States in the South
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The first American Constitution
The height of the land above the sea level
Families, Unfair Labor, and Slaves
Solutions to the labor shortage
Treaty of Paris
Official document which ended the French and Indian War
Cheif of the Wampanoags
We use this to identify an acid or base
The King of England saw the Olive Branch Petition as _________.
pH of oven cleaner
Building material made of earth and straw
Southwest California Coast
Group: Chumash, Way of life: Fish, shellfish, and plants=Food
People who left the Anglican Church
A Period of Questioning and Critical thinking
Proclamation of 1763
The ____________ of __(Year)__ closed lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
Food isn't _______ in your body, until they are broken down
Middle Class
The class that Henry VII supported
Years of Richard Hakluyt
Justice of the Peace
Job that was the Local Legal Arm of the King
John Joy, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams
3 Delegates who represented America at the negotiations of the British requested cease-fire
Middle Passage
Forced trip from Africa to America by Enslaved Africans
In September, 1620, a group of Separatists sailed to America on the _________.
Chemical Digestion
Type of digestion: The molecules in food are chemical broken down into new forms that are useable for energy and for the maintenance/growth of muscle, bones, skin, and organs
Acidic or Basic
Litmus strips indicate whether something is ______ or _____.
(There is NO God)
To sell goods to other countries
Occurs when stomach acids backup into the esophagus causing painful discomfort in the chest
These sparked an increase in political activity
Samuel Adams
Founder of the Sons of Liberty
Mississippi River
New Boundary of the United States in the West
The Great Awakening caused an emphasis on __________
Indentured Servants
People who agreed to work a certain number of years in exchange for passage to America
Navajo, Apache
Way of life of the tribes ______ and ______: Hunters and Raiders
Northwest Plateau
Way of life: Main food-Salmon, homes were partly underground, acquired horses
Atlantic Coastal Plain
What flatlands extend south from Chesapeake Bay to the eastern coast of Florida?
What ocean lies east of the United States?
Most geographers today use the ________ projection.
We use _____ for Food, Vitamins, Digestion, Batteries, and Fertilizer
Franco-American Alliance
Alliance between America and France
Homes in the Southwest
Change in Economy
Examples of this English force include the Rise of Capitalism, Mercantilism, and Joint Stock Companies
Small hills around the bottom of mountains
Slave Codes
Laws that denied Enslaved Africans most of their rights
Land and water forms, plant and animal life, soil conditions, and climate are all ________ features of a place
This could have been avoided, but there weren't barriers to its development
European country which shares the shortest border with the British colonies
Army of England: Large, well-trained army plus mercenaries (________)
In America, because of the labor shortage, _______ was the only option left
Militia volunteers ready to fight any time
The most advanced mound building culture
Punishment that's not fair
Social Class
Unlike in the cities few ______ _____ distinctions were common in the frontier
Year that the English raided Spanish ships
Colony that proposed forming a militia
Man That Stated: Promoted freedom of thought (Religious and Political Tolerance)
Boston Massacre
An Angry Crowd at Boston were fired at by British soldiers in this event
Rich Planters
The wealthy upper class in the South consisted of ____ ________, who developed their own way of life on their plantations.
More churches = More __________
Amazon River System
The largest river system in South America
Continental Army
Army that represented and defended the colonies
# of Crops New England grew per year
Battle that's the turning point of the American Revolution
Indentured Servants
How did planters treat the first Africans brought to America?
Tea Act
Act passed in 1773
An Effect of the 7 Years War included America having a sense of _______ while England was displeased and inflecible.
Years of the French and Indian War
Aztecs and Incas
Agricultural economy
This started with 2 girls who were listening to supernatural stories
People Making Money
English Event that Led to Profits for Investment
The colonists asked the king to make _____ between Parliament and the Americans
Mercy Otis Warren
Woman Journalist
Cliff Dwellers
Built their houses in sides of canyons
New Hampshire and Maine
In 1622, John Mason and Sir Fernando Gorges received a land grant in the area that today is ___ _________ and _____.
Church and State
Roger Williams believed in separation of ______ and _____.
Environment: Coastal plain with marshes, grasses, as well as areas with mountains, plentiful water, wild boar, opossums, raccoons, muskrats, otters, and alligators
Internal Stability
Examples of this Force for English Migration to America include The War of the Roses, and Henry VII building nationalism
Jack of all Trades
What the men of families were called during the labor shortage
Families with a common beginning (ancestor)
Bulldog Braddock
Theis man went to attack Fort Duquesne with a force of 2,000 British soldiers and 450 Colonial Militia.
Human Perfection
More Knowledge->More complete harmony with Natural Law->Man would become increasingly good->_____ __________ could be reached
Year of the Sugar Act
Town Meeting
This meeting was held to deal with community issues
A change in economy. Theory: A Nation should regulate its economy to strengthen itself. Goal: Get Gold and Silver. Colonies: A source of raw materials and a market for manufactured goods.
