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State the 3 objectives of first aid.
To save lives
Prevent further injury
Prevent or minimize infection
State 3 methods of controling bleeding.
Direct pressure
Pressure points
Identify an example of a pressure point.
11 total
common carotid
brachial upper
brachial lower
radial ulnar
anterior and posterior tibial
Describe the symptoms and treatment for shock.
Symptoms - weak pulse, shallow breathing, cool pale skin, weak and dizzy.

Treatment - lay on back elevate feet and keep warm.
Describe the 3 classisfications of burns.
First degree - mildest, red minor pain
Second degree - Redden blister severe pain
Third degree - destroys the skin less pain due to nerve dammage.
State the symptoms and treatmeant for heat exaustion.
Symptom - usually caused by working or exercising in hot enviornment.Serious distrubance in blood flow to the brain heart and lungs.

Treatment - Move to cool quite place, loosen clothing, lay down, feet elevated give electrolites.
State the symptoms and treatmeant for heat stroke.
Symptoms - Break down in the sweating mechanisim, body overheats.

Treatment - reduce heat immediatly, cool with cold wet towls, place on back keeping shoulders reaised.
State the diffrence btween "OPEN" and "CLOSED" fracture.
Open (compound) Open wound

Closed (simple) Wound is interal. Not pertruding the skin.
How do you save a person from eectrical shock?
SECURE POWER, if not possible use non conducting item to remove person from area.
How do you treat a person for electrical shock?
Check airway breathing and circulation, If needed begin CPR right away. Call for medical and treat burn sight.
Describe the methods for clearing obstructed airway.
abdominal thrust (Heimlich Manuever)
Head tilt - repositioning the head
Jaw thrust - readjusting jawline area, used if neck injusry is susspected.
Chest thrust - for obese or pregnant victims.
Describe cold weather injuries.
Hypothermia - coolong of whole body death by 80 degrees.

Superficial frostbite - skin will feel hard tissue will be soft.

Deep frostbite - deep tissues layers are frozen.
Define the purpose of the Naval Aviation Saftey Program.
Preserve human and material resources.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the CO.
Overall responsible for the safety of command.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the Aviation Safety Officer (LT Kingsly)
Acts as principle advisor to the CO on all aviation saftey matters. Keeps the saftey program vital and visible to the command.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the Ground Saftey Officer. (LT Kingsly)
Responsible to CO for ground saftey program based on OPNAVINST 3120.32
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the Department Head.
Keep the CO advised of the units saftey program within thier department. Maintain a record of accident and saftey hazard reports.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the DIVO.
Keep departmental saftey officer advised of the saftey within thier division.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of the Saftey Petty Officer.
Keep work areas hazard free, training, Assist in mishaps and reports, complete correct PQS.
Explain the saftey responsiblity of ALL HANDS.
Familiraize themsleves with saftey regulations and apply them in day to day use.
Explain the functions of the safety council.
set goals, manage assets and review saftey related recommondations.
Explain the functions of the enlisted safety committee.
makes recommendations to the saftey council concerning units saftey program.
What are the five factors that contribute sviation mishaps?
* Human Error - 50 -75%
Maintance and support factors
Admin and supervisory factors
Material failures or malfunction.
Enviornmental factors.
Define a Class A mishap
1,000,000 or more any injury or work related illness resulting in death or permanent disability.
Define a Class B mishap
200,000 - 1,000,000. Resulting in permanent, partial disability or hospilization of five or more people.
Define a Class C mishap
10,000 - 200,000. results in loss of scheduled duty or work.
Define a Class D mishap
No longer a Class D mishap.
State the objective of the Avaition Gas Free Engineering Program.
Provide qualified pesonnel with the knowledge and expierence level to safely perform gas free engineer duties on a naval station.
Explain the hazards associated with Radio Frequency (RF) energy.
Damage to cerain body tissue, biological changes and RF can produce electrical currents that can cause shock and burns.
State the purpose of the Laser Safety Hazard Contol Program
Commands shall have classIII or ClassIV and establish a laser saftey progam.
Explain the purpose of a safety standdown.
Provides didicated time for safety training, awarness and enhancement of the command saftey climate.
Discuss the concept of operational risk management
To optimize operational cpability and readiness.
Explain (I AM IS) as they apply to ORM.
I - Identify hazards
A - Assess hazards
M - Make risk decisions
I - Implement controls
S - Supervise
Discuss the dual chain of command for operating forces.
Administrative and Operational
Operational - president-SECDEF-to commander of unified or specified command then to operational forces

Admin - SECNAV- CNO - then to operating forces.
State the diffrence between Unified and Specified as they apply to the operational chain of command.
Unified- composed of elements of two or more services, has a broad contuning mission and a single commander.

Specified - Also has a broad continuuing mission but is composed of forces from one service.
Discuss how Fleet Commanders as they apply to the operational chain of command.
Responsible to the CNO for proper operation of the fleets under their comman.
How many Fleet Commanders are there.
3 CINCPACFLT - Pacific Fleet
CINCLANTFLT - Atlantic Fleet
CINCUDNAVEUR - Naval Forces Europe
Discuss how Task Force Commanders as they apply to the operational chain of command.
Responsible to the Fleet Commander for the operation of a specific task force with the fleet.
Discuss how Task Unit Commander as they apply to the operational chain of command.
Responsible to the Task Group Commander for the operation of specific units within the group.
Discuss the SECNAV as they apply to the administrative chain of command.
Secratary of the Navy - Civilian in charge of DON. Under the direction authority and control of the SECDEF.
Discuss the CNO as they apply to the administrative chain of command.
Takes all precidence over all other officers, Is the navy's Joint Chief of Staff rep. Responsible to SECNAV for the admin and operation of all Naval forces.
Discuss the CINC as they apply to the administrative chain of command.
Fleet Commander in Chief -
Responsible to CNO for the proper adminstration of policy with ther respective fleets.

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