Exercise Science
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- Controver of HRT
decreases CVD...(now they say it doesn't)
increases cancer and other things.
Recommened with age: 1 asprin 81 mg - What is heart disease?
a progressive disease tht starts early around 4.....although now show until later.
You get injury to lemen of artery over time...stress, smoking, diabetes, increase BP plaque comes along to attack and attach to walls..little by little they close up - What are monmodifiable and modifiable of heart disease
Modifiable: 1:1 correlation, smoking, increase cholesterol, Hypertention, physical inactivity
non modifiable: gender, male...age, family history, race: african american (increased risk) increased blood pressure means increased CRD
male pattern baldness......hormones responsible for baldness similar to those respondent to stress (cortisol) - Benefits of Exercise
- physical activity decreases CRD.....if you have a heart attack and was physically active prior you have a better since of survivial.
- WOmen and cvd
women get cvd at older age b/c supported by estrogen.
Average Age Menopause-50 yrs
usually 60 for onset of cvd
Estrogen is part of production of HDL
good cholesterol
women are more likely to have a heart attack..to die...to have 2nd heart attack if have bypass Heart Attack, less likely to survive. - men vs woman
- dr take men more seriously then women
- Symtoms of no complete blockage?
- Angina
- Warning signs that "something isn't right"
- shortness of breath, upset stomach, nausea, pressure in chest, "elephant sitting on chest" numbness in L or R arm, indigestion, numbness in jaw, sweaty, extreme fatigue
- Prevention for heart disease
- look at risk factors.........have cholesterol and BP checked.
- Tests for heart disease
- EKG and stress test (GXT)
- What is EKG
- Rhythm and electrical stimulation-may not show problems that occur under exertion.
- What is a cardiac cath?
- through groin into vasculature into heart-pictures of blockage of cornary arteries.
- Angioplasty
after beta blockers are not managing welll.. (for BP, HR decreasement) you might need this.
opens up artery stents...keep artery open from closing.
Drug alluding stents-drug with stents that stop resriosis..believed to decrease blockage. - Go from least invasive to most invasive
Stress test death are stastically set at 1/20,000.
Location of blockage is very important once tissure is dead its gone. Heart and Brain do not regenerate. - What to do if someone is having a heart attack
- rest...stop what doing...lay down..call 911.........give one asprin
- What is congestive heart failure?
- injury to heart......heart muscle is damaged.........no efficient.blood backs up...fluid in lungs..shortness of breath, swelling of arms and legs...drowning in own fluid....RECOGNIZE SYMPTOMS...lanoxin and direuretic.
- What is max aerobic capacity..
- at 25( higgest level) after 25, 1 percent of capacity per year. Can increase aerobic activity up to 30 percent at (30 years)
- Risk of EXERCISE
advantages outweigh disadv.
Most prevalent risk is musculoskeletal injury....
muscle fiber decreases with age. Muscle protein decreases too. - What decreases w/ age
nervous system-37 percent decrease in number of spinal cord axons
10 percent decrease in nerve conduction velocity (Brain to action..action to brain is slower)
Heart rate decreases w/ age.
Body fat increases w/ age. - STUDY by harvard ALUMNI
- 17,000 firads (1916-1950) assessed exercised. People who moderately exercised added years...1/4 to 1/3 lower than sedentary counter parts. Those who took exercise to extremes had death rate increased (from sedentary counter parts)
- Stephen Blair Study
13,000 m and w followed for 8 yrs...risk for everything....decreased when small amount of exercise was done.
least fit group had 3 X increase then most fit...
Greastes health benefit: sendetary to moderate exerise...it's never to late..a little will help - Ischemia
lack of oxygen to tissue.. then you get angina...supply and demand...demand is increased more then heart can supply.
Risk factors: poor eating habits, cholesterol, diabetes, stress - Cholesterol
increase risk for CVD. for every 1 percent decrease in cholesterol you get a decrease risk for CVD
know your total c-lower then200
LDL bad cholesterol - What does HDL do?
packages up LDL for transport
keep LDL low and HDL high
smoking decreases HDL and exerise increases HDL
Alcohol increases HDL
Exericse lowers LDL
Alcohol lowers LDL
advoid staurated fat...animal products..cheese milk - What can we do to manage cholesterol?
weight control
aerobic exercise
eat high fiber foods
increase level of fish oil
hypertention. - You want your BP to be lower then:
140/90 (lower then this)
normal 120/80
to control High BP..stop smoking, weight control and sodium, exercise. Meds if needed. - Largest prediction of heart disease
exerise, type a personality
sed lifestyle
reduce stress
BPM - Diabetes and CVD
Type II diabetes for CVD...30 percent increase for amputation/blindness, stroke, kidney disease, cognitive decline,
Risks: single parent, older then 45, bmi higher then 25, sedentary, black, latino, native, american, hawiian, hypertensive, weight control, Aerobic 30 min a day...ADD Fiber. - Signs of Diabetes
- frequent urination, thirst, hunger, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, blurred vision, some or no symptoms.
