Western Civ. Midterm
undefined, object
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- central Mesopatamia
- Akkadians
- adopted cuneiform but not Sumerian language
- Akkadians
- leader Sargon captured Sumer and all surrounding areas
- Akkadians
- Hammurabi
- Babylonians
- Central Mesopotamia
- Babylonians
- impassable
- cataract
- king of the underworld(Egyptian)
- Osiris
- Part human, part God
- Pharoahs
- first battle in human history where we can record movements (Egypt)
- Battle of Kadesh (1275 B.C.E)
- Battled over Syria and ended with the first superpower peace treaty
- Ramsesse II vs. Mutuwallis
- revolutionized warfare with iron refining process and wheeled chariots
- Hittites (Indo-Europeans)
- nomadic homeless people
- Hapiru
- conquered Jerusalem
- David
- first five books of the Bible
- Torah
- Jewish legal code
- Torah and Talmud
- Ahura Mazda, Angra Mainyu, Salvation
- Zoroastrianism
- describe Spartan males
- at age 20-30 lived in barracks
- describe Spartan women
- sole responsibilty was to have children. married at 18 to 20 yr old men
- had a military and domestic king
- Sparta
- Spartan council with 28 men over 60 yrs old
- Gerousia
- Spartan overseers(watchers)
- Ephors
- made of Spartan men over the age of 30
- Assembly
- sent money to Athens to support the navy
- Delian League
- reformed Macedonian military, married to Olympius. Assassinated by Paucenaeaus
- Phillip II of Macedon
- destroyed Persian Empire. Helenization of 70 cities
- Alexander the Great
- first skyscraper
- Pharos
- Patria Potestas
- Fathers Rights
- created adultery laws and guardianship
- Octavian (Rome)
- eliminated guardianship
- Claudius (Rome)
- condemned Jesus of Nazareth to death
- Pontius Pilote
- disliked by Jews because he liked Greek way of life
- King Herod
- Roman Officials (governors)
- Prefects
- Roman tax collectors
- publicans
- jewish movement, anti-Rome, used guerilla warfare against rome
- zealots
- belief that the messiah was near
- apocalyptacism
- believer of th eGreco-Roman gods
- Pagan
- written about 75 years after Jesus; death
- Gospels
- Eikon image
- Icon
- destruction of icons
- Iconoclasm
- Eastern Roman Empire, had icons
- Byzantine Empire
- arrested/executed people who supported icons (Byzantine)
- Constantine 5
- one who submits to Gods will
- Muslim
- Islams sacred scriptures/Book of God
- Qu'ran
- Seal of Prophets (last)
- Muhammed
- "People of the Book"
- Christians and Jews
- Cannot be known direct
- Allah
- Five Pillars
- prayer, Hajj, Fasting/Ramadan, Almsgiving, Profession of Faith
- Islamic Law
- Sharia
- improved the status of women compared to pre-Islamic Arabia
- Sharia
- allows women to initiate divorce, and men to have up to 4 wives
- Qu'ran
- "to struggle"
- Jihad
- records of the words and deeds of Muhammed
- Hadith
- means "party", leadership belongs to the descendants of Ali
- Shia
- believe anyone can become a leader
- Sunni