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F, G and H


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n flit
fly; fly or move lightly or quickly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by; Ex. a bee flitting from flower to flower
s cunning
clever in deceiving; sly; N: cleverness in deceiving; deceit
n gourmand
epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
n fritter
waste (time or money on unimportant things)
n forbearance
patience; forgiveness; V. forbear: refrain from (in a generous and forgiving way); be patient; Ex. forbear to send him to prison
s ploy
strategem to gain an advantage; tactic; Ex. management ploy
prevent by taking action in advance
given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for; done without good reason; Ex. gratuitous comment
s topple
become unsteady and fall down
n hummock
small hill; hillock
n frieze
ornamental horizontal band on a wall
s rumble
make or move with a deep rolling sound (as thunder or stomach)
n hindmost
furthest behind; farthest to the rear
s sleek
smooth and shining (as from good health); V.
s fuss:
trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
s breed
produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable condition); N: kind or sort of animal or plant
s oatmeal
crushed oats used for making porridge
ability to foresee future happenings; prudence in providing for the future
n homily
sermon; tedious moralizing lecture; serious warning; ADJ. homiletic
n hapless
unfortunate; luckless
bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization; Ex. come to/be brought to fruition
joyous; celebratory; relating to a feast or festival
s groom
man employed to take care of horses; V: make neat and trim; clean and brush (an animal)
person who establishes (an organization or business)
n habituate
accustom or familiarize; addict
s fathomless
too deep to be measured or understood; unfathomable
s primary
first in rank or importance; principal; earliest in time; Ex. primary stages; N. CF. first
s growl
low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog)
unfriendliness; hatred; enmity; ADJ. hostile
mental or bodily powers; teaching staff
n flux
flowing; series of changes; fluctuation; Ex. in a state of flux
s groove
long narrow channel made in a surface to guide the movement of something; Ex. groove of the record
n filibuster
block legislation or prevent action in a lawmaking body by making very slow long speeches; N; freebooter
pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N. hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess; CF. hypocrite
s spin
rotate swiftly; make (thread) by twisting (cotton, wool, etc.); N.
n filial
pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter; Ex. filial respect
n forsake
desert; abandon; renounce
seriousness; ADJ. grave
n felicity
happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.); quality of being felicitous
n hackles
hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog; Ex. make someone's hackles rise
n figment
invention; something invented; imaginary thing; Ex. figment of your imagination
windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughters, tears); Ex. gale of laughter
premonition of evil; feeling of coming evil; V. forebode: be a warning of (something unpleasant)
s genus
division of animals or plants, below a family and above a species
n fete(f\^ete)
honor at a festival; celebrate or honor with a feast; N. (outdoor) festival or feast; CF. feast
honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do homage to
n herpetologist
one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology: branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians
n gavel
hammerlike tool; mallet(wooden hammer) used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer; V.
n heyday
time of greatest success or power; prime
dissimilar; mixed; not homogeneous; consisting of dissimilar elements or plants
s paste
smooth viscous mixture as of flour(powder made by crushing grain) and water (used as an adhesive); V: cause to adhere by applying paste
loyalty; accuracy
n halcyon
calm; peaceful; Ex. halcyon days
s jumble
mix in a confused way
grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures; wave; brandish; Ex. The trees flourished in the sun. N: showy movement or gesture; embellishment or ornamentation (esp. in handwriting)
n gerrymander
change voting district lines in order to favor a political party; N. CF. Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander
cheating; deceitful; Ex. fraudulent means; N. fraud: deception; swindle
urge on; drive with a goad; cause (someone) to do something by continued annoyance; Ex. They goaded him into doing it by saying he was a coward; N: sharp-pointed stick for driving cattle; stimulus; CF. annoy continually
n gloat
express evil satisfaction; look at or think about with evil satisfaction; view malevolently; Ex. The thief gloated over the stolen jewels.
s broil
cook by direct heat; N.
n glean
gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty
s swarm
large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd of people or animals; V: move in a crowd or mass
n hovel
shack; small wretched house
(of a person or speech) using high sounding or important-sounding language; pompous; bombastic
n gruesome
grisly; horrible
n gambol
romp; skip about; leap about playfully; frolic; N.
