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- Punic Wars
- Romans vs. Carthagians
- The Etruscans
- dominated much of Italy
- Mencius
Human Nature=good
confucian school spokesman - junzi
- "superior individuals"
- confucius
- first chinese thinker to address political and social order in straitforward way
- the sasanids
- king of kings
- qanat
- underground canals
- Darius
younger Kinsman of Cyrus
extended Achaemenid Empire - Cyrus
first persian emprire leader
king of persian tribes - Lapita peoples
maintained extensive networks of trade and communication
earlietst austronesian migrants to sail - Austronesian people
- earliest inhabitants of new guniea
- Mochica
- Early Andean State
- Chavin Cult
- Religion discovered in Central
- Teotihuacan
earliest heirs of Olmecs
created remarkable society - Tikal
- most important Mayan political center
- Olmecs
- rubber people
- Zhou Dynasty
- succeded Shang as main political authority
- Xia Dynasty
- 1st efforts to organize public life in China
- moksha
deep, dreamless sleep
physical incarnation - Brahman
- universal soul
- Upanishad
- sitting in front of
- Samasara
- leave at death and soul returns for incarnation
- karma
- incarnation soul experienced
- soma
divine spirit - sati
- widow throws herself on dead husband to join him in death
- rig veda
- collection of hymns to aryan gods
- bantu
- persons
- swene
- trade
- king kashta
- led kingdom of kush
- hyksos
"foreign rulers"
horse riding nomads - Ta-Seti
- strong nubian realm
- Hittites
- most influential european migrants
- epic of gilgamesh
- reflective literature of mesopotamia
- cuneiform
- sumerian writing
- king nebuchadnezzar
ruled babylonian empire
lavished wealth and resources - hummarabi's code
- most extensive mosopotamian laws
- sargon
began as minister
recruited to conquer - Augustus
Name gven to Octavian
Strong religious connotations - The Gracchi Brothers
- worked to limit amount of land an individual could own
- romulus and remus
twins left to die in river by uncle
saved by she wolf
founded rome - Wang Mang
- Han minister
- The Xiongnu
- nomadic people
- Liu Bang
Dragon like features
restored order in China
Head of Han Dynasty - Kingdom of Qin
powerful army
Led by Shang Yang - Han Feizi
student of Xunzi
advisor of Qin court
legalist - Shang Yang
minister to Duke of Qin - Wuwei
- no advanced education
- The Dao
- The way
- Xunzi
government administrator
immense learning - Tang Taizong
Tang dynasty's second emperor
provided effective, stable gov't. - Sui Dynasty
- strong centralized gov't
- Al-Ghazali
Persian theologian
Humans to deep to explain the mysteries of the world - Sufis
- effective agents of Islam Conversian from Indian
- Harun al-Rashid
- ruled Abbasid dynasty
- Abasid Dynasty
- expanded by conquest
- Umayyad Dynasty
brought stablility to Islamic community
had administrative problems - Shia
- alternative to muslim faith
- Caliph
- deputy
- Sharia
- islamic holy law
- Quran
Explains islamic faith
muhammad's recitation - umma
- community of the faithful
- Hijra
- migration
- Cyril and Methodius
- missionaries to the slavs
- mt. athos
- site of monastaries
- Iconoclasm
breaking of icons
enforced byzantinians policies - Justinian's code
- systematic roman law
- Justinian and Theodora
- "sleepless emperor" falls in love w/ prostitute
- St. Augustine
wrote on Christianity
Bishop - The Huns
- Had an Unstoppable military force
- Constantine
- roman emperoro
- Diocletain
- spit Roman Empire in 2 secitons
- Manichaen Ethics
- faith derived from prophet Mani
- Paul of Tarsus
- expansion of Christianity beyond Judaism
- Jesus
- Christianity
- Essenes
- formed sect to deliver them from subjection
- Mithraism
- religion of salvation
- Cicero
- drew beliefs from stoicism
- Pater Familias
- father of families
- Pax Romana
- Roman Peace
- Vardhamana Mahavira
"the great hero"
everything has a soul - Siddhartha Gautama
founder of Buddhism
hermit - 4 Noble Truths
doctrine of Buddha
General idea is to get rid of desire of material things - Noble 8-Fold Path
lead balanced and moderate lives
No luxury - Buddhist
No desire for material good
Self-discipline - Nirvana
- state of spiritual independence
- dharma
- buddhist doctrine
- The Bhagavad Gita
"Song of the Lord"
Based on Hinduism - Homer
- Wrote "Illiad" and "Odyssey"
- tyrants
- generals or ambitious politicians
- helots
- servants of spartan state
- Spartan Society
based on simplicity
large military talent - Solon
- Mediator b/t classes in Athens
- Srivijaya
kingdom with powerful navy
controlled commerce in S.E. Asia - Guru Kabir
blind weaver
taught bhakti (love and devotion movement to erase distictions b/t Hinduism and Islam) - Bhakti
- Love and devotion movement to erase disticntions b/t Hinduism and Islam
- Ramanuja
- philosophy towards Hindu theology of salvation
- Shankara
strived for ultimate reality
followed Hinduism - Vishnu and Shiva
- 2 most important dieties in Hinduism
- The Kingdom of Axum
- adopted Christianity
- The Kingdom of Vijayanagar
- dominated much of Southern India
- The Chola Kingdom
navy dominated surrounding waters
eventually declined in size - Mahmud of Ghanzi
led Turks
Wanted wealth in India - Harsha
buddhist king
favorable leader that treated people well - Samurai
- prof. Japanese warriors
- Silla Dynasty
- wanted to prevent domination
- Neo-confucian
- influence of Buddhism in Chinese society
- Zhu Xi
- most important represenative of neo-confucianism
- Song Taizu
first Song emperor
centralized imperial rule - MEGASTHENES
wrote "Indika"
great respect for people, land, and Indian Society - ALEXANDER OF MACEDON
overran Persian Empire
"Alexander The Great" - Kingdom of Magadha
- Controlled commerce
- Chandragupta Maurya
layed foundation for Mauryan Empire
Starved himself to death - Mauryan Empire
- Brought centralized gov't to India
- Kautalya
Advisor for Chandragupta's government
Built beaurcratic system - Arthashastra
- Ancient Indian Political Handbook
- Ashoka Maurya
Chandragupta's grandson
Stone pillars with laws
Known as the governor - The Kushans
- nomadic conquerors
- Kanishka
- most prominant of Kushan emperors
- The Guptan Dynasty
created by Chandra Gupta
brought stability and prosperity - Faxian
- Chinese Buddhist Monk
- White Huns
- captured Gupta Dynasty