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Unit 3


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all of them hated Andrew Jackson, conservatives with progressive government, elitists that claimed common status.
Tariff of 1816
designed to protect American industry, brought about more sectionalism between the North and the South
Specie Circular
federal land must be purchased with gold or silver, everyone tries to turn in their paper money at once and it causes a panic.
Burr conspiracies
plotted with General James Wilkinson to take over Louisiana Territory, Burr tried for treason, Marshall's ruling defines "treason", Jefferson determined executive privilege.
James Wilkinson
the person with whom Aaron Burr plotted with to take over Louisana Territory
Missouri Compromise
missouri requests to come in as a slave state and congress balances it out by accepting Maine too; put slavery off once again and no more slave states could be admitted into LA territory. slowly trying to wean america off of slaves.
Indian Removal Act
southern governments demand indian land, eastern Indian land exchanged for land in the West, led to the the trail of tears
Divorce Bill
states that the US treasury controls all federal funds, and that payments must be made in legal tender (not deposits)
Battles of Horseshoe Bend/ New Orleans
The creek wars; led by Andrew Jackson, eliminated Native American ally of the British, opened land for white settlers/new orleans happened after treaty was signed
John Marshall
one of the midnight judges, ruled over the Marbury v. Madison cases and always ruled his cases in favor of the federal government, weakening the power of the state governments. Established "judicial review" supreme court alone has the power to determine constitutionality.
when other countries' ships would kidnap american sailors and put them to work on their own ships ships; main cause for War of 1812
Worcestor v. State of Georgia
a case in which the United States Supreme Court held that Cherokee Native Americans were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty. This desicion angered Jackson and later led to the Trail of Tears.
National Republicans
political party which favored states rights and weaker national government, supporters of a strong central government who favored road building and supported the Bank of the United States to shape the nation's economy; many were farmers or merchants
Martin Van Buren
hand picked by Andrew Jackson to be his successor, caused the trail of tears and panic of 1837.
Chesapeake incident
british leopard sailors wanted to board chesapeake, chesapeake refuses, leopard fires at chesapeake; another cause of war of 1812
devotion to a particular group or region over country; new political parties are emerging, dividing the nation
intense patriotism to country and wanting to see the country suceed; caused by war of 1812; the nation is being born and connected
Democratic Republicans
political party which favored states rights and weaker national government.
Oliver Perry
led the war on the Great Lakes, was a key compenent in the naval victory at Lake Erie
"We are all federalists we are all republicans"
Jefferson's non-partisan quote; he was trying to appeal to the common man by taking sides with both parties
Tallmadge Amendment
bill which would have admitted Missouri with its existing slave population, but would forbid the introduction of additional slaves and free all slave children at age 25.
Judicial Review
states that the supreme court alone has the power to determine constitutionality. established by John Marshall
Nullification Crisis
S. Carolina tries to nullify Tariff or threaten secession; causes force bill and the rift btwn Calhoun and Jackson increases
Hartford convention
delegates from NE states protest against war by federalists, federalists proposed new laws and constitutional amendmentsto restore power in New England, threat of succesion if demands not met, stigma of disloyalty is a crushing blow to the federalists/after this fed.s pretty much cease to exsist.
January 1, 1808
is the end of foreign slave trade, this marks the decline of slavery in America
South Carolina Exposition
written in secret by Calhoun who borrowed heavily from KY and VA resolutions, making then valid; widens rift btwn Calhoun and Jackson by a lot
Pasha of Tripoli
emperor of the barbary area; had american sailors captured and demanded bribe money for them. He was the cause for the first foreign war America was involved in.
Compromise Tariff of 1833
compromise for both the govt and S. Carolina; dropped the tariff to a medial price and ended the secession attempt at that time; caused a rift between Jackson and Calhoun.
Toussaint l'Ouverture
freed, black slave, that led the revolt in Haiti against Napolean, causes Napolean to decide to sell Louisiana.
Non-intercourse Act
reopens trade with all countries except england and france, this still hurt America's trade so this led to Macon's Bill no. 2 (a cause of the War of 1812)
War Hawks/ Clay & Grundy
young congressmen from Southern and Western states; urged war with Britain.
William Henry Harrison
leader of the Americans who fought at the Battle of Tippecanoe
2nd National Bank
(1816) regulated money for the government, supported by East/North not West, created more sectionalism
log cabins and hard cider
symbol for the Whig's campaign, tried to make themselves seem like common men. impact: importance of the "common man", and two-party system was cemented in politics.
Spoils System
party supporters get government positions, non-qualified supporters sometimes rewarded, becomes key component of 2 party systems.
Trail of Tears
Van Buren assigns General Windfield Scott to forcibly remove the indians at gunpoint, 60,000 indians were moved 1000 miles to new Indian territory, many Indians died.
John Marshall Court Cases
john marshall (chief of justice of the supreme court) ruled in favor of central government and property rights/against states rights.
Cumberland Road
first federally financed interstate road, led to a constitution issue
Cadore Letter
letter sent by Napolean opens trade with America for France, the embargo resumes against England.
