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- Superfund
- The nickname for a federal law that gives EPA authority to oversee cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the USA.
- Sustainability
- The ability to continue on using the present amount of material.
- Synthetic Chemical
- A chemical that is not formed in nature and is made by chemists
- Synthetic Elements
- elements that are made by scientists in a laboratory and do not exist in nature
- Tectonic Plates
- Giant chunks of land or ocean floor that provide the hard surface of the planet
- Tempurature
- a measure of tha amount of heat that is present
- Terrestrial
- refering to plants and animals that live on land
- Theory
- Scientific theories are well supported explanations about the natural world
- Theory of plate tectonics
- a theory that states that the earths land is broken into large sections
- Toxity
- the potential of a substance that does harm to living organisms
- Turbidity
- the amount of sediment in water that reduces the clarity
- Toxity Test
- a study conducted to determine the harmful side effects of a chemical substane on an organism