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China Terms


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philosophy, ensure social order and stable government
Genghis Khan
powerful chieftain, united warring tribes; believed in toleration and justice, respected all religions
system based on ability and skill, NOT family or wealth
Qing Dynasty
Manchu dynasty; very fair to chinese; population boom partially caused by new high crop output; China's last dynasty
Five Relationships
ruler/subject, parent/child, husband/wife, olderBrother/ youngerBrother, friend/friend (equal).
Yin Yang
the representations of balance and harmony, symbol of Taoists; YIN=feminine, dark, cold, negativity YANG=masculine, light, heat, motivation
Zheng He
Chinese admiral and diplomat, sailed to and set up trade centers there, goal was to promote trade and collect tribute to China
live in harmony with nature, government is unnatural
Han Dynasty
golden age of China
Kublai Khan
G.K.'s grandson, conquered last Song emperor in 1279; tried to prevent the absorption into Chinese culture
Warring States Period
feudal territories, chaotic, time of Confucius.
Dynastic Cycle
rise and fall of dynasties, determined by Mandate of Heaven.
founder and scholar (551-479 BCE).
order is achieved through strict laws and harsh punishment
Pax Mongolica
Mongol Peace, rulers established peace within domains
Ancestor Worship
filial piety, the respect for elders and tradition.
students' collection of his teachings (not written by Confucius)
Family that rules for period of time.
Dao De Jing
a book of how to live your life following Dao (the way/path)
Civil Service System
government officials, won by merit
Grand Canal
connected Huang and Chang Rivers (for internal trade and transportation; BUILT in Sui Dynasty, PEAK in Song
Forbidden City
walled complex of special intricate buildings in Beijing including Imperial Palace; promote harmony and preservation; closed to common people; based on Confucius
Ming Dynasty
"Brilliant", 1294-1600s; less innovative, but flourishing economy and culture
Great Wall of China
connected feudal states walls and more, did not keep invaders out, but showed emperor's authority and power
Shi Huangdi
first emperor, brutal methods, established Qin Dynasty
Filial Piety
respect for elders,they take care of you/you take care of them
Silk Road
huge network of trade routes, linked to west
founder, writer of Dao De Jing; we don't know if he was real..
Mandate of Heaven
the divine right to rule (given to them by gods).
Manchus (Manchuria)
northern people invaded China in 1600s and established Qing dynasty, lasted until 1912
central-Asian nomadic people who invaded China and conquered from Pacific Ocean to eastern Europe
government with different functions and levels of authority

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