William Crawford
One of the Candidates from the 1824 election, he represented The southern region.
Force Bill
SC threatens to succeed so in order to stop them Jackson threatens invasion, jackson said nullification and disunion would mean treason; further showed the strength of the federal govt.
Peggy Eaton/ Petticoat War
Peggy eaton a woman w/ sordid past; ignored by ladies in white house, and by Calhoun, but Jackson and Van Buren side w/ her; guarentees Van Buren as next president
The Alamo
Mexicans v. The Americans, Spain lets Americans live on Spanish territory, Texas, after a while Texans want independence from Mexico so in order to subdue the Texans a force of 4000 men laid seige to a Catholic mission with only 200 Texans to fight them off. Most of the people there were slaughtered.
Monroe Doctrine
useless speech that monroe made saying that no latin-american intervention or colonization from europe; enforced by british fleet; later becomes important part of American foreign policy
John C. Calhoun
a warhawk, senator of South Carolina and was Jacksons running-mate
"Revolution of 1800"
americas firsts: one political party gave way to another, president in Washington DC Impact: beginning of the end of federalist party, halt spread of govn. power under federalists
Embargo Act
Jefferson's retaliation to British & french impressment of American ships. stopped trade with both countries, but crippled american trade more; served to temporarily revive federalists and created American industrial independence.
Shawnee Leader, him and "the prophet" form the confederation of tribes, fought against Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Lewis and Clark
The Louisiana Purchase sparked interest in expansion to the west coast, TJ sent an expedition (led by these two men) to explore new territory
1824 Election/ "Corrupt Bargain"
Jackson wins popular and electoral vote but not the majority, so the House of Representatives names Adams the winner, this makes Jackson very angry and he comes back with a vengence
a republican divison created by John Randolph, "The old republicans", a third party
Major Ridge and John Ross
cherokee leaders that created Treaty party; Ridge signs off Cherokee land to Govt, but Ross does not; start of Trail of tears
Aaron Burr
shot Alexander Hamilton; participated in the Burr conspiracies, making him the "Benedict Arnold" of the day.
Lewis and Clarks Shoshone guide
Executive Priviledge
the power claimed by the President of the United States and other members of the executive branch to resist certain search warrants and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government, created by Jefferson.
Tariff of Abominations
designed to protect industries and spike prices; south pissed b/c has to pay the most; becomes an issue of slavery: can states ignore this like slavery? Southern states preach nullification
Florida Purchase Treaty
(or Adams-Onis Treaty 1819) Florida and Oregon claims go to US, US gives 5 million to spain and gives Texas to Spain.
"Tippecanoe and Tyler too"
slogan for the whigs campaign, focused less on the issues and more on the person, made him out as a veteran. impact: importance of the "common man"
the French foreign minister, whom which three American dipolmats seek to reach an agreement with, they are stopped by the French X, Y, and Z dipolmats and are asked for a bribe to speak with Talleyrand. Causes XYZ affair.
Treaty of Ghent
armistice between England and US, prisoners returned, reset previous boundries
"On to Canada"
war cry for war of 1812, after treaty of Ghent was changed to "not one inch of territory ceded or lost"
Maysville Road Veto
Bill giving federal funding to Kentucky extension of Cumberland rd. is vetoed by Jackson because he sees it as a state issue because the improvement would be located wholly in KY; makes roadwork a state issue and once again shows the executive power
William Marbury
one of the midnight judges; sued Jefferson to claim his appointed position, starts Marbury v. Madison
Henry Clay- American System
plan for developed the US, -strong banking system, protective tariff, and network of roads and canals.
Mosquito Fleet
name for the navy of jefferson's presidency. Trying to avoid a overly-strong army, he had the navy dwindled down to a few tiny boats.
"Common Man" Politics
Where the politicians would be expressed as common folk that drink common drinks and lived in common homes; idea of appealing to the masses
Battle of Tippecanoe
battle fought by General William Harrison and the confederation of tribes, to stop settlers from encroaching on Indian land. -many americans were suspicous of the british helping the Indians during the battle -Led to talk of Canadian Invasion
Essex Junto
new england's failed attempt at secession; marked the slow decline of power from the new england area
Nicholas Biddle
The head of the US bank, fights Jackson to keep bank open with new charter
Jackson's Bank War
Jackson vs. Bank & Biddle; Jackson begins taking out funds and putting them into pet banks, successfully "killing" the bank; leads to fluctuation in economy and eventual panic
Charles Pinckney
Republican that ran against Adams, created the Pinckey's Treaty of 1795, let them have free navigation of the mississippi, gave them the large disputed territory north of florida.
John Randolph/ Quids
The creator of a third party, quids
Marbury v. Madison
Case of the midnight judges, Adam appoints new judges at the end of his presidency but does not send in their commissions; Jefferson becomes president and orders his sec. of state, Madison, to NOT deliver the judicial appointments. Marbury sues for delivery of commission and loses. brings about judicial review.
Macon's Bill No. 2
reopened trade with everyone, if either England or France drop restrictions, non-intercourse act restored on the other.

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