n foist
insert improperly; impose upon another by coercion; palm off; pass off as genuine or worthy; CF. fist
s hazard
venture; put in danger; risk; Ex. hazard a guess; N: possible source of danger
cause; produce; create
n germinal
pertaining to a germ; creative; Ex. germinal idea
fleeting or transitory; lasting only a short time; roving(wandering); running away or fleeing as from the law; N: one who flees; Ex. fugitives at large
n facile
easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial; not deep; Ex. facile solution to a complex problem; Ex. facile speaker; N. facility: ability to do something easily and well; ease in doing resulting from skill or aptitude; something that facilitates an action; amenity; Ex. with great facility
conclusion; concluding part
n gentry
people of standing(rank or position); people of good family or high social position; class of people just below nobility
slightly obscure; misty; unclear; N. haze: light mist or smoke; confused state of mind
s shoot
new growth from a plant
n haven
place of safety; refuge; harbor; Ex. tax haven
n foray
raid; sudden raid or military advance; V.
characteristic of an entire class or species; of a genus
n gaudy
flashy; showy
s stately
formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic
s glare
shine intensely and blindingly; stare fixedly and angrily; N.
n girth
distance around something; circumference
conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive; blatant; outrageous
n husband
use sparingly; conserve; save; Ex. husband one's energy; CF. house holder
n flounder
struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter (as in water, mud, snow, etc.); proceed in confusion
n gamut
entire range
n flaccid
flabby; lacking firmness; weak; Ex. flaccid muscles
n hypochondriac
person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness; ADJ. CF. hypochondria: neurosis that one is or is becoming ill; CF. abdomen
s graphite
black form of carbon used in lead pencils
s heed
pay attention to; N: close attention
n humility
humbleness of spirit
s impassioned
(of speech) filled with passion; fervent
s stumble
trip and almost fall; proceed unsteadily; act falteringly; N.
n gibe
mock; make jeering remarks; N: jeering remarks
s pinnace
small boat
s helm
steering wheel of a ship; position of control
s primate
group of mammals including humans
n hover
hang about; (of birds or aircraft) stay in the air in one place; (of people) wait nearby; stay around one place; waver; be in an uncertain state
n grate
make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred by rubbing against a rough surface; Ex. grated cheese N: framework of metal bars to hold fuel in a fireplace
s gnarl
protruding knot on a tree; V.
n foster
rear; bring up (for a certain period only); encourage; promote the development of (feelings or ideas); Ex. help foster friendly relations; ADJ: giving parental care although not related by blood; Ex. foster parents
thrift; economy; ADJ. frugal: practicing economy; costing little; inexpensive
s flip
send (something) spinning, often into the air, by striking with a light quick blow; turn over; Ex. flip over
s glamor
compelling charm; ADJ. glamorous
s clipper
sailing vessel built for great speed
small plane surface (of a gem(precious stone)); a side
s galvanic
of the production of electricity by the action of an acid on a metal; having the effect of an electric shock; Ex. galvanic cell; galvanic effect; CF. Luigi Galvani
lacking in seriousness; flippant; self-indulgently carefree; unworthy of serious attention; relatively unimportant; trivial
s sow
plant or scatter seed
s mutter
utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones
n flamboyant
ornate; highly elaborate; richly colored; ostentatious; showy; CF. flame
n hydrophobia
fear of water; rabies
n factious
inclined to form factions; causing dissension
n flair
n foment
stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of (something evil or unpleasant)
opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion; ADJ. heretical; CF. heretic
obstruct; prevent the free movement of; N: ½Ä·áÇ°À̳ª ÀǺ¹ µîÀ» ´ã´Â ¹Ù±¸´Ï
n fulminate
thunder; explode; issue a severe denunciation
n founder
fail completely; sink; CF. flounder
n hue
color; aspect; Ex. opinions of every hue
n fetid(foetid)
malodorous; foul
n hone
sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a tool
s shudder
shake uncontrollably; tremble; V.