Common Sense
Pamphlet declaring that the American colonies received no benefit from Britain
Sections of the Earth divided by the Equator and Prime Meridian (Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western)
Raised highway over water
The Battle of ________ was a key battle for the Patriots.
Thomas Paine
Writer of "Common Sense"
The study of Earth in all its variety
Compound that changes color for acids and bases
Native Americans
At first, the Jamestown colony depended on the ______ _________ for food and water
Central Lowland
What area of the Interior Plains forms the country's breadbasket?
Indentured Servants
In America, these people were part of the labor problem.
Properties of _____: Taste Bitter, Are Slippery, and Conduct Electricity
Breed's Hill
Most of the Battle of Bunker Hill took place on this hill
Act of Supremacy
The effect of the ___ __ _________: There were Pro-Roman Catholics and Pro-Protestants. Both were minorities, both were persecuted, and both added to the manpower pool of possible colonizers
In the Stamp Act Congress, _(Number)_ colonies sent delegates to ask for repeal
Tenant Farmers Thrown off Land
English Event that Led to Manpower Pool for Colonizing
George Rogers Clark
This man's actions extended US control to the Northwest
Meeting place of the Second Continental Congress
James I
In 1603, Elizabeth died and _____ _ became the King
Automatic, Precise, and Mechanical
In the Enlightenment, the universe is _________, _______, and __________.
New Boundary of the United States in the North
Mountains, Hills, Plains, Plateaus
The four major landforms creating topography
Bulldog Braddock's force was defeated by the French with the help of the _______.
Huge Farm
Age of Reason
Another name for the Enlightenment (___ __ ______)
Strict social structure
Where in Europe did the Separatists seek religious freedom?
Breed's Hill
The Hill that most of the Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on
New York
Once the colony of New Netherland was now controlled by England, it was renamed ___ ____ in honor of the King's brother.
The most important meat source for Native Americans in the Subarctic
Governor versus Assembly
Power struggle in America (2 sides)
Under the Slave codes, enslaved people were regarded as this.
The Spanish protested Francis Drake's actions, so Elizabeth ________ Drake.
Iroquois League
Powerful Native American confederation
Government run by Priests
Great Basin
What extensive flatlands cover most of Nevada and are nearly surrounded by mountains?
High pH indicates that the concentration of hydronium ions is ___.
Hydrogen Gas
Acids react with certain metals and produce ________ ___.
A Mapmaker
In contrast to the Adena, what did the Hopewell rely on for food?
New England
The triangular trade system of this colony: Boston rum->African Slaves->Jamaican Sugar
Rice, Indigo, and Tobacco
The 3 cash crops of the South
Great Basin
Environment: Large desert region, harsh climate with extremes of hot/cold, few rivers, reptiles, birds, mammals hide in the day, desert shrubs
_________ maps show traits that people have created, such as cities or the boundaries of states and countries.
Great Salt Lake
Body of water that lies at 41ยบ north latitude and 112ยบ west longitude
New Netherland
Charles II realized that only the colony of ___ __________ kept England from controlling the entire Atlantic coast
This was important in New England, many were close and devoted to each other
Allegheny River, and the Monongahela River
Along what rivers were Fort Duquesne and Fort Necessity located?
Pacific Coast
Region with the tallest mountain
The process of digestion works its way through several ________ in your body.
When Howe captured Philadelphia, Congress fled to _________.
In this phase of digestion, the chemical digestion of proteins begins
Most people of the south were ____________.
The British suffered _______ from 1754 to 1757
John Paul Jones
American Navy pro who won many wars, and sailed the USS Bohomme Richard
James I
In 1624, this king grew hostile toward Virginia. He hated the House of Burgesses and Tobacco. He revoked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company and made Virginia a Royal Colony.
Taste Bitter, Are Slippery, and Conduct Electricity
3 Properties of Bases
Southwest California
Environment: Coastal mountains, hot dry summers, mild winters, rainfall/rivers in north (Dry in south) deer and small animals, quail, fish
In New York State, tenant farmers worked the lands of wealthy ________.
Location, Place, Human/Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region
The 5 Themes in Geography
William Pitt chose young, daring ________.
Age of Reason
Many Skills
What the women of families had during the labor shortage
Capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
_______ are areas that have something in common.
Valley Forge
When Washington's attack failed to capture General Howe at Germantown, they moved into this city.
Henry Hudson
The Dutch West Trading Company set up a colony in North America. This territory was explored by _____ ______ and claimed for the Dutch.
