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Carl Rogers- chapter 14


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the driving force in everyone\'s life, causes the person to become more differentiated (complex), more independent, and more socially responsible. Its an innate need to survive and to grow and enhance one\'s self.
Actualizing tendency *Rogers\' view of human nature is opposite of Freud\'s
using the Actualizing Tendency as a frame of reference for evaluating one\'s experiences. It creates a feedback system that allows the organism to coordinate its experiences w/ its tendency towards self-actualization
Organismic Valuing Process *see this clearly in infants and kids before the age of 2 years old. One moment, the infant is hungry & values food; once they are satisfied, they\'re disgusted w/ it. They completely trust their feelings.
All people live in a subjective world, which can be known, in any complete sense, only to themselves. It is this, rather than the physical world, that determines people\'s behavior
phenomenological reality (how people interpret things is, for them, the only reality)
all that is going on w/in the organism\'s envi at any given moment that is potentially available to awareness
when potential experiences become SYMBOLIZED (Symbolization of Experience) they enter this
awareness *after entering awareness, the expereinces become part of the person\'s Phenomenological Field
allows one to reflect on him/ herself as a distinct object of which he/she is aware. It is a major manifestation of the Actualizing tendency
Emergence of the SELF
need to receive warmth, love, sympathy, care, respect and acceptance from relevant people in one\'s life
Need for positive Regard
These specify circumstances under which children will receive positive regard
conditions of worth *through repeated experience w/ these conditions, kids internalize them & make them a part of their self structure. Once intrenalized, they become a conscience, guiding the kid\'s behavior even when the parents aren\'t present
The need a person develops to feel positively about him/herself
need for positive self-regard
allowing a child to experience positive regard no matter what they do. Parents should make a clear distinction b/t the behaviors that the child displays that they dislike, and the child them self. The child should always be loved, even though some of his
Unconditional positive regard Say to the child: \"we love you deeply as you are, but what you\'re doing is upsetting and therefore we would be happier if you would stop\"
failure to use their organismic valuing process as a means of determining if their experiences are in accordance w/ their actualizing tendency
Incongruency (usually people will use others\' *Introjected Values* to evaluate their own experience. This is where conditions of worth have replaced their organismic valuing process as the frame of reference for evaluating their experiences
experienced when a person Subceives (detection of an experience before it enters full awareness) an experience as being incompatible w/ their self structure and its introjected conditions of worth
consists of editing experiences, using the mechanisms of Denial and Distortion, to keep them in accordance w/ the self structure
An experience is distorted or denied this because it is contrary to the self structure
-focus on conscious material in the present -become aware of feelings as they happen instead of gaining insight on the childhood origin of their feelings -client takes responsiblity for feelings and actions -promote growth and fulfillment rather than j
characteristics of Humanistic therapy
1) client and therapist must be in psychological contact(have to matter to one another) 2)The client must be in a state of incongruence(anxiety) 3)the therapist must be congruent w/ the client 4)the therapist must provide the client w/ unconditional po
The 6 conditions for Effective Therapy *therapy is designed to eliminate incongruity b/t experience and the self An effective therapist displays: *Uncond. Pos. regard *Genuiness (being honest and real w/ the client) *Empathy (sympathetic & caring understanding)--> ~Active Listening(reflection) ~Advanced Accurate Empathy
person whose locus of evaluation is his/ her own organismic valuing process rather than internalized conditions of worth
Fully functioning person
one of the chief characteristics of a Fully functioning person
openness to experience
method Rogers used to determine how a client\'s self-image changed as a function of therapy
Q-sort technique
statements chosen by a client as best describing the person he/she actually is at the moment
statements chosen by a client as best describing the person he/she would most like to be
acts on the principles of learning listed (on pg 456), and thereby treats each student as a unique person with feelings of his/her own rather than as an object to be taught something
facilitator of education *Rogers thought our educational system was in poor shape. *teach with unconditional positive regard
close relationship with individuals other than one\'s spouse
satellite relationships *marriages fail b/c its based on outdated assumptions *for it to work, marriage has to be viewed as a dynamic and satisfying relationship to both partners
a person who rejects hypocrisy , respect nature and other people, and resists the attempt to control his/her thoughts or behavior externally
Person of tomorrow

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