n fortuitous
accidental; by chance; N. fortuity
n guy
cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied; CF. guide
n frantic
wild; distraught as from fear or worry; Ex. frantic with fear
n hilarity
boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious: full of laughter
s fertile
producing many young, fruits, or seeds; (of land) producing good crops; V. fertilize
n gouge
overcharge (with high price); extort from; Ex. gouge the public; CF. usury
n hiatus
gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break
s finish
surface texture; completeness of execution
s fit
sudden outburst of an illness or feeling; convulsion caused by epilepsy
n fancier
breeder or dealer of animals; one who has a special interest, as for raising specific plant or animal
vague statement; general statement which is not detailed; quality of being general; greater part; most; Ex. generality of people
s sly
clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one's intentions
brief explanation of words used in the text
n gossamer
sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb
s historic
important in history; Ex. historic battle
n finesse
delicate skill; V: handle with finesse
pertinent; bearing upon(having connection with) the case at hand; appropriate
n hap
chance; luck
n harrowing
agonizing; distressing; traumatic; V. harrow: break up and level (soil) with a harrow; inflict great distress on; agonize; N: farming machine to break up the earth
n florid
ruddy; (of a complexion) reddish; flowery; very ornate; CF. rose
n hermetic
sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; airtight
n gruff
rough-mannered; (of a voice) rough; hoarse
s lace
cord used to draw and tie together two opposite edges (as of a shoe); delicate fabric made of fine threads; V: draw together by tying a lace
s bust
piece of sculpture showing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest; V: break up; arrest; Ex. crimebuster
s pilfer
steal things of small value; filch; snitch
s fetish(fetich)
object believed to have spiritual powers; object of excessive attention or reverence; CF. fetishism
n garnish
decorate; add a garnish to; decorate (food or drink) with small items such as lemon slices; N.
s rabies
disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)
n furtive
stealthy; quiet and secret (trying to escape notice); sneaky; Ex. furtive glance
n foppish
vain about dress and appearance; N. fop: man who takes too much interest in his clothes and appearance
n halting
hesitant; faltering; not fluent; Ex. halting steps/voice; V. halt: proceed or act with uncertainty; falter; hesitate; waver; stop
n fell
cruel; (of a disease) deadly
s romp
play or frolic boisterously; gambol; N.
s palm
conceal in the palm of the hand; palm off: pass off; Ex. palm off some bad oranges onto the lady/the painting as a real Renoir
n febrile
s pastry
paste of flour and water (eaten when baked)
s matin\'ee(matinee)
dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon
menacing; arousing fear; threatening; difficult to defeat; Ex. formidable foe/question
s curb
chain or strap used with a bit to restrain a horse; something that checks; V: check; restrain
waver; shift; rise and fall as if in waves; change or vary irregularly
someone who eats too much; ADJ. gluttonous: given to gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony: habit of eating too much
n hale
n horde
crowd; swarm
clumsy (in social behavior); coarse and uncouth
s wage
begin and continue (a war)
s limp
walk lamely; ADJ: lacking firmness; weak
s bid
command; utter (a greeting); offer as a price; N: offer of a price; amount offered; earnest effort to gain something; Ex. bid for freedom
n grotto
small cavern
s shed
small roofed structure for storage and shelter; V: pour forth; lose by natural process; repel without allowing penetration; radiate; cast; Ex. shed tears/light/water/skin/leaves
s shift
change position or place; exchange (one thing) for another; change in direction or position; Ex. shift the stolen goods; N. group of workers which takes turns with other groups; working period of such a group
n fleck
spot; mark with flecks; N: small mark or spot
n ferret
drive or hunt out of hiding; hunt with ferrets; drive out (as from a hiding place); expel; uncover or discover by searching; Ex. ferret out the secret; N. small fierce animal which catches rats and rabbits by going into their holes
n fervor
glowing ardor; intensity of feeling; quality of being fervent or fervid; zeal; intense heat
s falsify
make (something written) false by changing
n headlong
hasty; rash; headfirst; ADV.
n hurtle
crash; rush; move with great speed; Ex. hurtling runaway train
s fussy
fastidious; finicky; easily upset
n grueling
exhausting; Ex. grueling marathon race
s galley
low ship with sails (rowed along by slaves)
n factitious
artificial; produced artificially; sham; false; Ex. factitious tears
s flutter
(of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly; vibrate rapidly or erratically; fly by waving quickly; flitter; N.
s shear
remove (fleece or hair) by cutting; remove the hair or fleece from; cut with or as if with shears; N: shears; pair of scissors
n firebrand
piece of burning wood; hothead; troublemaker; person who stirs up trouble
s functional
made for practical use only (without decoration); functioning; Ex. functional modern furniture; CF. functionalism
build; lie; make up (a story) in order to deceive; Ex. fabricate the whole story; CF. fabric: underlying structure; Ex. fabric of society
s primal
first in rank or importance; being first in time; original; Ex. man's primal innocence
s geriatrics
medical treatment and care of old age
n gambit
opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed; action made to produce a future advantage
n gingerly
very carefully; ADJ.
crevice; crack
move the fingers and hands awkwardly (in search of something); mishandle or drop a ball that is in play; bungle; botch; spoil by mishandling; N.