Great Awakening
A Religious Revival
In this event, General St. Leger turned back after being abandoned by the Indians
Boston Port Act
Act in which the port of Boston was closed until the tea was paid for
In America, women had a ______ position in society due to the labor shortage and women shortage
Broken Down
Foods must be ______ ____ into simpler substances that are useable for materials and energy
Demand for More Wool
English Event that Led to the occupation of raising sheep became more profitable
Any One Church
More churches = No State/Government privileges for ___ ___ ______
Using ______, man can unlock the secrets of natural law.
Applied math principles to other subjects
Location: Arizona and New Mexico
Continental Association
Association formed to enforce a boycott
In 1610-1619, there was a new governor who arrived in Jamestown with the supplies. A very strict discipline was applied, and Emphasis was placed Agriculture and commercial development. _______ was developed as a cash crop.
Treaty of Alliance
Treaty signed by King Louis XVI supporting American Revolution
Most people in the Middle Colonies were __________.
Official document granting the right to settle and trade
Location: Atlantic to Miss. River (Ohio River Valley and North)
Hydroxide Ions
Base strength is determined by the amount of _________ ____ that break off in water
________ enters history during the Renaissance, replacing Heaven
Northwest Coast
Way of life: Hunted and fished, plentiful wood to make houses, tools, weapons, baskets, clothing, and totem poles, Avid traders, held potlatches, and the virtue was generosity
Common Sense
Pamphlet which listed the advantages of independence
In the autumn of this year, the first Thanksgiving occurred, and William Bradford was elected governor
Ice Age
The Era that ended 10,000 years ago
Climate where citrus fruits grow well
Empire built by conquest
George Whitefield
Preacher who traveled throughout the colonies: He said the key test of election (salvation) is an emotional conversion experience
A group's way of life
After Saratoga, this country wanted to help the USA
Part of the Treaty of Paris included France giving New Orleans to Spain, and all of the land ____ of the Mississippi.
1st Thanksgiving
Coast Range
What mountains run along California's coastline?
Water Source
Most frontier forts were located near a certain kind of natural feature. What were these natural features?
Lines of latitude
Ben Franklin
This man made improvements to the colonies' mail service
Leaders and Geography
Only American Advantages
Sections that share common characteristics
Human Sacrifice
England and Prussia versus France, Spain, and Russia
2 Sides of the 7 Years War
When George Washington aimed cannons at ______, the British fled.
Low pH indicates that the concentration of hydronium ions is ____.
Reasons to Go to _______: (Hakluyt made this) Bring Reformed Christianity to America, Challenge Spanish Domination, Strengthen nation through Mercantilism, Get rid of Problems (Unemployed people, Convicts, and Dissenters), and to use as a base camp to look for the Northwest Passage. The most important individual reason was LAND!!!
With so many workers, ________ plantations tended to be self-sufficient.
Great Basin
Groups: Shoshone, Paiute, Utes
Who actually paid the costs of the English settlement in Virginia?
Way of life: Known as the 5 civilized tribes, farmed, hunted, fished, houses had thatched roof (no walls in the summer), women had a high standing, elaborate social structure, warlike
Mound Builders
Built monuments out of Earth's natural features
West Indies, New England, and West Africa
3 Stops on the Triangular Trade Route
William Penn
Named Pennsylvania after his father
Valley Forge
Washington's army had to endure a harsh winter at ______ _____.
Triangular Trade Routes
Trade Routes that formed a triangle between the West Indies, Colonial America, Europe, and West Africa
Taste Sour, Dissolve Metals, and Conduct Electricity
3 Properties of Acids
Taste Sour, Dissolve Metals, and Conduct Electricity
3 Properties of Acids
Year of the Battle of Yorktown
Intolerable Acts
Acts that closed Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for
The humid continental and subtropical climate regions cover nearly ____ of the US
Ben Franklin
Who presented the Albany Plan?
Because colonists could move from one class to another, lower classes could improve their social class. Only ______ couldn't improve their social class.
July 4, 1776
Date that the Declaration of Independence was approved
Covered in bushes and short grasses receiving little rain
Between 1662 and 1674 in Virginia, there were no new elections of the House of Burgesses. Result:______.
Committees of Correspondence
These united the colonies more than ever before during the time of the Coercive Acts
Experimented with Electricity
Appalachian Mountains
What was the new boundary according to the Proclamation of 1763?
In what world (Old or New) was this social structure? Gentry, Middle Class, Lower Class
John Smith
Person who first took charge of the troubled Jamestown settlement
Meridians, is the Prime Meridian
The starting place for measuring lines of longitude which are also known as _________, is the _____ ________.
Differences in height of one piece of land and another
In this period, General Howe decided to return to NYC. As his troops moved through New Jersey, Washington attacked the rear guard and brought on a general engagement
Year that the Greenville Acts started
Year of the Boston Massacre
Age of a woman being married in America
Navigation Acts
Laws passed by England to control Colonial trade
True or False: Europeans helped the colonists.
