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15 Causes of Civil War


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Lincoln Douglas Debate
7 Debates b/w Lincoln & Douglas. A debate is a discussion between people, usually with different & opposing views.
The wealth and resources of a country.
To formally withdraw from an organization (country). The south "Seceded from the United States"
an opinion or strong feeling formed without careful thought or regard to the facts
Underground Railroad
Network of people who helped slaves escape to the north.
Dred Scott Decission
Supreme Ct. ruling that said African Americans were NOT citizens, slaves were property, and Congress could NOT ban slavery in territories.
States Rights
Belief that the power of the FEDERAL gov't is VERY limited when regarding the powers of the state.
A person who supported the end of slavery.
Fugitive Slave Act
Law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves. Angered the north and help the Abolitionist movement.
generalization about a group of people which is normally negative and based on a characteristic of that group
Compromise of 1850
Agreement that let California enter as a free state, allowed "Popular Sovereignty" in the Mexican Cession Territories, and produced "Fugitive Slave Act"
A devotion to the interests of a person's geographical region rather than the country as a whole. For example: Southerners were more concerned about the south rather than the entire United States.

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