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- abstain
- Because I am so corpulent, I must _________ from eating ice cream.
- acclimate
- We must ________ to the weather in Alaska because it is much colder than Florida.
- accede
- After George Bush died the vice president ________ his posistion.
- abhor
- I _________ math because it makes my brain hurt.
- abet
- The man ________ my sister by telling her to do drugs.
- abject
- My dad is always _________, he never talks and is always negative.
- academic
- the school has great ___________ courses. it is rankked number 1 in the nation for education.
- abdicate
- The king's throne was ____________ by the enemies.
- absolve
- The juge ________ the man in court by letting him go.
- addiction
- I have an ________ to ice cream, I cant stop eating it.