Sir Edmund Andros
Governor of the Dominion of New England
Mayflower Compact
Every Separatist that sailed on the Mayflower had to sign this document
Tools, Weapons
2 types of artifacts that reveal cultures that existed more than 10,000 years ago
Master Builders
Area made up of mostly farms
Salts are _____ compounds
Year of the Townshend Acts
Religious Revival
The Great Awakening was a _________ _______.
All changes in the year of ____ made Virginia more attractive
Examples of a ______ taste: Chocolates, Figs, Potatoes
An upper class of wealthy ________ families grew up in New York and Philadelphia.
New Haven
Founded by people who couldn't stand living in Massachusetts (Merged with Connecticut in 1662)
English settlers seeking religious freedom in the Americas
Subsistence Farming
When Farmers only make enough for them and their families
Help with heartburn: They neurtalize the acids that have left the stomach, and lower excessively high acid levels that result from certain foods
Do acids react with all metals?
Northwest Plateau
Groups: Nez Perce, Yakima
New York City
In the British Knockout Blow Plan, General Howe will move north from this city
Suffolk Resolves
The First Continental Congress passed the _______ ________.
Colonists knew the countryside and wilderness and ________ in their cause.
Hudson Riverfront
The Dutch West India Company gave huge tracts of ______ __________ land to anyone who brought 50 settlers to New Amsterdam
Another name for Metacomet
(Which Country?) No money to support the war, with no power to tax, Congress sought loans, used Continentals, which were worth almost nothing
The first English settlement, NOT successful
France and England
Which 2 country's land claims were most likely to fight with each other?
After the people of the plains obtained ______, they became hunters instead of farming
Feasts in the Northwest where the wealthiest Native American families gave gifts to the community
Low pH indicates that the concentration of hydronium ions is ____.
Groups: Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache
Battle of Long Island
Battle in which General Howe moved to NYC. Washington's army was defeated, and they retreated
Acceptance of different religious beliefs
Metal, Nonmetal
Salts form the _____ of a base and the ________ of an acid
Centered by the Sun
In the Enlightenment, God is replaced by _______ Law.
Nations of Native Americans were usually made up of people who spoke the same ________.
North America
Central America is in this continent
Bill of Rights
1689 marked the year of the first ____ of ______.
George Washington
Chosen as Commander of the Continental Army
Locke and Rousseau
Men That Stated: Government is created by the consent of the governed; Man creates government to protect his natural rights
Another word for a pH indicator
Massachusetts Bay Company
Company started by the Puritans in America
Years of the Great Migration
Contesoga Wagon
Type of horse-drawn covered wagon used to transport grain
Properties of _____: Taste sour, Dissolve Metals, and Conduct electricity
Act of Supremacy
Act in which Henry VIII made himself the head of the Church of England
America felt that __________ couldn't levy any taxes, only colonial legislatures could.
Salt and Water
A Neutralization reaction forms ____ and _____.
Local leaders of Virginia fight newcomers for Political Power. Result:_______
1706-1790 were the years of what scientist?
The people in the Middle Colonies were more _______ in background than those in New England.
An Effect of the 7 Years War included ________ between England and the American colonies.
The ________ of Mercantilism were: A source of raw materials and a market for manufactured goods.
England had the most powerful ____ in the world, and America didn't have one
Three huge _________ connected the island capital to the mainland around the lake
A High point of a week
European country which claimed the largest land area in North America
In the 1600's, people farmed for food. In the 1700's, people farmed for ______.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
In 1578, This man got a charter from Elizabeth I to plant a colony. He sailed to America to scout the land.
When George Washington came back to Virginia, he reported France wouldn't leave without _____.
By 1760, ____________ were traveling on roads linking major colonial cities.
The victory at _________, New Jersey, gave the Continental Army hope.
Rich newcomers in Virginia got fertile coast land while the poor were pushed into the dangerous back country. Result:_______
In this battle, no one knows who fired the 1st shot
Small river leading into a larger river
Move from one place and settle in another
Catholic, Monarchy
If England colonized in the 1500s, America would be ________ and have a ________.
Breadbasket Colonies
The Middle Colonies earned this nickname because of all of their wheat
The British planned to seize guns and gunpowder stored in this city
Mound Builders and Anasazi
Two Major Native American cultures living in the Present day United States 2,000 years ago
Patrick Henry
Spoke, "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death."
Area around slow flowing rivers that are affected by the Ocean Tides
In this battle, Washington crossed the Delaware River, and defeated the Hessians
Washington was sent to the French a second time with 150 militia to build a ____.
Years of the Renaissance
First Continental Congress
First meeting of represenatives from every colony
What country claimed a large portion of Southwest America?
In the southern colonies, when trade laws became a bother, they were _______.
The usual pattern of conditions such as temperature, precipitation, and wind, of an area over a long period of time
George Washington
The Second Continental Congress chose ______ __________ to form a Continental Army.
