Sailing Basics
undefined, object
copy deck
- Should one dock on the windward side or the leeward side of the dock?
- leeward
- If a boat is overtaking another boat, which boat has the right of way?
- The faster boat has the right of way
- Which boat gives way to the other: maneuverable or less maneuverable
- more maneuverable gives way
- Which sailboat under sail gives way to another if they are on opposite tacks?
- Sailboat on starboard tack has the right of way.
- Which sailboat under sail gives way to the other if they are on the same tack?
- Sailboat on the leeward side has the right of way.
- Which boat under power has the right of way if their paths cross?
- The boat on the right is right.
- How does the boat without right of way indicate to the other of their intent to give way?
- Make a 20 degree course correction to the aft of the boat with right of way.
- What are the informal right of way rules?
- Give way to much larger vessels and to vessels with impaired visibility.
- Where is the clew of the mainsail?
- Clew connects the mainsail to the outhaul and cleated securing the foot of the mainsail.
- What is apparent wind?
- Apparent wind is the combination of the wind generated by nature and the wind generated by the boat moving through the wind - tell tales indicate apparent wind.
- What does it mean to tack?
- To turn the boat into and across the wind to the opposite direction ("coming about")
- What does it mean to get "stuck in irons"?
- The sailboat loses power as its nose points into the wind.
- What does it mean to jibe?
- When sailing downwind, the turn from one point of sail across to he other is called a jibe (falling off)
- Describe the optimal launch conditions.
- Point the boat into the wind to keep it de-powered and floated into deep enough water to lower th rudders.
- How does one launch where the wind is blowing from the beach towards the water?
- Keep the boat pointed into the wind, drift backwards with the rudders up, stay forward, then lower the rudders and turn.
- How does one right a catamaran?
- Point the boat into the wind at a 45 degree angle, release the mainsail,climb to the top of the boat, stand up, pull the righting line and slowly lean back.
- Where is the tack on a sail?
- The tack lower inboard position of the sail where the forward edge (luff) and foot meet.
- Where is the clew on a sail?
- Aft corner of sail where foot meets leech.
- Where is the Boom Vang?
- Tackle or rod that holds the boom down.
- What is a spar?
- Any pole that controls a sail, including mast, boom, jibboom or spinnaker pole.
- What is the halyard?
- Running rigging that hoists a sail up the mast.
- What action is required if the telltale on the windward side of the sail points forward?
- Sail should be traveled in or boat steered further downwind.
- What action is required if the telltale on the leeward side of the sail points forward and windward telltale points upwards?
- Stalling; Sail should be travelled out or the boat headed up into the wind a little more.
- What is luffing?
- Luffing is when you try to sail too high into the wind, the jib will flap from one side to the other.
- What is stalling?
- Stalling is when you sail too far off the wind.
- Which point of sail allows for the highest speed?
- beam reach