GRS 334 Keywords
undefined, object
copy deck
- agoge
- Spartan education (Greek word for bringing up or education)
- agoronomos
- market-supervisor, Athenian magistrate responsible for protecting consumers
- apophora
- payment from earnings made to master by slave living apart
- archon
- board of 9 annual magistrates at Athens eponymous archon (gives name to year) king archon (religious duties) polemarch (military duties & lawsuits w. non-Athenians) 6 thesmothetai (lit. lawgivers, judicial duties)
- Areopagus
- Athenian council of ex-archons serving for life, until Solon Areopagus hand-picks all archons based on wealth and birth
- atimia
- loss of all political rights and of right to enter market-place or sanctuaries
- boule of 400
- Athenian probouleutic council created by Solon
- boule of 500
- Athenian probouleutic council created by Kleisthenes, chosen by lot
- choregia
- requirement of wealthy Athenians to pay for choruses in boys and men's dithyrambic poetry recitals, as well as tragedies and comedies at festivals like the City Dionysia
- Delian league
- Athenian military alliance
- deme
- one of 139 municipalities or ridings created by Kleisthenes' reforms in 507
- demos
- people of a Greek city, often with sense of 'common' or ordinary people
- demagogos
- demagogue; leader of the common people
- dike
- Private suit. Usually for private damages, could be dropped without penalty, successful litigant obliged to enforce verdict using self-help
- dikasterion
- Athenian law-court; tries public and private suits with jury panels of 201, 401, 501 or more drawn from the 6,000 Athenians chosen by lot to serve as jurors for the year
- dokimasia
- Scrutiny of magistrates and councillors’ eligibility for public office
- ekklesia
- Assembly of Athens
- ephor
- board of 5 Spartan annual magistrate; elected by assembly from all Spartiates have judicial and executive powers; can fine and imprison
- euthyna
- rendering of accounts required for all outgoing magistrates
- gerousia
- Spartan council of 28 elders; elected from nobles over 60 years of age
- graphe
- Public prosecution. Once brought accusor must carry out trial and faces fine and atimia should he fail to get 20% of votes for conviction
- graphe paranomon
- Prosecution for an illegal or constitutional proposal by politician or speaker in assembly
- helot
- Spartan serf, semi-slave population required to turn over half of produce to Spartiates
- hippeis
- cavalry, Solonian property class with annual income of 300 measures of wet or dry produce or cash equivalent
- hektemoroi
- 6th-parters; indebted peasants or sharecroppers at Athens paying rent of 1/6 of crop
- hermai
- ithyphallic (= with erect penis) stone sculptures of Hermes, put up at intersections
- ho boulomenos
- lit. 'whoever wishes' or 'the volunteer'; public spirited Athenian citizen who participates in government or debate
- homoioi
- 'equals', term used in Sparta for full citizens
- hoplite
- heavy-armed infantryman - normal equipment: cuirass; shield; helmet; spear; sword; socially equivalent to Athenian zeugitai
- horos (pl. horoi)
- mortgage-stone, marker - inscription placed in land mortgaged assecurity for debt
- isonomia
- equality of rights
- juror’s ticket
- (pinakion) small bronze plaque inscribed with name and deme of potential juror
- Lakedaimon
- Sparta, Spartans also known as Lakedaimonians
- liturgy
- public services performed by wealthy Athenians: includes choregia; trierarchy
- medimnos
- Greek bushel measure = 55 dry litres
- metic
- free foreigner living in Athens for longer than prescribed period
- metoikion
- tax of 6 or 12 drachmae paid monthly by all metics at Athens
- oligarchy
- rule by the few; constitution which restricts full political rights to wealthy
- ostracism
- exile of 10 years without atimia or confiscation of property; usually reserved for politically prominent as protection against undue influence in state
- Paidonomos
- Spartan official responsible for the education and discipline of Spartiate boys
- pentakosiomedimnoi
- highest Athenian census class; men with annual income of 500 medimnoi or equiv.
- Perioikoi
- inhabitants of the dependent communities surrounding Sparta, subject to Spartan military and foreign policy control but free to administer own internal affairs
- phalanx
- formation of hoplites in close battle-order
- politeia
- constitution
- prostates
- legal representative and patron of a metic at Athens
- prostates tou demou
- leader or champion of the people - term for influential Athenian democratic politicians
- rhetor
- lit. 'speaker' Athenian who speaks before council or assembly, usually a politician
- rhetra
- lit. ordinance or legislation, great rhetra refers to the Spartan constitution
- seisachtheia
- lit. lifting of burdens: Solon's legislation cancelling debts, outlawing debt-slavery
- Spartiate
- full Spartan citizen, must successfully complete Spartan education & be able to afford contributions to agoge and public mess
- stasis
- civil strife, factional conflict
- strategos
- general, board of 10 Athenians elected by assembly to command the army and navy
- syssitia
- public messes for Spartiate citizens and warriors
- thetes
- lowest Athenian census class, those with annual income of less than 200 medimnoi
- Theorikon
- important Athenian fund for distributions of cash to citizens, particularly as a subsidy (of up to 5 dr. for the City Dionysia) to permit them to attend theatrical performances
- tribe
- one of 10 administrative divisions into which Athenian demes are divided
- triereme
- fast warship with three banks of oars, sinks other ships by ramming
- trierarchy
- requirement of wealthy Athenians to command and pay for maintenance of a trireme
- trittys
- one of 3 geographical divisons (coast, inland, city) into which all demes are divided before being incorporated into one of 10 tribes
- tyrannis
- Lydian term for ruler adopted by Greeks for tyrant
- zeugitae
- 3rd Athenian census class w annual income of 200 medimnoi; zeugos = yoke of oxen