Anne Bradstreet and Phyllis Wheatly
2 women who were well-known poets in the colonies
The Great Awakening caused _____ in the colonies
Great Plains
What is the huge expanse of flatlands between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River?
With men away at war, _____ ran family farms and businesses.
Crispus Attucks
The First African American to die for the revolutionary cause
Northwest Coast
Location: Pacific Northwest near ocean or rivers
Roger Williams
Man who spent a winter with the Narragansetts
0 to 14
The pH scale ranges in value from _ to __.
Hydronium Ions
pH measures how many ________ ____ are in a solution
Life, Liberty, and Property
According to John Locke: The 3 Natural Rights of People
People, their ideas, languages and religions are all ________ features of a place.
pH Scale
Acids and Bases are opposite each other on the __ _____.
Anasazi homes made of stone, timber, and adobe bricks
Years of the 7 Years War
George Washington
Who ordered an attack on a French scouting party near Great Meadows?
Textile Industry Grows
English Event that Led to the Demand for more Wool
San Francisco Bay
The largest bay in California
Year of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
Chemical Digestion
Type of digestion: The molecules in food are chemically broken down into new forms that are useable for energy and for the maintenance/growth of muscle, bones, skin, and organs
Document presenting a plan of government
Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Winthrop called this colony "A City upon a Hill"
Massachusetts School Law
The first public school system was set up under this law
People who tried to purify the Anglican Church
When acids react with metals and disappear, and produce hydrogen gas, the metals appear to _________.
Forest Resources helped New England become a center of ____________.
Small Intestine
In this phase of digestion, enzymes complete the work of chemical digestion
Fort Ticonderoga
Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold planned a successful attack on this fort
Environment: Distinct seasons from hot summers to cold winters, plentiful water in lakes, rivers, and streams, abundant animal life, lush deciduous and evergreen forests
Man That Stated: Separate the government's power into different branches (Each branch checks the power of the others)
Sierra Nevada Mountains
What is the mountain range that separates California and Nevada?
Year of the Treaty of Paris
After the French and Indian War, England resented _____ abuses.
Internal Stability, Change in Economy, English Reformation, and Richard Hakluyt
4 Forces for English Migration to America
(What kind of motive to form the Massachusetts Bay Colony?) Depression
In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert sailed to ____________ with 5 ships and 260 men but no one would stay. Gilbert's ship sunk on the way home.
Roger Williams spent a winter with these Indians
King James
Who took back the Virginia Company of London's Charter and controlled Virginia himself?
In the British Knockout Blow Plan, Johnny Burgoyne will attack ______.
The Wampanoag chief ________ joined with allies to make a war. It came to an end with his death.
Will of the Majority
Everyone who sailed on the Mayflower had to submit to the ____ of the ________.
The structure of the government in _______: Governor, Counsil, Assembly
Thrift, Industry, and Practical Ingenuity
Characteristics in the labor shortage
Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario
5 Bodies of freshwater creating a border between US and Canada
Year that marked the beginning of the Great Migration
In 1779, the British decided to try to capture the __(Direction)__.
Hydrogen Ions
Acid strength is determined by the amount of ________ ____ that break apart in water
English Bride Ship
Ship that sailed into Jamestown in 1620
The Townshend Acts were taxes on _______. (Imports or Exports?)
In 1675, 3 Wampanoags were ____ for murder
Much like plateaus but smaller (Raised with steep sides)
High pH indicates that the concentration of hydronium ions is ___.
Taxation without Representation is _______.
Henry VII
After his victory of the War of the Roses, Henry Tudor's name changed to _____ ___.
Farms Became Pastures
English Event that Led to Tenant Farmers thrown off the land becoming unemployed
Part of the Treaty of Paris included _____ giving Florida to Britian.
Middle Colonies
The triangular trade system of this colony: Grain->Luxuries (Italy)->Manufactured Goods (Eng)
Democracy and Individualism
The Great Awakening increased _________ and ____________
Quartering Act
Act in which colonists had to pay for housing and feeding for British troops
Hakluyt collected and reproduced stories of _______.
James Oglethorpe
The founder of the Georgia colony
Declaration of Rights
The First Continental Congress passed the ___________ of ______ which said Parliament had no right to tax or legislate for America
Virginia Company
In 1604, Merchants for this company applied for a charter
Person who favored separation from Great Britain
Rio Grande
What is the name of the river that forms a border between Mexico and the US?
An Effect of the 7 Years War included Colonial soldiers gaining confidence in their ________ stregnth.
90% of Americans were _______ during the labor shortage
Parallels, is the Equator
The starting place for measuring lines of latitude which are also known as _________, is the _______.
Symbols or pictures used to create a system of writing
In spring of 1609, only 50 colonists were alive. 400 new colonists arrived exhausted, sick, and _________. They failed to plant crops, and John Smith went home.