s underhand(underhanded)
done slyly and secretly (being dishonest)
n gibberish
nonsense; nonsensical or unintelligible talk or writing; babbling
random; by chance; happening in an unplanned manner; Ex. haphazard growth of the town
s thresh
beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
clash or conflict in opinion; rubbing against
n gesticulation
motion; gesture; V. gesticulate: make gestures (while speaking)
s sprout
begin to grow; give off shoots or buds; N: new growth on a plant; shoot
n glossy
smooth and shining; N. gloss: shiny brightness on a surface; superficially attractive appearance; Ex. gloss of good manners
n fallow
(of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality); uncultivated
s trickster
person who cheats people
person convicted of a grave crime; CF. felony: serious crime
s blush
become red in the face (from embarrassment or shame); become red or rosy; N.
s grim
causing great fear; unrelenting; determined in spite of fear; Ex. grim smile
n haggard
wasted away; gaunt; Ex. haggard faces of the rescued miners
n galvanize
stimulate or shock by an electric current; stimulate by shock; shock into action; stir up; coat with rust-resistant zinc by using electricity
n foible
small weakness of character; slight fault; CF. feeble
ceremonious quality; ceremonious adherence to rules; something done just for form's sake; Ex. mere formality
easily deceived
s droop
bend or hang downward; become weakened; Ex. His shoulders drooped with tiredness; N.
s graduate
arrange into categories or grades; divide into marked intervals (for use in measurement); Ex. graduated ruler
n garish
overbright in color; unpleasantly bright; gaudy
n factotum
handyman; person who does all kinds of work; CF. do everything
s porridge
soft food made by boiling oatmeal
n foil
defeat; frustrate; prevent from being successful; thwart; CF. fail
fluent (with insincerity or superficiality); facile; slick
n glower
scowl; glare; look or stare angrily
s historical
connected with history; based on events in history (whether regarded as important or not)
n feral
(of an animal) not domestic; wild
n hyperbole
exaggeration; overstatement; ADJ. hyperbolic: of hyperbole; of a hyperbola
pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described
government ruled by old people
cause to sprout; sprout
delusion; false idea; false perception of objects with a compelling sense of their reality; objects so perceived; V. hallucinate; ADJ. hallucinatory
n garner
gather; store up; amass
s forfeit
something surrendered as punishment for a crime or breach of contract; V: lose as a forfeit; N. forfeiture
n hinterlands
back country; inner part of a country; OP. foreland
s hygiene
science and practice of the promotion and preservation of health; ADJ. hygienic: showing careful attention to cleanness (to prevent disease); Ex. hygienic condition
s hideous
repulsive to the sight; ugly; repugnant; Ex. hideous face/scream
block; obstacle; V. hinder
n homeostasis
tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium; CF. homeo-: constant; Ex. homeotherm
n fluted
having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar); V. flute: make long parallel inward curves in; N. flute: long rounded groove incised on the shaft of a column
excessively exacting; too critical (without noticing good qualities)
n hoodwink
deceive; delude
n gaffe
social blunder
n hallowed
blessed; consecrated; Ex. hallowed ground; V. hallow: set apart as holy
n gist
essence; main point; substance
s forthcoming
happening in the near future; ready; willing to help; Ex. No answer was forthcoming.
n hoary
white with age
s hut
crude dwelling; shack
s well-bred
of good upbringing; well-mannered and refined
useless; hopeless; ineffectual
n humus
substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter; CF. soil
n figurine
small ornamental statuette(very small statue)
n fiasco
total failure; CF. bottle
s waver
move or swing back and forth; be uncertain or unsteady in decision or movement; Ex. wavering between accepting and refusing
s notch
V-shaped cut in a surface; V.
n gloss_over
explain away with the intention of deceiving or hiding faults
s prime
period of ideal or peak condition; earliest or beginning stage; Ex. in the prime of life; Ex. prime of the year(spring); ADJ: first in importance or rank; first; V: make ready; prepare
n ford
place where a river can be crossed on foot; V.
