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UNIT 5 review

people of unit 5


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John Locke
"Two treatises of Gov. That people are by nature good and reasonable and should be given freedoms 3 mains natural rigths life, liberty' property.
Candide" in Free Speech Religious.
Johannes Kepler
(Father of Modern Astronomy), a German mathematician, confirmed the heliocentric theory with observations. He also showed that the planets moved in ellipses rather than perfect circles.
Charles I
(1600-1649) tried to advocate the divine rigth of kings and bring more absolutist policies to England. He was also seen as bringing too much Catholic influences to the Church of England.
William Harvey
published On the Motion of the Heart and Blood (1628). He refined vesalius ideas and showed that the heart was the beginning of the blood's circulation.
Galileo Galilei
built a telescope and was the frist to make regular observations with it.
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote considered the first novel about a man who wanders through the countryside thinking that he's a knight.
"The spirit of laws" power within the Gov should be divided among branches of Gov the legislative, judicial, and excutive.
Isaac Newton
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, defined the laws of motion and gravity. Newtown was trying to explain the motion of the universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Published "On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres" in 1543. He stated his heliocentric (sun-centered) thery of the universe.
Louis XIV
France (1643_1715) Louis was recognized as one of the most powerful monarchs of Europe. He ruled for 72 years and was known as the sunking He is famous for saying "L'etat, c'ets moi". This means I am the state He moved the capital from Paris to versailles.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Born 1685 in Germany from a musical family studied music call of his life traveled and brouht new music ideas to the church challenged tradition Baroque style complex, multilayered
Peter the Great
Great (1672-1725) Peter became the ruler of Russia when he was 22. He believed that his country must Westernize in order to be successful. Peter created a navy and started the construction of a new capital city called St. Peterburg in the north.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Born 1756 in Australia from musical family musical prodigy traveled througt Europe rebelled against church rules classical style piano concerto.
Charles II
successor, James II ( King 1685-1688), was disliked for his support of Catholicism in England.
Oliver Cromwell
leader of the military, ruled England as " lard protector" until 1658.
William and Mary
Due to the laws restricting their power, English monarchs strarting with William and Mary are considered constitutional monarchs.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"the social contract" Human beings are naturally good and can rely on their instincts Gov shiuld be denocracy Gov exists to protecy common good.
Thomes Hobbes
"Leviathan that people are by nature evil and that the natural state of life is "nasty, brustish and short". Absolute monorchy best of Gov't
Eugene Delacroix
Born 1798 in France romatic emotion not reason use of color historic themes.
Fredrick the Great
Great (1713-1740) Frederick was the ruler of Prussia ( a German State) He centralized the government and put it under his control. He was know as the Royal Drill Sergeant because he devoted his life to the Prussia army

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