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South Africa

vocabulary from the economies, governments, and histories of different South African countries.


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how did apartheid end in S. Africa?
b/c other countries had sanctions against S. Africa which put them under pressure, there was a lot of protests and violence
the lathat the Afrikaners spoke-combined dutch with khoisan and bantu words
Afrikaner frontier farmers who had spread out from the original Cape colony
complete destruction of an entire group of people0
Great Zimbabwe
the stone-walled capitol and major trading center
Cape of Good Hope
the Dutch set up a trade station near here
what is a major resource of S. Africa?
diamonds, gold, zinc, copper, cromium, and platinum
why did S. Africa resort to Apartheid?
they wanted to have more power than the blacks so they created a way to control them=apartheid
Nelson Mandela
leader of the ANC-jailed for speaking out against the white gov.
a territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory surrounding it
Who were the first Europeans to settle in South Africa?
the Dutch
what were the Khoisan people?
a system of the seperation of races in South Africa- "apartness"
Desmond Tutu
a leader of black rights in S. Africa-arch bishop of S. Africa-won the Nobel Peace Prize
seperate areas the blacks lived in during apartheid
economic or political penalties imposed by one country on another to force a change in policy
FW Klerk
president of S. Africa- Black- negotiated with Mandela to end Apartheid- released Mandela from jail- very honorable man to the blacks
who is the genocide in Darfur focused on?
black Christians
African National Congress(ANC)
the group that supported and promoted black African rights
Irena Sendler
Roman Catholic who created a network of rescuers in Poland to smuggle Jewish children out of ghettos in WWII
dutch, french, and german settlers and their descendants in S. Africa

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