s latch
fastening or lock consisting of a movable bar that fits into a notch; V: close with a latch
n garrulous
loquacious; wordy; talkative; N. garrulity
s forge
counterfeit; reproduce fraudulently; form by heating in a forge and hammering into shape; move with a sudden increase of speed or power; Ex. forged ahead in the last two years; N: furnace where metals are heated
s totem
animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; Ex. totem pole
s habitat
natural home of a plant or animal; CF. habitation
n fictitious
imaginary; non-existent; purposely invented to deceive; untrue; Ex. fictitious name/boyfriend; CF. fictional
n fulcrum
support on which a lever rests or pivots
n geniality
cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy; ADJ. genial: cheerful and good-tempered
n gouge
tear out; cut out (as if with a gouge); Ex. gouge his eyes out; N: chisel for cutting out hollow areas in wood
n fetter
shackle; restrict the freedom of; N. chain or shackle for the foot of a prisoner; CF. foot
n gamely
in a spirited manner; with courage; Ex. fight gamely against a superior boxer; ADJ. game
s shack
crude cabin
grain-eating; CF. herbivore
s litter
waste material thrown away (as bits of paper scattered untidily); V: cover untidily with scattered litter
s fruitful
producing results; profitable; prolific; producing in abundance
n hermitage
home of a hermit
n gnarled
s menace
threat; V: threaten
s carefree
free from worries; having no problems
n hegemony
dominance especially of one nation over others
large isolated system of stars, such as the Milky Way; collection of brilliant personalities
right or privilege granted by authority; right to vote; license to sell a product in a particular territory
damp; N. humidity
plants of a region or era
n glut
overstock; fill beyond capacity (with food); fill to excess; N: oversupply
n farce
broad comedy; mockery; humorous play full of silly things happening; ADJ. farcical
s prefigure
be a sign of; foreshadow
s figure
written symbols; number; amount represented in numbers; outline or silhouette of a thing or human body; person (well-known); impression; diagram; pattern; group in a dance; Ex. figure of speech; V. calculate with numbers; adorn with figures; appear; consider; Ex. My name did not figure in the list.
n fray
brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing; cause to become worn out (a person's temper or nerves); CF. rub
s tinge
give a slight degree of a color or quality to; N: slight degree of a color or quality; Ex. tinged with grey/jealousy
n fervent
ardent; zealous; hot
n fanfare
call by bugles or trumpets; showy display; spectacular public display
n fanciful
whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by imagination; Ex. fanciful scheme
waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a building
n flotsam
drifting wreckage
weak; N. frailty
n hibernal
wintry; wintery; of or like winter
s flowery
full of flowers; full of ornate expressions
n filing
particle removed by a file
one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life; CF. hedonism: practice of living one's life purely for pleasure
n fatuous
smugly and unconsciously foolish; inane; silly; N. fatuity, fatuousness
n fresco
painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)
n gusto
eager enjoyment; zest; enthusiasm
n filigree
delicate ornamental lacelike metalwork
s glitter
shine brightly with flashing points of light; Ex. glittering diamond ring; N: sparkling light; attractiveness; glamor; Ex. glitter of the sun on the waves
s scowl
frown angrily; N: angry frown
n faze
disconcert; dismay; embarrass
s mat
not shiny; matte; having a dull finish; N: flat piece of material used as a floor covering; V.
n hirsute
hairy; having a lot of hair
cause of complaint; complaint
fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural (causing fear or amusement)
s court
attempt to gain; seek; woo; risk; behave so as to invite; attempt to gain the favor of by attention; Ex. court disaster
s fermentation
chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds; unrest; agitation
n horticultural
pertaining to cultivation of gardens; N. horticulture: science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants; CF. agriculture: science or art of farming or growing crops
n harping
tiresome dwelling on a subject; V. harp: dwell on(think or speak a lot about) tediously
s stammer
speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
n fluke
unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune; accidental stroke of good luck; ADJ. fluky
n fodder
coarse food for cattle, horses, etc.; feed for livestock; CF. food
n flinch
hesitate; shrink back (in fear of something unpleasant); Ex. She did not flinch in the face of danger.
s crossbreed
hybridize; N: hybrid; CF. interbreed; CF. inbreed
s haunt
(of a spirit) visit (a place); come to mind continually; visit (a place) regularly; frequent; Ex. haunted house; Ex. haunted by his last words; N: place much frequented
give up; do without
s jetsam
things thrown from a ship (to lighten the ship)
s plaster
paste that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls; V.
arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)
based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed; N. hypothesis
strong point or special talent in a person's character
n granulate
form into grains or granules; N. granule: grain or particle
n gazette
official periodical publication; newspaper
n fluster
confuse; make nervous and confused; N.
