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US History 2007 Fall Final Terms


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African Americans during WWI?
African American troops were segregated and rarely allowed to fight
African Americans during WWII?
fought in segregated units
October 29, 1929
Black Tuesday
Carpet bombing
technique by which planes scattered large number of bombs
Why was much of Europe drawn into WWI?
because of a network of alliances
What led US to intern Japanese-Americans during WWII?
prejudice & fear
After WWII, women were expected to?
leave their jobs and return home
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th president
The US built a canal across Panama to?
cut travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
US broke off relations with Germany during WWI when?
Germany violated the Sussex pledge
Result of the Spanish-American War
Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory of the US
Island hopping
offensive strategy of American admirals to beat the Japanese in the Pacific
Winston Churchill
British Prime Minister during WWII
Joseph Stalin
leader of the Soviet Union during WWII
What did Germany have to do under the peace treaty from WWII?
pay reparations to the Allies
Sussex Pledge
Germany's promise that its U-boats would warn ships before attacking
effort launched to invade Western Europe
speech or actions that encourage rebellion
Ronald Reagan
40th president
George W. Bush
43rd president
Adolf Hitler
leader of the Nazi Party of Germany
shanty towns built by the homeless during the Great Depression
The Sedition Act made it illegal to?
discuss anything negative about the government, the Constitution, the army, or the navy
Monroe Doctrine & social Darwinism contributed to this?
American expansionism
Bill Clinton
42nd president
Open Door Policy
arrangement providing the United States equal access to China's consumers
What was a major factor in the US entering WWI?
Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare
One goal of the repeal fo Prohibition?
to curb gangsters
Gerald R. Ford
38th president
What did anti-imperialist fear?
the costs of expansion & large standing armies
to join a new territory to an existing country
Goal of the Manhattan Project?
develop an atomic bomb
21st amendment
repeal of Prohibition
Jimmy Carter
39th president
countries that fought against Germany and Austria-Hungary during WWI
aggressive foreign policy influenced by intense national pride
organized killing of an entire people
suicide plane
extreme form of fascism
referred to U.S. servicemen (government issue)
A major environmental crisis during the 1930s?
Dust Bowl
Fundamental disagreement between the Presidential candidates in 1932?
if the federal government should try to fix people's problems
What ended WWII?
dropping of atomic bombs by US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Purpose of the convoy system?
to transport troops safely across the Atlantic
George H. W. Bush
41st president
Richard M. Nixon
37th president
Why did US annex Hawaii?
the US needed naval stations in the Pacific
payment from one nation to another for economic injury suffered during the war
Anti-imperialists feared?
large standing armies, cost of expansion
Which event sparked World War I?
The assissination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
Great White Fleet
white ships of the United States Navy
The Selective Service Act did what?
drafted young men for the military forces
Code Talkers
Navajo radio operators who helped secure communications in the Pacific
John F. Kennedy
35th president
Benito Mussolini
Fascist Party leader who became dictator of Italy
What was the response to the Selective Service Act?
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th president
policy under which stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations
settlement of a dispute by a person or panel chosen to listen to both sides and come to a decision

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