Proprietary Colony
Colony given to someone by the King
Year that the Pilgrims (Plymouth) and the Massachusetts Bay Colony Merged
When you mix an acid and a base, they ______ each other out.
Suffolk Resolves
Proposed by Paul Revere, these demanded an end to trade with Britain and its West Indian Colonies
Separatists didn't enjoy Holland, they decided to go to ________.
Mount Whitney
What is the tallest mountain in California?
Act of punishing harmful statements
In the Enlightenment, there are laws of ______.
In this phase of digestion, saliva helps to mix and mash the food
After the French and Indian War, England had new _________ to deal with.
Trenton and Princeton
2 battles that were important morale victories for the Americans
Wheat, Pork
Cash crops in the Middle colonies included _____ and other grains, and beef and ____.
The Proclamation of 1763 was made to prevent ______ problems.
Appalachian Mountains
What is the main mountain chain that runs through the eastern US?
Franklin thought that if the colonies didn't join together, they would be destroyed by ______.
Part of the Treaty of Paris included France giving Canada and all the land ____ of the Mississippi to Britian.
People who supported ties with Britain
Fort Necessity
After Washington's men opened fire on the French, the French countered and attacked ____ _________.
Great Migration
Movement from England to America
Rise of Capitalism
A change in economy that made Agriculture an Industry
Religious Leader
Wealth and Occupation
In Great Britain, social standing was based on family and tradition; in the colonies, it depended on ______ and __________.
The Aztecs had a rigid social system with the ______ at the top
Ben Franklin
One important figure in the development of American science
Quebec Act
Act that was part of the Intolerable Acts
Losers of the Battle of Lexington
The American Revolution was the first time in history that colonies ____________ broke away from a mother country.
The Puritans and Separatists both had strong feelings about the ________ Church
An Effect of the 7 Years War included British Soldiers looking down on _________.
England was the _______ country in the world
General Cornwallis
British commander at Yorktown
Middle Colonies
The German Custom of barn raising, along with sheep-shearing, cornhusking, and butchering were often shared by the settlers in these colonies
Year of the repeal of the Stamp Act
The process of digestion works its way through several ________ in your body.
The Separatists arrived in New England on December 21, ____.
Home of the Quakers
Lord Baltimore
Founder of the Maryland Colony
Eventually a few slaveholders gave trusted servants their _______.
The Great Awakening _____/__________ churches
Compound that changes color for acids and bases
Writs of Assistance
Blank Search Warrants
England, France, Spain, and Russia
Which 4 countries claimed land in North America in 1754?
The ideas of __________ such as Newton encouraged interest science in the colonies.
Upper Ohio Valley
Once Fort Duquense fell, Britian controlled the _____ ____ ______.
Powerful German State
Proclamation of Suppressing Sedition
Document that says that the colonies are in rebellion
William Penn governed 3 lower counties along the Delaware River that eventually formed the colony of ________.
Small Intestine
In this phase of digestion, enzymes complete the work of chemical digestion
Properties of _____: Taste Bitter, Are Slippery, and Conduct Electricity
(What is this?) Colony sends Raw Materials to Mother country, Country sends back manufactured goods; Foreign trade between Country B and the Colony of the Mother Country (Taxed by Mother Country); Mother Country Sells a lot to Country B, and buys very little
Private Ships
During the 7 Years War, in this direction, Fort Frontenac fell
Albany Plan of Union
This was a council made up of delegates from each colony
Relative Location
________ ________ tells where a place is in relation to other places.
An Effect of the 7 Years War included the Colonies not supporting the war ______________.
In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh made a second attempt to colonize Virginia. He sent 110 people to _______.
Groups: Algonquin (Shawnee) and Iroquois
Stamp Act
1st attempt at direct taxation by Parliament
Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Lakes
The four major types of bodies of water
British thought American actions were a direct violation of __________.
Starving Time
The Massachusetts Bay Colony didn't have one of these
Salem Poor
Fellow soldiers recommended that the Continental Congress recognize _____ ____ for his bravery.
People who lived in the Great Basin
Chesapeake Bay
What bay is located just east of our nation's capital?
Brandywine Creek
Washington's army was defeated by General Howe in Philadelphia, at this city.
Wind and water ________ affect weather
Self-Governing Political unit
In the Enlightenment, some saw the wonders of ___ in this view of the universe
Charles II sent his brother _____, Duke of York to seize the Dutch colony of New Netherland
Year of the Restoration (Charles II returns and takes the throne)
Hopi, Zuni
Way of life of the tribes ____ and ____: Skilled farmers, lived in pueblos, grew corn, beans, and squash, peace-loving, classless society, virtue-thrift(use everything)
Theory that a state's power depends on its wealth
The only accurate way to draw our planet is as a ______.