n gainsay
basic; primary; essential
n foil
contrast; one that by contrast enhances the distinctive characteristics of another
liable to err
s self-indulgence
excessive indulgence of one's own desire
n fiat
command; arbitrary order; Ex. presidential fiat; CF. let it be done
n genuflect
bend the knee as in worship
large three-masted sailing ship
n glutinous
sticky; viscous; gluey
n grovel
crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate; behave in a servile manner
n fervid
ardent; zealous; hot
n fleece
wool coat of a sheep; V: shear the fleece from; rob by a trick; swindle; plunder
practical; able to be carried out; practicable
n gall
bitterness of feeling; nerve; effrontery; ´ãÁó(bile); CF. gall bladder
n hortatory
encouraging; exhortive; marked by exhortation; CF. exhort
particular variety of art or literature
n flout
reject; mock; show contempt for; scorn; Ex. flout the rules
s foul
very bad or disagreeable; very dirty; Ex. foul smell/flavor/temper/language/air/deed/weather/means; N. act against the rules; V. make or become foul; commit a foul
n gall
annoy; exasperate; chafe; N: skin sore caused by rubbing (as on the skin of a horse); exasperation
n fawning
courting favor by cringing and flattering; V. fawn: exhibit affection as a dog; seek favor or attention by obsequiousness
s overturn
turn over; capsize; topple
n gape
open widely; open the mouth wide; stare wonderingly with the mouth open; CF. agape
marked by kindness or consideration; kind and compassionate; humanitarian
n gull
trick; deceive; hoodwink; N: person who is easily tricked; dupe
n genteel
well-bred; elegant; striving to convey an appearance of refinement; Ex. genteel poverty
n gory
bloody; N. gore: blood (from a wound)
outward appearance; costume; Ex. in a new guise
n finicky
too particular; fussy; difficult to please; too concerned with unimportant details or quality; Ex. finicky about her food
pride; arrogance; ADJ. haughty
n funereal
sad; solemn; suitable for a funeral
intensely cold; cold in manner; Ex. frigid zone
n forebears(forbears)
n fell
cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile)
n ghastly
horrible; terrifying; resembling ghosts; CF. aghast
s squeamish
easily shocked or sickened by unpleasant things; fastidious; Ex. A nurse should not be squeamish.
n flaunt
display ostentatiously; Ex. ``Honey, if you've got it, flaunt it !''
n hubbub
confused uproar; loud noise; din
harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks); raid
n gratis
free; without charge; ADJ.
s capsize
(of a boat) turn over
s hail
frozen rain drop; V: salute or greet; precipitate hail
dwarf; underground spirit who guards treasure hoards
n foliage
masses of leaves; CF. defoliate
n fractious
unruly; peevish; cranky; bad-tempered; Ex. fractious horse
n humdrum
dull; monotonous
n fulsome
disgustingly excessive; offensively flattering; Ex. fulsome praise/expressions of admire
give an indication beforehand; be a sign of (what is coming); portend; prefigure
s gentle
kindly; soft; mild; of good family
n fusillade
simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc.)
impressiveness; stateliness; majesty
n flippant
lacking proper seriousness; Ex. flippant remarks about death; N. flippancy
n gourmet
connoisseur of food and drink; epicure
n fastidious
difficult to please; squeamish; fussy; finicky
n grill
question severely; cook on a grill; broil; N: cooking surface of parallel metal bars
s dissension
disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group
n fecundity
fertility; fruitfulness; ADJ. fecund: very productive of crops or young
s forerunner
predecessor; one that comes before and indicates the approach of another
union; coalition; V. fuse
arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks; body of persons having authority
n gawk
stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe
s sneak
move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; N: one who sneaks; ADJ. sneaky
sleep throughout the winter; N. hibernation
bravery; courage; strength of mind
n fatalism
belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control; ADJ. fatalistic; CF. fatal: causing death
n gustatory
affecting or relating to the sense of taste
s sterile
incapable of producing young; free from microorganism; V. sterilize
n heinous
atrocious; wicked; hatefully bad; Ex. heinous crime
s grunt
utter a deep guttural sound (as a pig does); N.
n heckler
person who verbally harasses others; V. heckle: verbally harass as with gibes (by interrupting a speaker or speech)
s flush
redden; blush; flow suddenly and abundantly; wash out by a rapid brief flow of water; N: reddish tinge; blush; brief rush; rush of strong feeling; Ex. flush of pride; ADJ: having surfaces in the same plane; even; blushing
s pass_off
present falsely; represent falsely to be
n facetious
joking (often inappropriately); unserious; humorous
n hubris
arrogance; excessive self-conceit
s germ
earliest form of an organism; seed or bud; something that may develop into something larger or more important; microbe
n frenzied
madly excited; N. frenzy: violent wild excitement
s gild
cover with a thin layer of gold
picture writing; ADJ.
