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What are four options for delivery of regular pay?
Direct deposit
Mail check to network address
accrue net pay PPC
Mail check to unit address
If a member elects to direct deposit his/her pay, he/she must submit one of the following forms:
FMS form 2231
SF 1199A
account deposit slip
voided check
Pay Delivery Worksheet (CG PPC-2015)
What is the most efficent method of payment delivery?
Direct Deposit
The routing transit number and check digit are a total of how many digits?
Would a person on active duty who is entitled to basic pay be considered a dependant?
No, Not for FSA purposes
What does the term "Household" mean?
The same as "home" or "family" and living under one roof. For FSA-II purposes the definition applies only to "secondary dependents"
What are the types of FSA authorized for members with dependents?
FSA-Type I and FSA-Type II
FSA-Type I compensates a member for?
The additional expenses caused by reason of being requires to produce and maintain quarters for one self overseas in addition to quarters maintained elsewhere for dependents. It is not payable to a member assigned to a duty station Hawaii, or to any other duty station under permissive, humanitarian, or mutual exchange of station orders.
FSA-Type I is payable in a monthly amount of?
Equal to BAQ payable to a member without dependents in the same paygrade.
FSA-Type II compensates a member for?
The additional expenses incurred because of an enforced family separation under one of the conditions. It is payable to qualified members serving inside or outside the U.S. It is not authorized in the time of war or national emergency declared by congress or when a member performs duty at any station under permissive orders.
FSA-Type II is payable in the amount of?
$75.00 a month
In order for a member to qualify for FAS-S or FSA-T, the member must be away from the homeport of the ship or away from the permanent station continuously for more than how many days?
30 days
what type of FSA is a married member entitled whose overseas PCS assignment is to an area where dependents are not permitted?
FSA-Type I and FSA-R
What type of FSA is a married member entitled to who is attached to a ship that has been underway for 10days?
None, in order to be entitled to FSA the member must be away from the homeport for 30 consecutive days.
SKC Tinsley os married to SK1 Tinsley. SKC Tinsley is stationed abord the CGC Hamilton and SK1 Tinsley is stationed at CG Air Station San Diego. they have no dependents. The CGC Hamilton gets underway for 2 months. What type of FSA is SKC Tinsley entitle
None, because SK1 Tinsley is on active duty and is entitled to base pay, she is not considered a dependent for FSA purposes.
MK2 Matta, who is stationed onboard CGC Munroe, has TAD orders to USCG Reserve Training Center Yourktown, VA. He will be away from his family for six weeks. What type of FSA is he entitled to?
Member departed CGC Mellon TAD on 5 JAN 1995 and returned 17 Feb 1995. No leave used. Determine FSA (T)
44 days
Member departed Group Key West TAD on 26 April 1995 and returned 30 May 1995. Member used 5 days leave en route returning from TAD to Group Key West.
Determine FSA (T)
30 Days
TC2 Kidd departed CGC Bear TAD on 1 FEB 1994 using 2 days leave in route to Tracen Petaluma, the TAD unit. Member returned 9 March 1994 using 4 days leave en route back from TAD unit.
31 Days
MK2 Matta departed CGC Munro TAD on 22 Feb 1994 using 6 days leave en route to USCG Restracen, Yorktown, VA the TAD unit and returned on 15 April 1994.
47 Days
What is SDAP
A monthly monetary incentive paid to enlisted members who are required to perform extremely demanding duties, or duties involving an unusual degree of responsibility
Who is authorized to receive SDPA?
*officers-in-charge, afloat or ashore
*recruit Company Commanders & Assistant Company Commanders
*National Strike force
*Helicopter Rescue Swimmers
What us tge SDPA ratings and their monthly rates.
SD1 $55.00
SD2 $110.00
SD3 $165.00
SD4 $220.00
SD5 $275.00
What is the SDAP rating monthly rate for a recruiter?
The SDAP rating is SD3 and the monthly amount is $165.00
List the different types of leave.
Regular Leave
Re enlistment
How many days are authorized for administrative absence relocation familiarization?
Five working days
How much leave is earned?
2.5days a month.
What enlisted pay grades are authorized career sea pay?
Pay Grades e-4 and above
Which officers need three years of cumulative creditable sea duty before they are authorized career sea pay?
Officers in pay grades 01-O6
Who is entitled to career sea pay premium?
Enlisted members in pay grades E4-E9 and officers entitled to career sea pay who have served over 36 consecutive months of career sea duty.
What is the monthly rate of career sea pay premium?
Whats special rule applies to members in paygrade e-5 to e-9?
Members e5-e9 with over five years of career sea duty who complete their 36th consecutive month of career sea duty after 30 April 1988 are but entitled to career sea pay premium, but are entitled to the higher rate of career sea pay.
When does the consecutive career sea duty clock stop?
Upon execution of PCS orders from a career sea pay vessel or when a member seperates from the service.
List the different types of subsistence allowance available to enlisted members.
Regular BAS
Partial BAS
Separate Rations (SEPRATS)
Leave Rations (LVRATS)
Supplemental BAS
Special BAS
What type of subsistence allowance do officers recieve?
Basic Allowance for Susistance for- Officers
What type of substence allowance is payable when there are no rations in kind available and government is not available?
Basic Allowance for Subsistence-Enlisted
What type if subsistence allowance is payable to a member when they have been authorized permission to mess separately?
Separate rations (seprats)
What type of subsistence allowance is payable to a member while on authorized leave?
Leave Rations (lvrats)
When is special BAS authorized?
This allowance is payable on a daily basis to members assigned to duty under emergency conditions where no government messing facilities are available. This allowance is applicable only witin CONUS.
What type of subsistence allowance is payable on a "permeal" basis to a member normally provided rations in kind and duties prevent the member using that type of mess during regular meal hours?
Partial BAS
What type of subsistence allowance is payable to a member while on sick leave?
Separate Rations (Seprats)
Member departed CGD Eleven TAD on 1 Aug 1994 using 4 days leave en route to TAD unit, and returned 22 OCT 1994.
Determine FSA (T)

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