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MFT Assessments


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Mental Status Exam (MSE)
A structured approach to attain a comprehensive cross-section of a client's state of mind.
Looks at speech, cognition, content, thought process, perception, judgment, mood and affect.
Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
A brief neuropsychological tool used for quick assessment and screening for Dementia
Achievement Tests
tests designed to measure attained mastery in academics or career experience.

Wide Range Achievement Test
Scholastic Aptitude Test
College Entrance Exam
Graduate Record Examination
General Survey Batteries
Evaluate knowledge of most subjects taught in school.
Single Subject Tests
Measure one subject or content area.
Diagnostic Batteries
Determine proficiencies and deficiencies in areas of reading, math and spelling.
Intelligence Tests
Tests designed to measure the taker's intellectual functioning.
Fluid Intelligence (FI)
The ability to reason quickly, think abstractly, and adapt to new situations. FI declines in later adult life.
Crystallized Intelligence (CI)
Intelligence that comes from experience - the knowledge and skills that accumulate over time. CI increases with age.
Aptitude Tests
Tests which measures specific skills and abilities or a battery of skills.
Differential Aptitude Test
General Aptitude Tests Battery
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Interest Inventories
Measure likes and dislikes, values and other preferences. These are often used in career counseling.
Personality Inventories
Provide a global measure of a client's emotional style or personality. Such tests may reveal difficulties in self-concept.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
Used if many symptoms are present and if the diagnosis is not linked directly to Depression.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
This test measures preferences by personality types


Projective Personality Tests
Used for assessment when a client is too young to be tested, impaired in some way or lacks self-esteem. Also useful if the client is known to lie, cannot be asked a direct question or lacks self knowledge.
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
Assesses the nature and extent of conflict within a marriage or rx
helps couples to communicate hard to express feelings
used at the beginning of marital therapy to guide subsequent tx

Family Environmental Scale (FES)
90 item true/false measure
Assess how family perceive family environment along 3 domains
Personal Growth
System Maintenance

Family Questionnaire(FQ)
Brief Measure of perceived criticism and over-involvement
The Family Assessment Device (FAD)
60 item scale that assess the 6 dimensions of the McMaster Model of Family Functioning
1. Communications
2. Problem-Solving
3. Effective Responsiveness
4. Effective Involvement
5. Roles of each Family Member
6. Behavior Control

Interview Based Family Assessment Instruments
More labor intensive and requires rater training

Provides an outside perspective on how a family functions, compared to other families.

The Camberwell Family Interview
Requires extensive training

Used to assess levels of criticism and over involvement

The Five Minute Speech Sample
Method of assessing expressed emotion in relatives of patients with psychiatric disorders
The McMaster Clinical Rating Scale (MCRS)
Assesses same 6 dimensions as FAD in addition to overall health or pathology of the family
Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships (PAIR)
36 item instrument that assesses 5 types of intimacy
1. Emotional
2. Social
3. Sexual
4. Intellectual
5. Recreational

Assessment tools for Children
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test II
Children's Apperception Test (CAT)
Children's Depression Inventory (CAD)
Draw a person test (DAP)

Conners' Rating Scale Revised (CRS-R)
1. Parent (CADS-P) 26 item behavior checklist
2. Teacher (CADS-T) 27 item checklist
3. Adolescent (CADS-A)30 item checklist and self-report

Assessment for Children
Kinetic Family Drawing(K-F-D)
Matrix Analogies Test (MAT)
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: 2nd Edition (RCMAS-2)
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales 2nd Ed
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -IV

Values Inventories
Measures work values associated with broader aspects of life
Career Maturity Inventories
Based on Super's developmental theory
Evaluates readiness for exploration, planning, orientation, information gathering and decision making

use if the diagnosis seems directly linked to depression

Beck Hopelessness Scale
Beck Anxiety Inventory
Eating Inventory
Eating Disorder Inventory
Halo Effect
The bias or outside influence which occurs when one characteristic of a person or one factor effects or sways the tester's evaluation of the subjects other traits.
Hawthorne Effect
Occurs when the tester or the test environment sways the response of the test subject away from the variable that is the focus of the experiment
Rosenthal Effect
(aka The Pygmalion Effect)
Students tend to internalize the expectations of their superiors; high expectations lead to improved performance
Demand Characteristics
The subject behaves according to what he thinks the experimenter wants.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
Assesses and screens alcohol use/abuse
CAGE Questionnaire
Instituted by JA Ewing
Assess and screen use/abuse

cutting down, annoyance by criticism, guilty feelings and eye openers

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)
instituted by D R Gavin, H E Ross and H A Skinner to assess and screen drug use/abuse
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
instituted by ML Selzer to assess and screen for alcohol use/abuse
Children's Apperception Test
provides examination of social emotional components of personality in children
Draw-A-Person Test


Developed by Florence Goodenough

A nonverbal projective test of intelligence for children 3-16

Eating Disorder Inventory -3
A revision of the EDI-2
Designed by David M Garner
Intended to assist in diagnosing eating disorders in persons 13 and older

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales


Developed by David Olson, Dean Gorall and Judy Tiesel to assess the dimensions of cohesion and flexibility within family and couple systems
Hamilton Anxiety Scales

(HAS or HAM-A)

Developed by Max Hamilton to assess anxiety symptoms in people who were already diagnosed with anxiety disorders
Hamilton Depression Scale
(HDS or HAM-D)

Hamilton Depression Inventory

used for assessing symptoms of depression
House-Tree Person Interrogation Form
Projective assessment for children and adults as an intelligence and personality test
Kinetic Family Drawing K-F-D
Developed by Burns and Kaufman

A nonverbal projective test to assess intellectual, psychological and interpersonal functioning

Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI)
Developed by Theodore Million, Catherine Green and Robert Meagher Jr

An objective assessment of personality, expressed concerns and behavioral elements in adolescents.

used to assess and evaluate personality and emotional disorders in adolescents
NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R)
Developed by Paul Costa

Used to assess th big five personality domains and six trait factors that define each of those domains.

Psychological Screen Inventory (PSI)
tool used to screen an individual's mental health
Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test
Rorschach Inkblot Test

intelligence and personality test

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
used to uncover an individual's take on their relationships with other people
Tennesee Self-Concept Scale
used to determine a person's feeling of self worth

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