Substances that release Hydrogen in water
Roger Williams bought land from the Narragansetts for a community called _________.
Elevation which (Above it) trees don't grow
Closing off an area with ships
Francois de Grasse
This man anchored 29 Warships in the Chesapeake Bay
The most important people in the Mayan Empire
Raising Sheep becomes More Profitable
English Event that Led to the Increase in Sheep Production
City upon a Hill
John Winthrop called the Massachusetts Bay Colony "A ____ _____ a ____."
Major Battle of the War
1564-1642 were the years of what scientist?
James Oglethorpe
Founded a colony for people who had landed in debtor's prison
Roman Catholics or Jews
Religious minorities in the Middle Colonies
Job that was the Local Military Arm of the King
Ben Franklin
This man published Poor Richard's Almanac, a colonial best-seller
Rigid class structure governed by hereditary rulers
Totem Poles
Large wood carvings made in the northwest by Indians
Native American who taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, plant, and fish
Coastal Plains
Region forming lowlands on the East coast
(What kind of motive to form the Massachusetts Bay Colony?) Because of Persecution and to set an example for the Church of England
Another name for the church
William Pitt concentrated on expanding in ______.
Religious Leaders
Edmund Andros
Governor of Massachusetts who closed town meetings, restricted schools, the courts, and the press
During the 7 Years War, in this direction, Fort Duquense fell
Mayas and Incas
Created math systems
Contributions of the ________: They provided a Religious community, and proved it could exist. They provided a precedent for future written constitutions, representative government, private land ownership, and intolerance.
1642-1727 were the years of what scientist?
Massachusetts Bay Company
Company formed in 1629, and the charter didn't say that the company headquarters had to be in England. They were the first self-governing colony
Samuel Adams
Leader of the Sons of Liberty
To protect themselves from the cold, the plateau indians built homes that were partly ___________.
(What kind of motive to form the Massachusetts Bay Colony?) Parliament dissolved
Daniel Morgan
Winner of the Battle of Cowpens
The revival of the Great Awakening ______ to the other colonies
Protestant, Democratic, Capitalism
Since England began colonizing in the 1600's, America is a ________ country, We are __________, and we have __________.
This is mostly made up of Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats
War of the Roses
Civil War in England from 1455-85
In America, to make a profit, one needed ____.
Charles II
King who tried to change the charters of New Hampshire and Massachusetts
Emotional Conversion Experience
George Whitefield's key theory
A Native American group that consisted of master fishers (In California)
The Stamp Act was meant to take care of England's ____.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Colony started by Puritans who were hated by Charles I
Lines of Longitude
Occurs when stomach acids backup into the esophagus causing painful discomfort in the chest
Year of the Boston Tea Party
King Charles II granted 8 English noble pieces of land that came to be called ________.
Richard Hakluyt
Force of English Migration who collected and reproduced stories about America. He listed the Reasons to go to America, also.
Number of Intolerable Acts
Distance East or West of the Prime Meridian, measured in degrees and minutes
Mexico City
Tenotchitlan was in present day ______ ____
White Male Property Owner Older than 21
What were the qualifications of voting in most colonies?
Manufacturing of _______: Highly developed and flourishing
Savannah River
Planters used swampy land next to this river to grow rice.
James II
King who tried to unite New England, New York, and New Jersey to make the Dominion of New England
Road System
Under British Law, All of the Intolerable Acts were _______.
Year that the British declared war formally for Fort Duquense
Protestant Christians who wanted to separate from the Church of England
Invincible Armada
In 1588, John Whited returned to England to make sure supplies arrived from Roanoke... But, Phillip II of Spain sent his "__________ ______" to invade England.
The Aztecs used _________ to get flowing water
Dame Schools
In New england, children could be seen reading from a shared book at ____ _______.
A woman's place was in the ____.
Specialized Worker
Worker which specializes in one job and does one kind of work
For what reason did the Anasazi come in contact with Native Americans who lived as far away as Mexico?
Townshend Acts
Laws passed by the British that placed import duties
Royal Colony
Colony under the control of the British King
North Carolina
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse took place in _____ ________.
Group of civilians declared by law to be called to military service
A map is a ____ drawing of the Earth's surface.
Mount McKinley
What is the tallest mountain in Alaska?
Declaration of Independence
Resolution declaring a new, representative form of government
Immigrants coming to our country is an example of the geographic theme called ________.
Mohawk Valley
In the British Knockout Blow Plan, General St. Leger will attack through the ______ ______.
If the world is a machine with no need for God, then God's importance is _________.
Location: Southern US to Miss. River (South of the Ohio River)
Trainee to a master Artisan
Townshend Acts
The American Reaction against these acts included Boycott, Smuggling, and Ill Feelings.
