microbiology practicle
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- When doing a Negative stain what is being tested
- Shape and arrangement background staining
- What special genera is a negative stain used for?
- Spirochetes
- What chemicals are used in a Negative stain
- India Ink
- What can be determined by the results of a Negative stain
- shape and arrangement, size
- What is being tested in capsular stain?
- Presence of a capsule
- What media is used during a capsular stain
- none
- What chemicals are used in a capsular stain
- India ink, crystal violet
- What is being tested in a Gram stain?
- positive or negative stain thickness of peptidoglcan
- What media is used for a Gram stain
- none
- What chemicals are used for a Gram stain
- Gram stain kit.Crystal violet, Grams Iodine, Alcohol, Safranin Red,
- What are the results of Gram staining
Postive= Violet
negative= red/pinkish
No cell wall= red - What is being test for in a spore stain
- The presence of an endospore spore + or -
- What chemicals are used in a spore stain
- Malachite green, safranin red,
- What special genera are important for Spore staining
- Bacillus and Clostidium
- What is the media nutrient Agar used for?
Configuration, elevation, and margins. example
round, raised, wavy. - A nutrient broth culture determins what?
1. where the growth is surface, subsurface, or sediment
2. If the material is Turbid(clowdy) granular (small particles shown) or flocculent(masses are floating around) - A gelatin stab culture determins what?
#1 liquefication: If the organism produces gelatinase(gelatin digestive enzyme)
#2 if no liquefacation occure a growth partern is given. Filiform, beaded, arboresent - A nutrient Agar Slant determins what charactoristics
#1 color in reference to pigments
#2 form of how organisim will grow. example Filiform, Echinulate, Effuse, arborescent. - What does the media blood Agar determin?
- If the bacteria is hemolytic or non-hemolytic. hemolytic bacteria distroys red blood cells in media making either clear zones(beta) or Green zones (alpha)
- What special genera are associated with Blood Agar
- Streptococcus and staphylococcus
- To determin Oxygen requirments what medium is used?
- Thioglycollate
- What results are determined by an oxgen requirement test?
- Aerobic(growth on surface) Microaerophilic (surface and subsurface) facultavie spotty growth all over medium, Anaerboic (groth at bottom only)
- What charactoristics are determined by starch hydrolysis and what will the results show
- If the bacteria is capable of hyrolyzing starch, Iodine will turn agar purple. clear zones indicate + starch hydrolysis
- What special genera is used for starch hydrolysis
- Baciullus subtilis a positive control for the test should show clear zones.
- What chemeicals are used for starch hyrdolysis
- Grams Iodine
- What media is used for starch hydrolysis
- Starch agar
- What does the Casein hydrolysis test determin
- If the bacteria is capable of hydrolyzing casein, a milk protien
- What media is used for the Casien hydrolysis test?
- Skim milk agar
- What chemicals are used in the casien hydrolysis test
- none.
- What special genera is used in the Casien hydrolysis test?
- Bacillus subtilis a postive control will show clear zones
- What is being tested for in a fat hydroylis test
- if the bacteria is capable of hydrolyzing fat
- What media is used in the fat hydroylis test
- spirt blue agar
- What specil genera is used for fat hydrolysis
- Bacillus subtilis for a postive control will show blue precipitate around the growth
- what does the Methyl Red Test determin?
- If the bacteria will produce large amounts of acid(lowers PH)
- What media is used in the Methly Red Test
- methyl red-vp broth
- What special genera are used for methyl red test
- Escherichia, salmonella, Proteus, Aeromonas.
- How the results of the methly red test read?
- Postive will show red to orangle color. negative will appear yellowish
- What does the Urease test determin
- if the bacteria used can brake down urea?
- how are the results given for a Urease test
- Postive will appear pinkish to purple. Negative will appear light orange.
- What is the special genera used in the Urease test?
- Proteus vulgaris a postive control will appear pinkish to purple in color
- What does the Indole test determin?
- If the bacteria will hydrolyze tryptophan, producing indole and pyruvic acid/
- what media is used in the indole test
- Tryptone broth
- what chemicals are used for the Indole test?
- Kovacs reagent
- how will the results read for the Indole test?
- Positive will show a red ring at the surface. Negitive a clear or yellowish ring.
- What does the Catalase test determin?
- Is the bacteria can produce catalase.
- what media is used during the Catalse production test?
- Agar slant or plates
- What chemicals are used in the catalase production test?
- Hydrogen peroxide
- How are the results given for the Catalase production test
- when hydrogen peroxide is added the culture will bubble indicating Postive catalase production
- What does the Durham tube Sugar Fermentation test determin?
- Which carbohydrates may be utilized for energy. (which sugars are fermented).
- What media is used in the Sugar Fermentation test?
Phenol red broth,
saccharose - how are the results of the sugar fermentation test shown
The media will turn from red to yellow in the presence of acid
The results should record the presence or absence of both the acid and gas. Gas will show bubble in durham tube. - What does the hydrogen Sulfide production test determin?
- If hydrogen suilfide is produced.
- What media is used in the hydrogen sulfide test?
- Kligler's Iron agar stabs(contains ferrious sulfate, will react with hydrogen sulfide.
- how do the results of the hydrogen sulfide test read?
- Formation of a dark black color a pereciptitate of iron sulfide
- What special genera is used in the hydrogen sulfide test?
- Proteus vulgaris for postive control.
- What does the Citrate Utilization test determin?
- If the bacteria can utilize citrate a a sole source of carbon
- What media is used for the citrate test
- Simmons citrate agar slant
- how do the results read for the citrate test?
- It will change from green to a deep blue if growth occurs. No growth indicates a negative test.
- What special genera is used in the citrate test?
- Bacillus subtilus is a control positive.
- What is the refrigerator setting in lab?
- 1deg cel
- what is the autoclave settings?
- 121 deg C and 15psi for 15mins
- what is the incubator settings?
- 25-37deg cel
- What is the oven setting
- 300deg cel