EPPP learning
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- In a serial position task, which part of the list is best recalled after a brief delay (10-30 sec)?
- The beginning
- Describe stress innoculation technique
1. EDUCATION on effects of maladaptive cognitions
2. REHEARSAL of coping skills
3. PRACTICE applying skills to a variety of situations -
negative / positive
reenforcement / punishment -
Negative / positive refer to the stimulus
Negative removes the stimulus; positive applies it
Reenforcement / punishment refer to the response
Reenforcement increases the response; punishment decreases it - Def: blocking (classical conditioning)
Step 1: classical CS1 - UCS
Step 2: CS2 paired with CS1
Step 3: CS1, CS2 - UCS
Step 4: CS2 does not elicit response - What are the advantages of psychomotor training for the elderly?
Improvements in:
response speed
defensive driving - Def: contrast effect
- A non-linear (disproportionate) response to an increase in a stimulus
- Def: rebound effect
- Increase in a response following a period of quiessence
- Primary cause of decrements in recent long term memory in the elderly
- Problems with encoding strategies
- Experiment design for study of retroactive interference
- Experimental group learns material similar to the original list. The control group engage in a dissimilar activity that prevents rehearsal
- Role of paradoxical intention for a behavior therapist
- In asking client to engage in a feared activity, anticipatory anxiety will be reduced because it is incompatibile with action
- Def: backward conditioning *
Presenting the US before the CS
Ineffective in eliciting a CR - Thorndike's Law of Effect
Responses meeting with satisfaction are likely to be repeated
Responses resulting in discomfort will not - Thorndike's Law of Exercise
- Responses occuring often enough in the presence of a stimulus are more likely to be repeated in the presence of the stimulus
- Thorndike's Law of Readiness
- An organism must be ready to perform an act before it can become satisfying
- Def: extinction
- Elimination of a conditioned response as a result of repeatedly presenting the CS without the UCS
- Def: pseudoconditioning
- An apparently conditioned response is an artifact of the conditioning situation, ie the conditioning is to the collective effect of the learning situation, not the experimental CS, and doesn't occur outside the learning situation
- Def: delayed conditioning *
Presentation of the CS precedes but overlaps presentation of the UCS.
Usually elicits the strongest response and is acquired most quickly - Def: counterconditioning
- Pairing an undesirable behavior with an incompatible behavior in order to eliminate the undesirable behavior
- Def: flooding
- Exposing a person to an anxiety-provoking situtation while preventing the avoidance response
- Def: behavioral contrast
- 2 similar behaviors have been separately reenforced. When one is exstinguished, the other increases in frequency.
- Def: Premack principle
Using a high probability behavior to reenforce a low probability behavior
Eg you can watch TV if you do your homework - Mower's two part theory of avoidance behavior
1. Avoidance is learned by pairing a stimulus with aversive consequences (avoidance conditioning)
2. Avoidance is maintained because it results in a reduction of anxiety (negative reenforcement) - Def: aversive counterconditioning
- Pairing an aversive stimulus with a maladaptive behavior in order to reduce or eliminate the behavior. Intent is to get the maladaptive behavior to elicit the aversive response.
- Def: covert sensitization *
- Imaginal aversive counterconditioning
- Def: operant behaviors (operants)
- Spontaneously emitted behaviors controlled primarily by consequences
- Def: rational-emotive therapy (Ellis)
- Maladaptive behavior based on irrational beliefs, which therapy then tries to alter.
- Matching Law
Rate of response is proportional to the rate of reinforcement
cp contrast effect - Distinction between negative punishment and operant extinction
- In operant extinction the behavior you are trying to eliminate was previously reenforced
- Def: retroactive interference *
- Retroactive inhibition occurs when a new experience interferes with recall of an earlier one.
- Def: proactive interference *
- Proactive interference prevents the learning of new material because of something that precedes the learning
- Panic Control Treatment
- exposes patient to internal sensations that ordinarily accompany a panic attack
- Def: reciprocal inhibition *
- Reduction of anxiety by pairing it with relaxation or other incompatible response (Wolpe)
- Def: escape conditioning *
learned behavior that enables escape
eg a rat conditioned to press a lever to terminate a shock; or a time-out is terminated because of expressed remorse
the escape response is learned immediately and persists because it is immediately reenforcing
a type of negative reenforcement - behavior increases in order to get rid of the stimulus - What causes the 'scallop effect'
- On a fixed interval schedule since timing of reward can be anticipated response falls off after reward and increases as it comes closer again
- Core differences between classical and operant conditioning
Classical - acquisition of involuntary responses
Operant - acquisition of voluntary responses - Def: avoidance conditioning
Cue is presented prior to an aversive stimulus, signaling an individual to avoid it
A type of negative reenforcement - Examples of negative reinforcement
Escape conditioning
Avoidance conditioning - Operant conditioning account of depression
- The result of a prolongued extinction schedule; ie the person has little or no access to reenforcement
- Def: implosive therapy
Imaginal exposure to a stimulus at maximum intensity
Incorporates psychodynamic themes