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is a negative label that is socially applied because you are not living up to societies expectations. comes from the difference between virtual social identity and actual social identity
Virtual Social Identity
attributes that we think people should have based on social roles and expectations their roles entail
Actual Social Identity
attributes the person actually posses, they violate expectations
3 “Types” of Stigma
Abomination of the Body, Blemishes of Individual Character, Tribal stigma
Abomination of the Body
# physical stigmas about your physical self that goes against your social expectations # (i.e. tattoos, “Cat man”, burn victim, missing/deformed limb, redhead)
Blemishes of Individual Character
* Something about the persons character/personality that is tainted. * (i.e. unemployed, attracted to children, homosexual, suicidal, virgin at a adult age)
Tribal Stigma
* One acquires through race, religion, or nation * Apply attributes to different race, ethnicity (criminal) * Stigma can be passed down from generation to generation * (i.e. non-white, relative to Al Capone or Hitler)
2 States of Stigmatization
1. Discreditable 2. Discredited
# a secret stigma (concealed) * Doesn’t mean no one knows, just means public doesn’t know of it in most contexts
immediate obvious stigma. # impossible to hide or you choice not to hide the stigma * Publicly identified as a pedefile , little person * i.e. burn victim, turrets
Deviance of Avowel
- try to normalize their relationships with non-deviants by openly acknowledging their stigma and attempting to put it in a positive light.
Deviance Disavowel
the deviant and the norm ignore each other
deviant transaction
when one or more ppl orient themselves to a deviant goal in which they will benefit.
# a small team of deviance who engage in the deviance together but they do not share the same tasks * Ocean’s 11 movie, Gone in Sixty Seconds
Two types of exchanges
Sales & Trades
less complex than sales (there is not a lot of knowledge or skill needed to complete exchange). Low division of labor. * Men who have sex with me in public places (TEAROOM TRADE)
This requires sophisticated knowledge and skills. Must understand how to carry out the transaction. May require research on how to do the deviant sales. ex. Prostitution.
deviant transactions(2):
exploitation and exchanges
when a person uses stealth, tricks or physical force to make another person surrender something against their will
a type of transaction where people voluntarily exchange elicit goods or services.
Entering Deviant Careers (4):
* Defensively- you enter the career unintentionally * Drifting- * Conscious- they realize that it is happening- want what is available in that career * Sponsorship- someone brings you into the group o Expert or Novice
ways to keep stigma hidden:
passing- copy things that normal ppl would do covering - create a "cover story" Leading a false life - double life (two different lifestyles)
mutual association
extent to which deviants talk to other similar deviants
mutual participation
extent to which they carry out deviance with other deviants of their kind.
Deviant stigma symbols
highly visible sign from other people's perspective and advertises the deviants failing
props, actions, or verbal expressions that are used to make others believe they are not deviant.
example of covering
eating disorder: they say they have to take pills that cause them to eat less for a medical condition they have.
example of leading a double life.
tea room trade. the men identify as heterosexual but interacted with other homosexuals sexually.
example of discreditable
homeless kids that dont want other kids to know they are homeless
example of discredited
burn victim, someone with terrets
example of colleges
nambla - mutually associate, men love boys
example of peers
youth street gangs
example of crews
oceans 11
example of formal organization
4 steps to confidence games:
1) qualify the mark 2) cultivate your mark (build the person up) 3) conning (you receive what u want) 4) cooling out the mark (make them believe that they were not conned)
is when the victim tries to act like they weren't the victim of a confidence game even tho they really were.
similarity between trades and sales
they both involve locating and protecting the deviant market place
deviant marketplace
where deviance is actually happening or where you go to look for deviant sales ex. parks, strip clubs
what do pimps offer and what do prostitutes offer
pimp - comfort, supervision, and intamacy prostitutes - affection, their bodies, and financial support
main diff between trades and sales
trades - all are considered equal sales - division of authority, seller has more authority

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