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Chapt. 5 CLRM


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Classroom Management
encompasses all of the activites and strategies used by a teacher to ensure an environment where learning can take place without undue interupptions
It is important to manage people, materials, and time
implies that there are times when the class moves from one type of activity to another.

Homework Collection
have a box of some sort at the beginning of class, or put a good student in charge of collecting them.
Managing Time:

Homework Collection
Hall Passes
Ending Class on Time

simple desire to do something; we are interested in positive motivation, that is the deisre to be a good and productive classroom citizen.
Intrinsic Motivation
most desirable because it means students want to be positive due to an internalized set of standards.
Extrinsic Motivation
relates to creating a desire for something through an external stimulus such as a reward
Creating Warmth
being pleasant, flexible, and caring creates a general atmosphere conducive to maximum productivity and minimum disruptions.
Different Types of Statements


refers to approaching the student in a gradual fashion. The closer you get to the student, the more the realization will set in as well as the feeling of guilt in being off task.
Performance Information
Information given back (positive or negative) on any kind of graded work. The student needs to see what he or she did wrong.


students need to know the exact nature of their performance problems or success.

the promptness of the information

Ineffective Instruction
can cause discipline problems within a classroom.

Too boring, too hard, no motivation, etc.

Self Discipline
exists when a student demonstrates appropriate behavior because he or she wants to
Maslow\'s Hierarchy
5 level of needs that all people have:

personal affiliations
self esteem
self actualization

Phsyiological Needs
things that are essential for a healthy physical life:

Food, water, and shelter

Personal Affiliations
Friends, person with no friends lack a peer support system
few people in the world:
People that are truly happen with themselves and the life they live
Imposed discipline
involves some type of punishment for misbehaving. Punishment that teachers can impose can include verbal reprimands, phone calls home, after school, time-out in isolation, office referrals.
Assertive Discipline
each time a student breaks a rule, there should be punishment. Not matter what!
Desist Strategies
the idea is that anything you do to ecourage students to change an immediate misbehavior to an appropriate behavior.

level of force and communication

Progressive Discipline
concept that can be used with any system. The principle is simply that each time you elect to discipline a student either the force or communication levels must be increased.
Left-Brain Processing
people are very orderly, prefer auditory cues, Structure, Convergent, detail to general, exact.
Right-Brain Processing
Individuals are likely to want the big picture of situations rather than detail. They are visually oriented, No structure, Divergent, General to detail, Approximate
Whole Brain interactivity
a person uses both sides of the brain about equally and on a regular basis.
Cognitive Style
way a person processes information and uses strategies
Conceptual Tempo
relates how we react when we are presented alternative.

Reflective or Impulsive

Cognitive Style Theory

Abstractly Receive info
they prefer to read or hear about concept and principles
Concretely receive info
want to use their senses to receive information
Sequential Processing
prefer to receive their information in a step-by-step sequential manner.
Random Processing
get information from multiple sources and in a variety of ways while constructing his own approach to structure and organization
Abstract Random
people whom prefer a world of feeling and emotion. Multi-dimensional and like webbing. Generally are the \"live in the moment\" type
Abstract Sequential
they like the abstract world, but based on a concrete world. The are not interested in the data, but the result of the data. Very intellectual, skilled analyst
Concrete Random
least favored style for instruction. They appreciate a world of activity and their senses are able to connect that with intuition. \"Risk takers\"
Concrete Sequential
world of senses, but do not involve their intuition as do the random processors. The tend to be instinctive and like personal proof of things. \"cook-book\"
Silver, Strong, and Perini

learners tend to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
think metaphorically. THey like to explore new situations
Like to study about ideas and concpets. They enjoy readings, lecture, and debates

like to see immediate, tangible, practical results. They like structure
McCarthy\'s Approach
The Four types

Imaginative learner
Analytic Learner
Common Sense Learner
Dynamic Learner

Imginative Learner
perceives concretely and processes reflectively. View experiences from different viewpoints, seeking meaning and clarity while intergrating the experience within themselves.
Analytic Learner
perceives abstractly and proceses reflctively. Learning and enjoy the use of metaphors and analogies
Common Sense Learner
perceives abstractly and processes actively. This is the only group that likes and reacts well to drill and practice activities; they also enjoy making tangible items such as models
Dynamic Learners
Perceives concretely and processes actively. very adaptable and enjoy both self discovery and integrating their educational experiences with practical application.
Dunn\'s Learning Style Theory
Incorporates mor than cognitive style.
Biologyical Clock

Perceptual styles of French, Gilley, and Cherry
Interactive Modality
Visual Modality
Haptic Modality
Kinesthtic Modality
Olfactory Modality

Vertical Articulation
fitting together\" to ensure students have the proper background as they go from one course to another
Horizontal Articulation
because different subjects were taught in an intergrated manner and each academic area supported the other areas....Cooperative Planning happens
Modified Hunter Lesson Cycle
Motivational Beginning
State the objectives




broad, general statement of where we want to end up

a statement of each small step needed to be achieved before we can accomplish a goal

Cognitive Domain
refers to what we usually consider to be the academic subject matter of a course
Cognitive Domain Steps

Bottom, up


Affective Domain
deals with attitudes, interests, appreciations, and values.

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