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- Preanesthetics
- Preanesthetics
- Minimal adverse effects on cardio & respiratory
- benzodiazepines
- Decreases anxiety but can cause hypotension
- Phenothiazine derivatives
- Provides EXCELLENT analgesia
1. opioids
2. thiazine derivatives - Blocks stimulation of the vagus nerve
- anticholinergics (atropine)
- Provides heavy sedation & analgesia
- opioids ??
- Reversing agents are availablefor which preanesthetic families
1. thiazine derivatives
2. antagonist opioids - Can cause bradycardia,2nd degree heart block & hypotension
- xylazine
- Contraindicated if pre-existing tachycardia
- Atropine
- LONG LASTING analgesic effect
- Buprenex or beprenorphine
- Reduces seizure threshold
- acepromazine
- Has antirrhythmic effect
- acepromazine
- anticonvulsant effect
- diazepam
- ztranquilizer that is contraindicted in shcky, hypotensive or anemic atients
- acepromazine
- opioid antagonist
- naloxone
- anticholinergic that doesn't cross the placenta
- gylcopyrrolate
- Drug combo for neuroleptanalgesia
- Butorphanol & acepromazine
- Vagus nerve makes u 80% of the -- nervous system
- parasympathetic
- What reverses xylazine
- yohimbine
- why use opioids
great analgesia,
antitussive & reversible - What reverses opioids
- naloxone
- Define cachexia
- malnutrition or illl health
- What blocks stimulation of the vagus nerve
- atropine
- Contraindication for atropine
1. pre-existing bradycardia
2. conjestive heart failure
3. constipation or ileus
4. crosses placenta
5.causes arrhythemias - Whichbenzodiazephine is water soluable
- midazolam
- Advantages of Benzodiazepines
1. Antianxiety
2. excellent skeletal musc relaxant
3. excellent anticonvulsant
4. Min adverse cadrio &resp effects
5. Appetite stimulant in cats
6. - Disadvantages of Benzodiazepines
1. controlledsubstance
2. cautionon neonates
3. caution in animals with known liver dysfunction