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- every way or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public fro the purpose of vehicular travel and includes the streets of nunicipalites.
- highway
- an automobile, motorcycle, or otherkind of vehicle (except on rails) which is run by an engine or motor in the vehicle itself.
- motor vehicle
- anybody who is actually driving motor vehicle on teh highway
- operator
- every vehicle ovned by a public or governmental agency, or privately owned and operated for compnesation, for the transportation of children to and from school
- school bus
- anybody who does not live in mississippi
- non-resident
- means the Commissioner of Public Safety
- Commissioner
- the place where roads come together or cross (sidewalk crossings included)
- intersection
- any place where most of the land along the road for 300 feet or more is used for houses or places of business
- business or residential district
- pedestrian, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars, and other conveyances, either singly or together while using any highway for the purpose of travel
- traffic
- when requered means complete cessation of movement
- stop
- the privilege of the immediate use of the highway
- right-of-way
- When you are approaching another driver at an intersection, and you both want to make a left turn,
- each of you should turn to the left of the other.
- Leave from the left lane
- and enter into the Left Lane.
- when you are leaving a one way or divided street,
- always turn from the lane nearest the curb
- when entering a one way or divided street,
- always turn into the lane nearest you
- when you are traveling straight,
- you may use any lane except the extreme right or left lanes, which are turning lanes.
- can you jump from lane to lane
- NO
- at a place where one way streets intersect,
- west bound vehicles inthe left lane may turn left, and south bound vehicles in the right lane may turn right, all vehicles in the other lanes must continue straight ahead.
- 3 lane road:
- use center lane for making left turns, never drive in the left traffic lane
if another driver yeilds to you, - proceed immedialtely.
if another driver doesnt yeild to you, - slow your vehicle and let him proceed
always remember: - you must yield to a bicycle exactly as you would to any other vehicle
- more accidents happen at
- intersections
- if traffic is blocked when you approach an intersection,
- stop before you reach the crosswalk and wait for traffic to move
- if you cannot see the entire intersection as you approach,
- slow down and proceed cautiously
- before entering or crossing any state or federal highway where there are no traffic signs or signals,
- you should yield to any approaching traffic, then proceed only when it is safe
- if there are no signs or signals at an intersection which you are approaching and another vehicle arrives at teh same time,
- the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right
- when two or more vehicles stop at an intersection at the same time,
- the vehicle on the right has the right of way
- at a crosswalk,
- you must bring your vehicle to a complete stop, and you must yield the right of way to any vehicle or pedestrian in the intersection
- if you are approaching an intersection on a through street and another vehicle is stopped and waiting to enter,
- be courteous and yield the right of way
- if a vehicle is in the intersection and signaling for a left turn just as you approach,
- you must let him go first.
- if you and another vehicle arrive at eh intersection at the same time,
the vehicle going straight on the through street must be given the
right of way - if an emergency vehicle is trying to pass,
- if at all possible, pull your vehicle over to the exteme right hand side of the road
- when you see or hear an emergency vehicle, and you are at an intersection,
- proceed through, then pull over to the extreme right
- though your not required to by law, common courtesy dictates that you __________________________ to funeral procissions
- yield the right of way
- school bus
- you must stop for a school bus
- a person walking across the street within a crosswalk, whether or not the crosswalk is marker
- always has teh right of way
- most vulnerable pedestrians are
- blind people
- you have a special obligation to protect
- blind people
- if you were to hit a stone wall while driving at only 40 miles an hour, the damage dont to your car would be the same as though you had
- driven off a four story building
- when to reduce your speeds:
- on curves, when approaching intersections, when on a narrow or twisting road, or when traffic is congested
- if the weather is poor
- slow down accordingly
- interstate min/max
- 70 40
- us roads min/max
- 55 30
- us roads 4 laned if posted min/max
- 65 40
- state roads min/max
- 55 none
- natchez trace parkway min/max
- 50 none
- when can you overtake and pass a vehicle on the right?
1. when the vehicle you are passing is making or about to make a left turn
2. on a four lane highway of adequate width where there are no obstructions or parked cars
3. on any one way highway of adequate width - when do you not pass
- on hills, curves, or within 100 feet of bridges, viaducts, overpasses, railroad crossings, crosswalks, intersections, or any place where your view is obstructed in any way
- pass only when
- the weather is good, never when its raining or sleeting
- its illegal to
- move across the center line of a four lane highway to pass another vehicle, to pass when the yellow line is in your lane
- when being passed on a two or three lane highway,
- you are required to keep to the right, and you should not increaseyour speed until the other car has completely passed you
- what do you do before changing lanes:
- look in the mirror, give a turn signal, glance over your shouler, and then change lanes if its safe
- when you are follwing another vehicle,
- allow atleast one car lenghth between you for every ten miles per hour of speed
- if you meet a vehicle at night with bright or blinding headlights, the safest thing to do is
- dim your lights and keep your eyes on the right side of the road
- when are you required to use your low beams
- within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or when you are following within 500 feet of another vehicle (except when you are attempting to pass them)
- when driving in fog use your
- low beams
- why are traffic signs and signals placed on highways and streets?
- to control the movement of traffic and to preven accidents
- when do drivers and pedestrians not have to obey signs and signals?
- when an officer is directing traffic
- how does an officers signal you to stop?
- by holding up his hand and blowing his whistle
- how does an officers signal you to continue moving?
- by motioning his hand and giving a series of short blasts on his whistle
- how does an officer signal at night?
- with his flashlight
- rail road crossing signs are how many feet away?
- 500 to 900
- what is used to warn and direct drivers and to regulate traffic?
- pavement markings
- COLOR: stop or prohibition
- red
- COLOR: indicated movements permitted, direction guidance
- green
- COLOR: motorist services guidances
- blue
- COLOR: general warning
- yellow
- COLOR: regulation
- black and white
- COLOR: constrution and maintenance warning
- orange
- COLOR: publice recreation and scenic guidance
- brown
- SHAPE: exclusively for stop signs
- octagon
- SHAPE: generally for guide signs
- horizontal rectangle
- SHAPE: exclusively for Yield signs
- equilateral triangle
- SHAPE: advance warning of No Passing Zones
- pennant(triangle)
- SHAPE: exclusively to warn of existing of possible hazards on roadways or adjacent areas
- diamond
- SHAPE: generally for regulatory signs
- vertical rectangle
- SHAPE: school advance and school crossing signs
- pentagon
- SHAPE: railroad advance warning signs
- round
- what does the yeild sign mean?
- slow down so you can yield the right of way to vehicles on the roadway being entered
- drivers cause __% of all accidents
- 85
- How many feet before a turn must you signal?
- 100
- How long does in take for your body to dispose of the alcohol contained in 12 ounces of beer?
- one hour
- Driving within the range of your headlights means you should be able to stop your vehicle within about how many feet? ?
- 250 feet
- Which way should you turn your steering wheel to get out of a skid?
- in the direction of the skid
- What extra equipment must a bicycle have when used at night?
- A head light visible from 500 feet and a tail light visible from 300 feet.
- What does a slow moving vehicle emblem look like?
- A reflective orange triangle.
- the foot brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle in __ feetat speed of 20 miles per hour.
- 30
- the hand brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle in __ feet at a speed of 20 miles per hour
- 55
- your vehicle must have a horn that can be heard from ? feet away
- 200