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Explain his emphasis on the necessity for major cultural change within the DoD and the US government.
Defending against 4GW enemies cannot be divided neatly into domestic and foreign, military, and civil operations. Rather, we have to create effective interagency structures to deal with this new threat.
The Shortcomings demonstrated by the American effort in Iraq are human rather than technological:
Cultural awareness, Information Operations, Civic Action & Affairs, Intelligence from Strategic to Tactical
What does the US need to do to effectively confront these enemies?
The US needs to restructure its forces. We have too many heavy ground and air superiority forces. We need more "medium-weight forces" that can:
How would Representative Thornberry define transformation?
True transformation is less about hardware and fortune telling than it is about people, process, and ideas. It is a journey of continuous examination, adaptability, and improvement.
List key stability operations tasks for US military forces.
Rebuild & Stabilize, Revive the Private Sector, Develop Representative Governmental Institutions
What are the four imperatives that require the DoD to transform?
Strategic, Threat, Technological, Risk Mitigation
Describe the two key types of 4GW enemies that the US faces, in Hammes' opinion.
1) An insurgent movement to seize control of a territory. (al Qaeda) (- Idea-based rather than territorial- Ideology expressed as a "vision" by senior leadership ) 2) A nation that is using 4GW techniques/alliances to neutralize US power. (China)
Explain the four pillars of the DoD's force transformation implementation strategy.
Strengthening joint operations; Exploiting existing US intelligence advantages; Innovative concept development and experimentation; Developing new transformational capabilities
Why is Maj Gen Scales critical about the current focus of DoD transformation efforts?
He believes we focus too much on creating an overwhelming technical advantage over the enemy.
Innovative concept development and experimentation
through war gamming, simulations, and field exercises
Within DoD, what is their priority in comparison to combat operations?
given priority comparable to combat operations and integrated across all DoD activities.
Four categories of risk:- Force Management
to recruit, train, & retain high caliber personnel
What other areas does he propose the US military should be considering to fight war effectively in the future?
1) Creating better educated & culturally aware soldiers. 2) Soldiers/marines doing the fighting should have some input. 3) Focus on the enemies most-likely to kill us, rather than those that most closely mirror us.
Developing new transformational capabilities
building on the successful pursuit of the first three pillars
Exploiting existing US intelligence advantages
through enhanced exploitation and broader dissemination of global surveillance and reconnaissance information
Strengthening joint operations
through the development of joint operations concepts and architectures, Innovative concept development and experimentation,
Define transformation for the Department of Defense.
the all-encompassing process of thinking creatively in order to work better with other parts of the D0D and other government agencies and coalition allies. It is more than just acquiring new equipment and embracing new technology. It is how we do business, how we work with others, and how we fight.
What is Hammes argument for focusing on people rather than technology?
Technology does not solve problems, people do. DoD is still focused on replacing/improving technology and not our personnel/training systems. What really matters are well-trained, intelligent, creative people guided by a coherent, long-term, strategic approach tailored to 4GW.
Define Threat Imperative:
We are operating in a less predictable threat environment than we were before 1990. Regional powers are developing capabilities to threaten stability in areas critical to the US. Both state and non-state adversaries are attempting to compensate for US military superiority. The proliferation of CBRN capabilities also raises the possibility of such weapons falling into terrorists' hands.
Why is transformation so important to national security?
Because we are now fighting a war unlike any we have fought before and it demands new ways of thinking
Four categories of risk:- Institutional
of ensuring we manage our resources effectively
Define Strategic Imperative:
Post-Cold War where the US appeared to have no peer competitors, and post-9/11 where the battlefield appears to have no boundaries, we have had to assume that surprise is the norm rather than the exception and build capabilities-based, rather than threat-based force. Our new defense strategy requires agile, network-centric forces that can take action from forward positions, rapidly reinforce from other areas, and defeat adversaries swiftly and decisively.
1) Rebuild & Stabilize:
Security forces, correctional facilities, judicial systems
Describe Colonel Hammes' concerns about whether the DoD is preparing adequately to meet the challenges of fourth-generation warfare (4GW).
- The normal US response to 4GW has been uncoordinated and disjointed. There has been no unifying strategy. 4GW attacks are coordinated across the spectrum (political, military, economic, security) and we must coordinate our responses in the same manner.
Define Technological Imperative:
Access to highly capable, low-cost technologies has lowered the barriers to competition in areas where the US used to be uncontested.
Define Risk Mitigation:
Force management, operational, future challenges, institutional
Four categories of risk:- Future Challenges
of investing in new capabilities for the future
Stability Operations- Long-term Goals: To help develop an indigenous capability for:
- Securing essential services- A viable market economy- Rule of law- Democratic institutions- Robust civil society
Stability Operations- Immediate Goals:
- To provide the local populace with security- Restore essential services- Meet humanitarian needs
Four categories of risk:- Operational
to support near-term contingencies & operations
Although what our future force will look like and how they will operate is still evolving, 2 characteristics seem to stand out:
Joint, Network-Centric force AND Capable of executing effects-based operations
What are stability operations and what is their purpose and goal?
Military & civilian activities conducted across the spectrum from peace to conflict to establish or maintain order in states and regions.
2) Revive the Private Sector:
citizen-driven economic activity & infrastructure

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