Moisture that falls as rain, sleet, or snow
Scientists most often use this indicator
The King
Man who wanted Georgia to be a buffer between South Carolina and Florida
Person who supported ties with Great Britain
Albany Plan of Union
Plan that called for a delagate council appointed by the British King
The difference between the Puritans and Separatists was that the Separatists wanted to _____ the church
Lawmaking Body
When the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, that event marked the start of the decline of Spanish Power and the Rise of English _____ Power.
George Washington
Named as commander of the Continental Army
1st part of the Declaration of Independence
Approximate Population of America (Many were loyal to England)
Group of Native Americans who helped the Pilgrims
Missouri River, Mississippi River, and Ohio River
3 Important rivers in French Territory
In 1622, a major ______ attack occurred, and it marked the start of the idea that the only good ______ is a dead ______. (All of the blanks are the same word)
Meeting place of the First Continental Congress
Brooks Range
From the top of which mountain range in the US could you see the Arctic Ocean?
Iriquois and the Algonquin
The ________ and the _________ were two major culture groups in the Northeast Woodlands
Rebellions and __________ by the enslaved peoples occurred on both slave ships and plantations
The religion of the South
Social Mobility
Ability to move social classes
What the children of families were during the labor shortage
Thomas Hooker
Man who lead some Massachusetts immigrants to live in the Connecticut River Valley
Hydronium Ions
pH measures how many ________ ____ are in a solution
Henry VIII
To produce a male heir, this man has marriage declare invalid and marries Anne Bolyne without the approval of the Catholic Church
In June 1779, this country declared war on England
People who favored separation from Britain
We use _____ for Food, Vitamins, Digestion, Batteries, and Fertilizer
1546-1650 were the years of what scientist?
Declaratory Act
Act in which the Parliament has the authority to bind all the colonies in any cases whatsoever
Open Fire
When George Washington came back to the French a second time. He saw some Frenchmen and the Virginians ____ ____.
Southwest Inland California
Group: Pomo, Way of life: Acorns, small game=Food
Paul Revere and William Dawes
2 Midnight Riders
Elizabeth I
In 1558, _________ _, the daughter of Henry VIII became queen
Hydrogen Gas
Acids react with certain metals and produce ________ ___.
Location: Between Rockies and Miss. River
Before America, Englishmen were _________.
Treaty of Paris
This officially ended the French power in America
Northwest Plateau
Location: Between Cascades and Rockies (Mts.)
1st Blacks arrived in ____, not fully free
Nathaniel Bacon
Man who led a raid against the Indians
Cape Cod
What is the name of the landform 40ยบ north latitude that juts out into the Atlantic like a giant fishhook?
This man led a Native American alliance which captured forts and frontier settlements
New England caught enough fish to be able to ______ it.
Totem Poles
Large wooden structures made in the Northwest
Religious Ceremonies
Why were the mounds built?
Wherever humans have lived or traveled, they have changed the natural features of the earth, or the ___________.
Roger Williams founded the first _______ church.
Weather pattern over a long time
Fur, Fishing, Lumber, and Farming
The Pilgrims economy consisted of:
Wage Labor
In America, ____ _____ was scarce due to cheap land.
Independence and Equality
Frontier families developed a spirit of these two virtues because of the common dangers and hardships they faced.
The physical features of the Earth's surface
1571-1630 were the years of what scientist?
Religious Activity
Causes of the Great Awakening include a decline in _________ ________
In 1619, the first ______ arrived in Jamestown.
(You can't know if a God exists)
Skilled Farmers
George Rogers Clark
This man weakened British influence in Ohio Valley
Puritans didn't believe in religious __________ for others
Made bronze, performed amputation, and bone transplants
A subject of the cartoon included the Snake being _______.
How did the first Americans cross from northeastern Asia into Alaska?
Government owned by an individual
Mississippi River and Tributaries
The largest river system in North America
Trial by Jury and the Right to be Taxed by People you Elect
What are two rights the colonists had as English citizens that they wouldn't have had as citizens of most European countries?
John Winthrop
Called the Massachusetts Bay Colony "A City upon a Hill"
Metal, Nonmetal
Salts form the _____ of a base and the ________ of an acid
Owned all food that the Incas grew
Roger Williams supported __________.
The Townshend Acts were still to raise _____. (Part of which was to pay Royal Governors)
On the final leg of the triangular trade route, the ships carried ________ to the planters in the West Indies.
Moore's Creek Bridge
Patriot forces crushed a Loyalist uprising at _____'s _____ ______, North Carolina.
Since the snake in the cartoon is cut up into pieces, what does that represent? (Colonies are _________)
To describe a region, geographers look at ________ characteristics such as location, size, landforms, climate, soil, and natural vegetation.
Francis Marion
"Swamp Fox"
Natural law is _______: It is therefore a proper guide for human affairs
Made the laws of gravity
pH Scale
Acids and Bases are opposite each other on the __ _____.

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