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- world court
- international court of arbitration
- w. bryan
- created cooling off treaties
- imperialism
- rivalry for trade/colonies
- militarism
- eagerness to fight
- self-determination
- free from foreign rule
- gavil princip
- assassinated franz ferdinand
- ultimatum
- austria gave to serbia. 1 month to comply
- social darwinists
- strongest will survive
- extremism
- glorify war
- greater serbia
- ruled by austria-hungary
- 2 nicknames for WWI and why
- the great war-the big war against continents. war to end all wars-thought itd end
- conference established the World Court
- Hague Conference
- 6 causes of WWI
- imperialism,nationalism,militarism,extremism,submarine warfare,alliances
- what eventually caused US to enter WWI
- submarine warfare
- immediate cause of WWI
- assassination of franz ferdinand
- who was francis ferdinand and why was he assassinated?
- heir of austria. gavil was paid to kill him and serbia was against austria
- why did WWI spread so rapidly
- alliances
- what date did WWI begin?
- July 28,1914
- how many nations involved in WWi
- 30
- two sides of WWi and major power
- central-germany,austriahungary,bulgaria,turkey allied-russia,italy,US,france,england,japan
- reaction of people at start of war
- happy and cheering
- name and tell where two fronts of fighting took place
- western-france,germany eastern-russia
- german plan of attack
- attack france, then russia
- problem with german plan
- had to go through belgium
- result of german plan
- england declared war on germany
- nobel peace prize
- award given to honorary act of world peace
- international organizations
- red cross,olympics,concert europe
- splendid isolation
- great britain, surrounded with best navy