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Objective 2, Practice 1 Literary Techniques Vocab


undefined, object
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sequence of events in a story
in a story's earliest part, this tells the setting, tone, introduces characters and gives important background information.
rising action
this part of a story adds complications or the conflict(s)
a story's turning point
Falling action
occurs after a story's climax, when conflicts are resolved.
way a writer introduces the charactors. This is done in four ways
-describes charactor's appearance
-describes charactor by his/her words, thoughts, feelings, or actions
-described through another charactor's words, thoughts,feelings, or actions
-narrorator makes comments about a charactor
main charactor or hero
opposes the protagonist; not always a person- may be a force of nature (a storm) or an aspect of society (prison confinement) or internal force within the protagonist (to drop out of school or not)
struggle between opposing forces. There are four types of conflict:
-person V. person
-person V. nature (environment)
-person V. society (laws or beliefs)
-person V. oneself (inner decisions)
where adn when a story takes place
point of view
how a story is told; there are four ways:
-1st person-when narrator is a charactor in the story
-3rd person- the story is told by a narrator outside the story
-3rd person omnistant- also called "all knowing"; narrator sees into the minds of more than one charactor
-3rd person limited omniscient-narrator tells only what one charactor sees, thinks, or feels.
who tells the story
main idea of a work; usually is an idea about life or human nature. NOT stated in a story. Since the theme is not stated, the reader must figure out the author's underlying message
attitude the writer takes toward a subject; tone reflects the author's feelings.
author's purpose
why an author writes a story; purposes may be to inform or explain, to entertain, to express himself, or to persuade.
a writer's choice of words and way of arranging words into a sentence.
way a peice of literature is written; is not what is said but HOW it is said.
a conversation or an event that happened before a story began
when a writer gives hints or clues about an event or situation that will occur later in a story.
a person, place, or object that stands for something else.
words or phrases used to describe or create sensory experiances. Sensory deals with the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste).
insulting or mean or abusive remark
the opposite of what is expected. Irony may be shown when the reader knows something that a charactor doesen't or when a person says one thing and means the opposite or when the reader or a charactor expects one thing to happen but it doesen't
when a sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated throughout the work
indirect reference to another literary work or famous person or place or event.

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