ES Midterm
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- Birth Reduction Pressures
- higher education and equality for women
- exponential growth
- J curve, death rate surpasses birth rate, oscillation
- Premises of evolution
- variation occurs in all population, all populations produce excess food, not all offspring reproduce, future ppopulation reflects survivor's traits
- global environmentalism
- realization that we all share a common environment on the global scale
- deltas
- fan shaped sediment deposit at river mouth
- important Marine factors
- temperature, sunlight, oxygen, nutrients
- ecological footprint
- amount of land needed to produce the resources used
- environmental health
- based on factors that cause disease
- Lake Volta
- largest man made lake
- estuaries
- bays where water from rivers enters oceans
- 2nd law of thermodynamics
- entropy - with each transfer, less energy is available
- logistic growth
- S curve, growth balances and levels out
- Commoner's Laws of Ecology
- everything is connected, must go somewhere, nature knows best, no free lunch
- Cellular respiration
- splits carbon and hydrogen atoms from the sugar molecule and recombines them with oxygen to recreate carbon dioxide and water
- competition exclusion
- no two species will occupy same niche's resources for very long
- environmentalism
- social movement that attempts to protect the natural world
- major environmental concerns
- analytical, creative, logical, reflective
- Sulfur
- fossil fuel combusiton, acid rain
- cold
- 50-60 degrees N/S
- barrier islands
- protect inland shores, 20 percent developed, vulnerable to sea level rise
- Nitrogen disruption
- realeases NOx, legumes, overuse of fertilizers
- speciation
- gene pool diverges becoming a new distingt species
- cyanobacteria
- earliest forms of life, stromatolites, responsible for oxygen
- infectious disease
- caused from pathogens. Ex. Influenza, ecoli, malaria
- acute poverty
- where 1/5 of the world live with an income of less that 1 dollar per day
- elements that make up most organisms
- O, C, H, N
- Ecological disease
- effects domestic animals and wildlife. Ex. Chronic Wasting disease in deer, behavior changes, weight loss, always fatal
- 10 most populated countries
- china, india, usa, nigeria, japan, brazil, indonesia, russia, bangladesh
- why biodiversity is important
- food, medicine, ecological, existence value, aesthetic, culture
- wetlands
- standing water prat of the year (bogs, fens, swamp, marsh)
- emergent disease
- disease not known or absent for 20 years. Ex. HIV/AIDS, Ebola, West Nile
- biomagnification
- increase in concentration of a substance
- desert
- cold or warm, always dry
- levels of biodiversity
- genetic, species, ecological
- Conservationist
- TR, Pinchot
- mass extinction events
- 50-95 percent extinct - huge increse due to industrialization
- Biosphere 2
- failed to duplicate earth's life support system
- Phosphorus
- key plant nutrient crtical for cell function
- E.O. Wilson
- HIPPO explanation for extinction
- Hydrologic cycle
- medium for metabolic process, aids the flow of nutrients, distributes heat globally
- health
- complete state of physical, mental, and social well being
- Earth's orgin
- 4.5 billion years
- sustainable development
- meething the needs of the present without compromising future needs
- centers of greatest biodiversity
- 10-15 percent, rainforests and coral reefs
- important Terrestrial factors
- TEMPERATURE, PRECIPITATION, latitude, altitude
- Preservation
- Muir, Leopold
- Phosphorus
- deforestation, overfertilization in water, eutrophication
- Sulfur
- important in proteins
- Carbon disruption
- burning fuels, deforestation, cement making
- importance of coral reefs
- oldest, most diverse, most productive ecosystems
- groups of terrestrial biomes
- tropical, temperate, cold, desert
- Florida's population
- 18 million
- R-selected
- high growth and reproductive, low parental care, generalist
- causes of coral reef degradation
- bleaching, UV exposure, pollutants, loss of mangroves, cyanide, dynamite, oil spills, physical damage
- tropical
- 0-30 degrees N/S
- population doubling time
- 70/annual growth rate
- Carbon cycle
- component in organic molecules, provides metabolic energy
- biome
- regional ecosystems: climate, soil, biodiversity
- mangroves
- warm tropical climates, protect coastlines, nursery, specialist
- K-selected
- balanced capacity, low reproduction, high parental, specialist
- human impacts on wetlands
- 53 percent destroyed, drain wetlands and connecting waterways, fertilizer runoff
- Responsible for the theory of evolution
- Darwin and Wallace
- 10 percent rule
- energy is lost in transition - energy/biomass
- Hydrologic disruption
- pollution, altering/creating bodies of water
- Father of Biogeography
- Wallace
- moral and aesthetic/biocentric
- preservation school
- neo malthus
- approaching capacity, distribution of weath and resources
- environmental science
- must meet tests of science
- levels of symbiosis
- mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
- selective pressures
- environmental factors, competiton, predation, symbiosis
- Tallahassee's Biome
- Temperate conifer
- toxicology
- study of poisons and effects, tests on lab animals, computer stimulation
- neo marx
- eliminate poverty through social justice
- malthus
- fixed limits, population grows exponentially while food is plentiful
- bioaccumulation
- organisms absorb toxic substance at a rate greater than that is lost
- reasons why environmental concerns are becoming a greater threat to society
- overpopulation, modern technology, consumption
- population growth equation
- (crude birth - death) + (immigration - emigration)
- causes of speciation
- isolation and selective pressures
- Nitrogen cycle
- key plant nutrient that forms amino acids and proteins
- Energy
- capacity to do work
- open system
- materials, energy, info exchanged between external sources
- positive feedback
- moves in same direction, destabilizes, Ex. erosion, affluenza
- Pronatalist
- factors that increse desire for children
- Habitat loss, Invasive species, Pollution, Population, Overharvesting
- Pragmatic/utilitarian
- conservation school
- 1st law of thermodynamics
- conservation of energy
- temperate
- 30-50 degrees N/S
- Rachel Carson
- Silent Spring, modern environmentalism
- Wisconsin Biome
- Temperate Decidious
- marx
- social justice slows growth. causes: explotation and oppression
- Impact =
- Population * Affluence * Technology
- Main couses for extinctions
- human induced, catastrophic events, biological requirements not met
- negative feedback
- movies in opposite direction, stabilizes, Ex. global temp
- geochemical cycles
- hydrologic, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur
- Categories of Endangered Species Act of 1973
- endangered (eminent), threatened, vulnerable (naturally rare)