s finished
properly made and complete; Ex. finished product/performance
without deceit
n hoard
stockpile; accumulate for future use; N: supply stored for future use
annoy by repeated attacks
n gait
manner of walking or running; speed
s gust
strong abrupt rush of wind; V. CF. bluster
mongrel; mixed breed; V. hybridize
n frolicsome
prankish; gay; playful; merry; frisky
help bring about; make less difficult
n hireling
one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. hireling politician
n flay
strip off skin; plunder; remove the skin from; criticize harshly
n forswear
renounce under oath; abandon; make a solemn promise to give up; CF. abjure
n fitful
spasmodic; intermittent; irregular
n hoax
trick which makes someone take action; practical joke; Ex. hoax mail; V.
deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning; Ex. persuade her by guile
animals of a period or region; CF. flora
n flag
droop; grow feeble; decline in vigor or strength; ADJ. flagging; CF. unflagging
record of descent; lineage; ancestry; study of ancestry
n fester
rankle; produce irritation or resentment; (of a cut or wound) generate pus or rot; Ex. His insult festered in my mind for days.
n hue_and_cry
outcry; loud cry or clamor; strong protest; Ex. hue and cry against the new rule
s slick
make smooth or glossy; N: smooth surface; Ex. oil slick; ADJ: smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib
s frolic
play and jump about happily; frisk; Ex. frolicking young lambs
n forensic
suitable to debate or courts of law; of or used in legal proceedings and the tracking of criminals; Ex. forensic science/medicine
affectedly grand; pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive; great in size or scope; grand; Ex. grandiose ideas
n forthright
straightforward; direct; frank
n guffaw
boisterous laughter; V.
give protection (by giving food and shelter); provide a refuge for; hide; keep in mind (thoughts or feelings); Ex. harbor a grudge/criminal; N: place of shelter; refuge
n glaze
cover with a thin and shiny surface; apply a glaze to; N: thin, smooth, shiny coating (as for pottery); Ex. unglazed pottery
n hardy
(of people or animals) sturdy; robust; (of plants) able to stand inclement(stormy) weather
s mongrel
plant or animal (esp. a dog) of mixed breed; ADJ.
n grouse
complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump chickenlike game bird
n feint
trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw away defensive action; V.
s gloss
brief explanation note or translation of a difficult expression; V.
n foolhardy
rash; reckless; foolishly daring
n fledgling(fledgeling)
inexperienced; N: young bird that has acquired wing feathers and is learning to fly; inexperienced person
n falter
hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or move unsteadily through weakness; N.
n gaunt
lean and angular; thin and bony; emaciated; barren
comprehend; investigate; determine the depth of; N. unit of measurement for the depth of water
s high-flown
highly pretentious or inflated
n holocaust
destruction by fire; CF. burnt whole; CF. Holocaust
n grapple
wrestle; come to grips with; take hold of and struggle with; Ex. grapple with the burglar
n grisly
ghastly; horrifying; Ex. grisly remains of the bodies
n gorge
narrow canyon; steep rocky cleft; ravine (made by a stream which runs through it)
like a glacier; of an ice age; extremely cold; Ex. glacial epoch; CF. iceberg
n glaring
(of something bad) highly conspicuous; harshly bright; shining intensely and blindingly
n frond
fern leaf; palm or banana leaf
s gerontology
study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age
n gentility
those of gentle birth; high social class; refinement; quality of being genteel
n flick
light stroke as with a whip; V: move with a light quick blow; strike with a light quick blow (as from a whip); Ex. flick the switch
n giddy
light-hearted; not serious; frivolous; dizzy; causing dizziness; Ex. giddy youth; Ex. giddy climb/height
n ferment
agitation; commotion(noisy and excited activity); unrest (of a political kind); V. produce by fermentation; undergo fermentation; cause (a state of trouble)
s overthrow
topple; N.
s pedigree
line of ancestors; ancestry; lineage; ADJ. (of an animal) descended from of a chosen family; Ex. pedigree dog; CF. crane's foot
s thrash
beat with a whip or flail; defeat utterly; talk about thoroughly in order to find the answer; move wildly or violently; Ex. The fishes thrashed about in the net.
