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Aerospace Module #3


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The sun heats parts of the earth _______ than others.
The sun heats the earth through a method known as ______________.
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted directly toward the sun on ____ ___. This is called the ________ _________.
June 21 summer solstice
Between 30 degrees ’nnorth and south latitude and the equator, the movement of air toward the equator is called _______ _______.
trade winds
Converging trade winds can cause an area of calm winds. This area of calm is called the ___________.
_____________ ____________ in the Northern Hemisphere are responsible for many of the weather movements across the US and Canada.
Prevailing Westerlies
Winds at about 60 degrees latitude result from the air over the poles cooling, sinking and spreading out. This area of winds is called the _____________ ____________.
polar easterlies
The _____ ______ is wind that usually crosses the US at 30,000-35,000 feet and generally moves in a west to east direction.
jet stream
______ is a body of air in motion.
______ ________ is defined as the direction from which the wind is blowing.
wind direction
A knot equals _____ mph.
A scale for estimating winds on either land or sea is called the _______ _______.
Beaufort Scale
To determine ______ ______ you use temperature and wind speed to explain how cold it feels.
wind chill
Airplanes takeoff _____ the wind because the wind gives the plane more lift.
A strong tailwind will _________ a plane¡¦s air speed.
A ____________ is defined as a downdraft or downburst of wind.
______ is the total energy of all molecules within a substance.
_____________ is a measure of molecular motion expressed on a man-made scale.
Warmer temperatures require __________ runways for takeoff.
The weight or push on the Earth¡¦s surface is called _______ ________.
atmospheric pressure
Scientists and meteorologists mainly use a ___________ barometer.
A ________ ________ is found in weather stations and gives a permanent record of pressure readings.
aneroid barometer
________ is the most important element in the development of weather.
When a parcel of air is holding all of the water it can, ________ is reached.
The temperature at which the air becomes saturated is called the _________.
dew point
Converting water vapor to a liquid is called _____________.
Clouds and fog are products of ______________.
______ is composed of tiny droplets of liquid water in contact with the surface. It is actually a cloud that is touching the ground.
______ is a fair weather cloud indicating good weather.
_______ has a very uniform appearance with very little vertical development.
______ clouds are white, thin, wispy clouds, usually in patches, filaments, hooks or bands and are mainly composed of ice crystals.
________ is heavier and darker than stratus and produces rain that can last for hours.
_______ is the cloud that produces thunderstorms with thunder and lightning.
The cumulonimbus _________ occurs at the base of the cloud and looks like bulges or pouches.
________ is the unrest or disturbance of the air and refers to its instability.
Many types of ______ clouds are associated with turbulence.
__________ is the general term given to the various types of condensed water vapor that fall to the Earth¡¦s surface, such as rain or snow.
Rain that freezes on contact with the ground or highway is called ___ _____.
freezing rain
An ____ _____ is a huge body of air, usually 1,000 miles or more across that has the same temperature and moisture characteristics.
air mass
Air masses are identified by a two-letter code consisting of a _____ letter and a _________ letter.
capital lowercase
A boundary between two air masses is called a _________.
A ______ _______ occurs when warm air moves into an area of colder air and they collide.
warm front
A ______ ______ occurs when the air moving into the area is colder than the already present warmer air.
cold front
When air masses bump against each other, but not strong enough to force movement, it is called a ____________ _______.
stationary front
When three differing air masses are involved with each other, it is called an ______________.
occluded front
________ come from cumulonimbus clouds and always possess thunder and lightning.
The ___________ stage of a thunderstorm is dominated by updrafts.
_________ is the most dangerous part of a thunderstorm.
A tornado¡¦s _______ are the main reason for the tremendous destruction associated with tornadoes.
If a tornado is coming and time permits, get to a ___________ or underground.
If a tornado is coming and you are in open country, move at _______ angles away from it.
To be classified as a hurricane, the winds must go above _____ miles per hour.
Hurricanes are classified into ____ categories. These categories are presented on the _____-_______ ________ ________ ________ ______.
5 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Damage Potential Scale
The center of a hurricane is called an ______.
Kelvins freezing point is ____degrees and its boiling point is ____degrees.
The uneven or unequal heating causes _______ and pressure differences. This creates ______ or the movement of air.
About ____ % of the sun's radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface. The other _____% is reflected and ________ in the atmosphere and space.
50, 50, absorbed
Air masses are classified by their source region and the nature of the surface in their _________ _________.
source region
An air mass, place of origin is called its ______region. The ideal source region must be very large and the physical_______ must be consistent throughout. Tropical and ______ locations are the best source regions.
source, features, polar
An air mass, temperature or latitude is placed into four categories: polar(P), _____(A), _______(T) and equatorial(E).
arctic, tropical
Celsius freezing point is ____degrees and its boiling point is ____degrees.
0, 100
Clouds are made up of minute droplets of water or tiny_____ of _____ or both.
crystals of ice
Extreme heat can cause heat cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion and ________. Always drink plenty of ____ when it is extremely hot.
heatstroke, water
Fahrenheit's freezing point is____degrees and its boiling point is ____.
32, 212
Heat from the sun is absorbed differently depending on the__________ or the substance.
In extreme cold, ____________ and ___________ may occur.
hypothermia, frostbite
Moisture, in its gaseous state, is called _______ ______.
water vapor
On December 22, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted directly away from the sun. This is called the ________ _________.
winter solstice
The Earth revolves around the sun. The Earth's revolution takes ____ days, __hours and ___ minutes.
365 days, 5 hours, 48 mins
The Earth rotates on its axis at an angle of ___ degrees. The rotational tilt causes the length of the day to vary and the rotation plus the revolution cause the ______ ________ to occur.
23.5, seasonal changes
The Earth rotates on its axis in a _________ direction in the Northern Hemisphere. This rotation causes an object moving freely in the Northern Hemisphere to be deflected to the right of its intended path. This deflection is called __________ _______.
counterclockwise, Coriolis Force
The Fujita Wind Damage Scale explains the categories of ______ _____and expected damage for tornadoes.
wind speed
The ________ equinox occurs on March 21, and the _________ equinox occurs on September 22. On both occasions, the sun's direct rays strike the equator.
spring (vernal),fall (autumnal)
The lowercase letter of an air mass is either an ___ (_________) or c (_________).
m (maritime), c (continental)
The sun heats the ________ and is the fundamental cause of our ___________.
Earth, weather
There are three basic cloud forms: _________, ________ and ________.
cumulus, stratus, cirrus
Thunderstorms have three stages: ________, _______ and __________.
building, mature, dissipating
Warm air _______. This is an ingredient for producing _________.
rises, clouds
Warm air molecules are spaced ______ _______ than cool air molecules.
farther apart
________ ________ is the amount of humidity in the air compared to its total water vapor capacity at a given temperature. It is expressed in a __________.
relative humidity, percentage

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