- How do we lower mardical rate?
- through beta blockers
- Angeoplasty
- high rate of reclosing (30 to 40 percent)
- Bypass
- Invasive (major) stays 10 to 15 years..assuming they make lifestyle changes...takes artery from leg or radial. HD does not go away.
From the mouth to anus is 29 feet long.
it breaks down food, digests it, and absorbs by the GI wall. when absorbed food......it becomes usefull. - What is mechanical????
- chew food...churning of food in stomach.
- What is chemical?
- when enzymes and chemicals break down and is absorbed into the digestive track.
- Masication
- chewing..food is ground into small bits.
- What causes digestion, absorption??
- GI tract
- What metabolizes
- all cells in body
what are the 4 layers of the GI?
(inside/out) -
Serosa - what is the mycosa?
- used for absorption and secretion
- what is submucosa?
- nerves blood flow
- What is muscularis
- perastalsis-allows movement around GI tract
- What is serosa?
- made up of connective tissue and peritoneum..(lie within peritoneal cavity.
- Roof of your mouth
is called the "soft pallate" Tastebuds!!!!!!!!!!!!
(uvula) prevents food from going into naval cavity. - What is a hard pallate
- hard on top of mouth
- What is your tongue?
- skeletal muscle covered w/ mucas membranes
- What is underneath your tongue?
- Frendulum-if it is too small you have problems speaking.
- Bumps on tongue?
largest bumps are called Ballate
tastebuds are on th back of the tongue. - 4 types of teeth
incisors-tearing (inside-back)
molar-chewing - What is a bolus of food?
- ball of food going down
- Teeth info.
20 teeth
36 Permanent teeth
cut a tooth -6 months
lose 1st tooth-6 yrs - what is a crown, neck, and root?
covered by enamel (hardest substance in the body)
Neck is above gum
root is below gum - Disorder of Mouth
Cancer-chewing tabacco
large alchol intake
lip cancer-exposure to sun
tooth decay, dental cavaties, gingivitis (infection of gums) bad breath..Periodontal Disease-Periodontics - Calories
depends on metabolism
take caloris/9 X 35 gives you fat grams - Varieties
- Get a variety so you are not deficent
- Nutrition numbers
Cholesterol-300 mg per day or less
sodium..no more then 2400 mg
fiber -20-35 - What is the salivary gland?
- outside GI tract connected to ducts that drop saliva in mouth
- parotib gland
- largest of the paired salivary glands. produce a watery, or serous, type of saliva containing enzymes but not mucas.
- submandibular gland
- contain enzyme and mucas producing elements
- Sublingual Glands
- is the smallest of the slivary glands. produces saliva!!
- What is a carbohydrate?
Glucose C6H1206
simple sugar..pixie stick - monosaccharides
200 in nature glucose,frutose, glactose
Glucose: blood sugar; dextrose
when we eat a carb it breaks into glucose and is absorbed in small intestine.
Carbos are:
directly by cell for energy
store in muscle and liver glycogen
excess carbohydrate store as fat - What is frutose?
- fruit sugar (fruits, honey
- What is glucatose?
- producedin mammery glands of lactation.
- Disacchrides
- 2 sugars
- Glucose and Frucose
- Sucrose (and salt)
- Glucose and Glactose
lactose (Milk)
what is marketed as sugar-nutrasweet
aspercane (nutrasweet)(sold as powder) - Nutrasweet
- 4 calories per gram (concentrations: true sugar you need more.
- hypoglycemic
- low blood sugar
- polysacchriddes
3 or more sugar
plant/animal saccrides - Plant (starch)
- glucose put together ex. grain, beans, peas
- Fiber 25 to 35 mg
cannot be digested by tract..not absorbed by small intestine
insoluable fiber increase fecal bulk
with age it changes
decrease risk for colon cancer - soluable fiber
Carbohydrate...decreases cholesterol enters bloodstream and blood serium cholesterol
ex. fruits, lagoons, oats and barley - Fiber
- Typical 10 mg do not exceed 40 mg (metamucill 4 g) could cause gastric (gradual)
- Animal Glycogen
10,000 strung together
can't store lots of carbs
muscles (325)
liver 100
circulation 25
blood 1900 - Carbohydrate
energy supplier
glucose used for energy
stored as energy for glycogen
Protein sparrer-do not want to use this (aneroxia)
metabolic primer (krebs cycle)
encyme to break down fat.
fuel for CNS