smoothness of speech; ADJ. fluent
thwart; defeat; prevent from accomplishing a purpose
s zest
outer skin of an orange used for giving a special taste to food; spice; interest; flavor; spirited enjoyment; Ex. add a certain zest to the affair; Ex. zest for life
deck opening; lid covering a deck opening; V: emerge from an egg; produce (young) from an egg
s forum
public square of an ancient Roman city; public place for open discussion; court of law
n gorge
stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
n husbandry
frugality; thrift; economy; agriculture; farming; Ex. animal husbandry; CF. husbandman
n fret
be annoyed or vexed; Ex. fret over your poor grades; N: irritation of mind; ADJ. fretful
n gadfly
animal-biting fly; irritating person
n haggle
argue about prices (in an attempt to bargain)
n holster
leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist)
n faction
party; clique (within a large group); dissension
s trim
make neat or tidy by clipping; reduce by removing what is unnecessary; ornament; decorate (round the edges); Ex. trim the cost; Ex. jacket trimmed with fur; N. ADJ: tidy; in good order
of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout
s flashy
showy; gaudy; giving a momentary brilliance
n histrionic
theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior
not noticing; disregarding
s fancy
imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature); capricious liking; V: imagine; be fond of; ADJ. decorative; elaborate
n facade(fa\c{c}ade)
front or face (of building); superficial or false appearance
n fructify
bear fruit; produce fruit
n harangue
long, passionate, and vehement speech; V.
s havoc
widespread damage; disorder; chaos
n felicitous
(of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc.
s humble
of low rank or position; modest; having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others; unassuming; not proud; V. humiliate: make humble; cause to feel ashamed or to lose the respect of others
s headfirst
moving with the head leading; headlong
n fraught
filled (with something unpleasant); full; Ex. fraught with danger and difficulties; CF. freight
n fracas
brawl(noisy quarrel or fight) in which a number of people take part; melee
s hothead
person who does things too quickly without thinking; ADJ. hotheaded
s toss
throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion; flip (a coin) to decide something
n frenetic(phrenetic)
frenzied; frantic
sad and lonely; wretched; desolate
s vivid
(of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike mental images; Ex. vivid red hair/description
n gruel
thin liquid porridge
n functionary
official (who performs a particular function)
s natal
connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal
sociable; (of an animal) tending to form a group
s clip
cut off with shears; fasten; N: something clipped off (as a short extract from film); clasp or fastener
s gross
total; fragrant; clearly wrong; (of people's behavior) coarse; corpulent; Ex. gross insolence/behavior; V: earn as a total amount; N: 12 dozens
n garbled
mixed up; jumbled; distorted; V. garble: mix up or distort (a message) to such an extent as to make misleading or unintelligible
s sheer
pure; thin and transparent; very steep
one devoted to the promotion of human welfare; CF. humanism
s freebooter
pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich
please; satisfy; Ex. gratify a desire
n furor
frenzy; great anger and excitement; CF. fury
s florescence
condition or period of flowering
n flail
beat with or as if with a flail; move wildly; thresh grain by hand; strike or slap; toss about; N: threshing tool consisting of a stick swinging from the end of a long handle
n granary
storehouse for grain
beginning; origin
imagined; unreal
n gargantuan
huge; enormous; gigantic; CF. the hero of Gargantua and Pantagruel
n hermetic
concerning alchemy or magic; obscure and mysterious; occult
n hew
cut to pieces with ax or sword; chop; N.
n floe
flat mass of floating ice
excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause; N. fanatic; ADJ. fanatic
s feline
of a member of the cat family; N.
n glimmer
shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim or unsteady light; faint indication; Ex. glimmer of hope
domestic; made at home; spun or woven at home; simple and ordinary; Ex. homespun philosophy
n filch
steal (things of small value)
s flicker
burn unsteadily or fitfully; move waveringly; N: flickering movement or light; brief sensation; Ex. flicker of excitement
n gestate
evolve as in prenatal growth; N. gestation: period of development from conception until birth
n heterodox
(of beliefs) against accepted opinion; unorthodox; unconventional
forerunner (which foreshadows what is to come)
act of extreme violence or viciousness; resentful anger; V: commit an outrage on; produce anger in; ADJ. outrageous: offensive
unwilling; reluctant; stingy(giving reluctantly)
false; based on a fallacy; misleading; N. fallacy: false idea or notion; false reasoning; Ex. popular fallacy; Ex. fallacy of the argument
n gastronomy
art and science of preparing and serving good food; CF. gastronome
s grumble
complain; mutter discontentedly; grouch; N.
changeable (in affections or friendship); faithless
not literal but metaphorical; using a figure(impression) of speech
s tint
slight degree of color; V: give a tint to
n grimace
facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc; V.
s nuptial
of marriage or the wedding ceremony; N; nuptials; wedding ceremony
n headstrong
willful; stubborn; unyielding; determined to have one's own way; CF. no 'excessive'
commonplace; trite

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